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[Nepleslia Prime] One Hell of a Coincidence

"Faaaaaaantastic! You're a goddamn angel," Rico cheered, clenching and cocking his fist in triumph before trotting over to one of the many racks of clothing. While leafing through a section of light purple lingerie, the sergeant paused for a moment or two, staring blankly...but he quickly resumed his hunt for a good 'gift' for 'his sisters' birthday'. When he returned to the counter, Rico was toting several articles of the most 'tasteful' pieces he could find.

"A'ight beautiful," Rico said with a sly smile as he set the pile down on top of the counter, holding out a deep red lacy number towards the lovely store employee. "We'll start with this an' work our way to the bottom. Lemme just pull up a chair an' we can get started."
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