Star Army

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Interest Check [Nepleslia] Crew 32


Everything Is Magical
Here we go, I'm a little impatient sometimes, especially when everything is all ready and waiting and there's no reason to hold back so here we go, the interest check for my third plot (ignore that my second one hasn't started yet) Crew 32

In the response to the recent push for Delsauria to boost its trade and economic status within the Nepleslian Empire many small groups have sprung from the cracks in the earth. Some of them mine the ground and take advantage of the cave systems, others lie in wait to steal from them, the common goal for these frontier groups is staying alive long enough to spend their money no matter how dirty.

Within this plot players will take on the role of a member of a small group trying to get back on its feet, Crew 32. While small in numbers it aims to expand and rebuild the family it once was, and this means expanding business ventures beyond simply mining and trading. They'll need members proficient in combat to act as the shield and sword, members who can manipulate the earth to their gain and extract all its precious secrets and those who know the best places to escape to. Simply put the Crew needs any advantage they can get to broaden their job opportunities.

Extra info for players; this is not a criminal plot nor is it going to be a goody goody one, its simply a matter of who's paying and how much with the less than legal options being second to consider. Characters will be expected to work together to survive the harsh conditions they work within and to preserve the crew, and in case anyone was wondering about action content it will be present but only as much as situations call for.

To sign up simply send your details to a character submission forum near you and hope the carrier pigeons don't get caught for food, recommended skills and professions are as follows; Survival and at least one other defining trait which is helpful to at least one of the above listed action types, characters don't have to be jack of all trades. Occupations to have prior, optional, are recommended to be traders, miners, rouges and combat types but the more academic types have their uses inside a building too.

And a quick note for history of the chars, none of them will have been members prior to the first thread, all of em get to start at the same time after seeing a position advertised or hearing it through the grapevine take your pick. Starting equipment will be handled within the RP thread and characters will be given an allowance for this, so just pack them with whatever items are important to their history and some vanity stuff.

I know that @SirSkully and @Whitehart both have characters for this already and anyone else who is interested, speak now or forever miss out (jk I can do work arounds for stuff)
For anyone who saw this, and those who hadn't, i have more or less got a lot of the things sorted but because my other plot is launching in a couple weeks this is likely to be postponed until after that's off the ground. It will still be going ahead but it means more time for me to smooth it and more time for others to join or make characters or whatever they want to do.
ANNOUNCEMENT: for all those interested in this plot I am very sorry for the lack of apparent activity with this, I've been a little busy rushing to finish school courses and such so I hope you will forgive me, but I am going to be working to have this ready to go within a month at latest.

I will be mercilessly questioning @Legix as time goes on and probably being more annoying than his babber in the process and I will post any updates on this thread for you guys to keep an eye on.

As it stands the plot itself is mostly ready, but i need to do a little more planning with legix and get some long term goals and ideas ironed out with him.

thankyou to the three of you who have expressed interest in this plot, tell your friends about it if you like! But not too many ;3 anyway we have enough players to run a cozy little rp with this but more are welcome if anyone else has any potential interest.
As many know whitehart has left the site and as a result this plot is down a member so its just myself and skully left active in it, ideally I'd keep it going with just us two but I cant do that so im putting the word out.

If anyone wants in let me know otherwise at the end of 2 weeks I'll e closing the plot.
Yeah cause its been a while since the posts, but there has been around 5 by skully whitehart and i since you last did, everyone knows the alerts are broken so i advice checking all your threads from time to time
just want to say thanks to Jack, Skully and Whitehart for sticking with this plot as long as you each did, although as the GM i've more or less lost interest in running this, thanks for humouring me guys but it's all coming to a close now.

I'll be moving at least one of my Delsurians to another plot if I can find one for them and I hope you two can find spots for your characters elsewhere as well.