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Rejected Submission [Nepleslia] Na-V6-W3800 "HAMMER" (Heavy Anti-Matter Missile, Extended Range) Weapon System

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Banned Member
  • Submission Type: Long-Range Anti-Matter Missile
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Faction: Nepleslian Star Navy
  • FM Approved Yet? No, @Luca (or is it @CadetNewb, now?)
  • Faction requires art? Not that I'm aware of.

    For Reviewers:
    • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
    • Contains New art? Nope.
    • Previously Submitted? Nope.


    Yay for obscenely-long thread titles!

    ...anyhoo, not terribly happy with the "About" section on this one, but in all honesty I have no idea whatsoever what else I should add there....
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm placing this missile submission ON HOLD until we can figure out missile speeds in the setting, however long it that will be.
Moved to rejected status, but with the option for the FM, @Gunhand4171, to restore it for review in a month's time. Reason for that timeframe: I'd like the DR matter settled first before this gets the review it needs.
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