Star Army

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RP [Nepleslia IPG Restructuring] Blow by Blow Job


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Funky City
Premiere's Office

Elouise moved her fingers across the screen in front of her and looked up to see two ID-SOL enter the room. They had their hands on the weapons at their sides and behind them came two more ID-SOL before a fifth entered and went forward to the door, which had undergone a change to have a retinal scan in place after the recent attempt on the Premier's life.

"Good afternoon, Premier," Elouise said, standing, as Gaelan entered the room.

"Good afternoon Elouise." He replied with a slight smile as he strode past his guards. "Anything to report on while I was gone?"

"The operative is successfully embedded in the frontier."

Gaelan nodded. "Good work. Have the operative maintain observation for now until new orders arrive."

She went on, "Admirals Violetta De Luca and Barret Valke are waiting in your office, Premier," Elouise replied, bowing her head slightly as he approached the door, which was now open for him to enter.

He nodded. "Thank you. Hold all my calls please." He looked to his ID-SOLs. "This is classified." He added as he moved an stepped into his office.

"Will do, Premier," Elouise said as the ID-SOl stepped back as Sanders moved forward.

The first thing the premier would be able to see were the light blue tights of Violetta De Luca which led to a small slip of her thigh before her navy blue pencil skirt began. She turned her head away from Barret Valke, with whom she had been talking.

Barret turned and gave a crisp salute. "Admiral Barret Valke reporting as ordered sir."

Violetta stood and smiled sharply, saluting after she had. "Rear Admiral Violetta De Luca, reporting as ordered, as well, sir."

Gaelan saluted the two. "At ease. Thank you for arriving on such short notice." He said moving around tthe desk. "Have a seat you two." He said gesturing to their seats.

"Thank you sir." Barret replied, taking a seat and nodding to De Luca.

The tight black bun atop Violetta's moved as she nodded back to Barret and she sat down after the premier had done so himself.

Violetta said in a smooth, even voice, "I am more than gracious to have the opportunity to meet with you, as is Barret. Have you been enjoying the position you find yourself in since the last time we talked?"

Gaelan half chuckled. "Well besides a failed assination attempt all is well." He replied. "Before we go any further though..." He turned to Admiral Valke. "Did you bring what I asked?"

Barret smiled. "Of course sir. Had it sent up from requestions as soon as you told me."

The Premier nodded and stood. "Rear Admiral Violetta De Luca, Attention!"

Violetta did so quickly and without pause. She held her hands firmly behind her back, cupped in one another and her violet eyes were fixed forward.

Violetta's terse reply was fast to the draw as she said, "Yes, sir!"

Barret stood and slid a box to Gaelan. "Rear Admiral, for your service to the people of Nepleslia and your outstanding preformance as the Admiral of the Defense fleet, you are hereby promoted to Grand Admiral effective immediately. I am also reassigning you to the Second Assualt fleet." Gaelan moved from behind the desk and Barret moved up to Violetta. Barret removed her Rear Admiral rank pin and Gaelan affixed the Grand Admiral pin to her uniform.

Once they were both done, they stepped back and saluted her.

"Sky Marshall Gaelan Sanders, I thank you for this promotion and will carry out its duties and those of the reassignment to the greatest possible degree. I will serve the Imperium to the best of my abilties," Violetta said in a stern and rigid voice that conveyed no emotion beyond its severity.

"See that you do Grand Admiral." Dropping his salute, signaling for her and Barret to do likewise. "Now that the promotion is out of the way, we have a rather pressing matter." He said looking to the two.

"I am ready to be of service to you in any way possible, Sky Marshall," Violetta said to him, purple eyes trained on his cybernetic ones. "What is this 'pressing matter'?"

"It's the IPG... I am sure you to have heard of the most recent issue." He said.

Barret nodded. "Aye... That rogue ship that took off with a nearly full crew of IPG operators." Barret replied.

"Exactly... The IPG has gone for quite some time without oversight with Grand Admiral Valken's retirement, and clearly with the loss of our assets, something must be done. That is why I want the two of you to open an internal investigation. Upon the completion of this I will be placing both of you in command of the IPG." He finally added.

Barret nodded. "Getting to clean up and lead the IPG, eh? Sounds like fun challange." He said with a smirk, looking to Violetta.

"I would be more than honored," Violetta said after giving a passing glance to Barret. "With the help of Admiral Valke as well as my own expertise in the matter of investigation and command, I feel completely confidant in our ability to reform and restore the IPG to its former glory."

"I look forward to your success, you two. We need the IPG operating at 100% again. Don't let me down," Gaelan said.

"You can count on us sir." Barret replied. "We'll handle this immediately." Barret stated, nodding to Violetta.

"Permission to be excused to begin reconstruction efforts, sir?" Violetta asked, still standing.

"Permission granted." Gaelan said standing and saluting.

Barret returned it, as did Violetta.

"Good hunting you two." Gaelan added.

Barrett nodded with a smirk. He threw a glance to Violetta, "Let's get to it Grand Admiral."

"Let's," came Violetta's curt reply. She turned sharply on her small heal and looked towards the door and put her arm up to offer for him to go ahead. "After you, Admiral Valke."

With that Barrett took the lead and strode from the room.
Orbit above Abjection
Aboard the Primus Battleship, NSS Undertaker

"You are not authorized to be here!" The IPG officer argued, as the Comms officer attempted to get clearance to land.

"What is the issue Lieutenant?" Valke asked as he and Violetta emerged from his ready room.

"This idiot won't let us land because we weren't given clearance." The comms officer reported.

Barrett looked over to Violetta. "You wanna handle this or should I?" He asked, mildly annoyed.

"Excuse me," Violetta spoke out over comms as she bent down and pressed the control for the comms officer while her chest nearly pushed into his nose. "But you do not have the authority over two admirals of the Nepleslian Star Navy tasked by the Sky Marshal himself to be here. Now, if you want your job to be on the line along with your dignity, I would continue along the course you have set. If you don't want to go home to your family today discharged from service, I would let us land."

She let go of the control and stood straight, waiting for a response.

There was a long pause, then. "You are cleared for landing."

"Damn, didn't even apologize." Barrett added. "Here's hoping the rest of this goes smoothly." He said, though knowing it wouldn't. "CAG, get a shuttle ready. Master Chief, get a security team ready as well."

"Let's get to it then." he said looking to Violetta. "XO you have the con."

"Let's," she replied.

Half an hour later, the shuttle landed and the Grand Admirals, flanked by their security escorts stepped out to be greeted by several IPG operatives. "Welcome to Abjection, Grand Admirals Valke and De Luca. To what do we owe the pleasure?" A man with a Commandant rank patch greeted.

"We have been given tasked with an investigation, ordered by the Premier himself. Your cooperation would be appreciated." Barrett replied, more ordering than asking.

"I second that, anything you can do to assist us will be welcome," Violetta De Luca added.

"I see..." The Commandant replied. "Please, let's head inside and speak. " He said gesturing for them to follow him into the base.

"You're the commandant for the Intelligence and Counter Intelligence branch of the IPG," Violetta said once they were inside a secure room with padded black leather chairs and refreshments. She sat down and asked, "Is that correct, Leo Taylor?"

"Yes Ma'am. I was promoted after Grand Admiral Valken and Commandant Marina Shanina stepped down." He replied.

"I see, so how long have you been in command of the Intelligence branch?" Barrett asked inturn.

"I have been in command for about 6 months." Leo replied.

"So still fairly new to all this." Barrett continued.

"Aye sir." Leo replied.

"Have you struggled with anything in those 6 months, Commandant Taylor?" Violetta asked as she leaned forward and put her elbow on her thigh.

"Things have been... chaotic lately." He said. "However, I have been handling things fairly well I believe. I have been dispatching keeping my ear to the ground for our missing traitors." He said. "I have also been cultivating new inteligence assets amongst the other galactic powers as well." he added.

"Oh?" Violetta said, leaning back and uncrossing, then re-crossing her legs, which were outfitted in the same light blue tights she normally wore.

"Yes Ma'am. I have been working on getting new assets in the field and expanding the existing networks." He replied

"I would like to see your reports as soon as possible." Barret stated, steepling his fingers.

"Of course Sir." He said, taking out a Datajockey and forwarding the report to him and Violetta.

Barret's eyes widen slightly at the sheer volume.

"I didn't do all that. Commandant Marina Shanina, had cultivated that first. I merely added on." He said, taking in Barrett's expession.

"The ability to use what is at your disposal is an important one. You seem to possess it. What other talents would you say you possess as a Commandant?" Violetta asked, sharp purple eyes trained on the Leo Taylor.

"I would say so ma'am." He replied. "I am quite resourceful under pressure and I believe I can be very charismatic." He said to De Luca's second question.

"What would you say if I asked you to go into Yamataian owned space to recover operatives being detained by Yamatai alligned people? Would you work well under pressure then?"

He smirked, then said, "Why of course Ma'am. That would represet a considerable security leak. However our operatives would have been smarter

"Good answer," Violetta said. "Barrett?" She looked to the other Grand Admiral.

Barrett nodded his assent. "A good answer indeed. I believe that we will work well together Commandant." He slid a datajockey over. "You shall maintain overall command as you did before, however you will now report to two admirals instead of one." He said.

Leo looked the information over. "That is no concern. I'll just start copying my reports." He replied with a half smile.

Barrett stood and moved around the table to shake Leo's hand. Leo took it and shook then offered his hand to De Luca.

De Luca nodded tersely as she shook his hand, as well, "Congratulations, Commndant." She stepped back from her position and went over to the door, watching for Barrett and the freshly minted Commandant of the IPG of DIoN to follow her out.

Barrett Valke took the cue to leave and nodded. "Went want a full report on operstonal status of all departments by the end of the day." He ordered and saluted.

"Aye aye, boss." He replied saluting.

With that Barrett fixed his cap and followed his counterpart out of the room.