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Approved Submission [Nepleslia] SMDIoN DRv3 Conversion


Banned Member
  • Submission Type: DRv3 Update
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Faction: Nepleslia
  • FM Approved Yet: No, @Gunhand4171
  • Faction requires art? Not applicable.
  • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
  • Contains New Art? Nope.
  • Previously Submitted? Nope.

The e̷̗̜̪̭͖͎̣l̛̙̭̥̣ḏ̣̜̙͚͟r̪̥͟i̥̩͇̭̖̝t͍̻̙͕͉̭̫c̥̤̼͇̟h̨̳̪͎̰̱͔̹-infused, 93.6 KB-sized big brother of this particular monstrosity.

I'm really, really, really, really sorry for inflicting this upon the NTSE - but, as I stated in that other thread, I felt this was vastly preferable to flooding the Settings Submission forum with a hundred or more mini-submissions. May the Meme Lords all have mercy on the soul of whoever reviews this...this thing that has taken at least twelve hours to write.

I'm also tagging the following Faction Managers:
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Tbh I think this should be on hold until we see a similar action by the other factions to update their stats to V3 as well.
If this is approved, do you plan on modifying each submission to reflect the input on this list, then delete the list?
If this is approved, do you plan on modifying each submission to reflect the input on this list, then delete the list?

That's what I was planning on doing, yes - apologies for not making that clear in the original post.

Tbh I think this should be on hold until we see a similar action by the other factions to update their stats to V3 as well.

Not to be rude, but someone has to get the ball rolling, right?
Reactions: raz
Considering some of these are nerfs, it shouldn't be Nepleslia.
Looks like a lot of buffs to me. Good thing we have members who are bound to be objective and review submitted setting elements.
Looks like a lot of buffs to me. Good thing we have members who are bound to be objective and review submitted setting elements.
Or I was trying to get someone to commit to what Frost had done for us.... but character attacks work to.
I'll wait for FM approval. However, please remove the unapproved articles; I'd rather see their complete resubmissions without approving anything else.

As well, smartass or snide remarks are not welcome. If you've got nothing useful to say, your comments are best left unsaid.

I've removed the articles from the list and updated the original post accordingly.
Looks like a lot of buffs to me. Good thing we have members who are bound to be objective and review submitted setting elements.
^-^ That's really sweet. G'Luck with a smooth transition to the new system, everyone!
I will caution that - as far as I concerned - this is an incorrect method of conversion to DRv3. This bulk submission method encompasses a lot of effort, but it doesn't mean it was a good idea.

Were it up to me, it'd be auto-denied, and I'd enforce the 'hundred of smaller submissions' instead. Luckily for you, other mods seem more willing to review this. I'm not sure the effort that will be mustered by them will be effective, though.

Ideally, I can deal with ships and their ensemble of equipment. I can see how the equipment characterizes them, and then proceed to do adjustments like you saw me offer for the Sword and HRay. But the above? Too much data without the proper frame to see assembly. The next thing will happen is that we're going to see Nepleslian warships with dozen of turrets end up largely overshooting the rule-of-thumb on account of "when we submitted the DRv3 for this, that's what was approved, so, that ship is supposed to be that destructive".

Which will likely result in a giant pain in the neck to deal with.

Just so we are clear, if this gets approved, these weapon values aren't sacred. I will enforce solutions such as "well, those turrets are light anti-ship equivalent of that other heavy anti-ship turret you have listed". Just like you saw me do with the Sword. I'm not blind to the amount of work Frostjaeger did and I'd like to be nice about it, but we need this safety net to stave off future drama on that same topic in the future.
I give FM approval, but I also agree with @Doshii Jun... either act right or get out of the thread. I will not warn you guys again. I'm not in the mood to play today

I also thank the NTSE for looking at this monstrosity. Thank you guys
As the setting mod for Styrling, I'd like to remind that it does have a sub-section (Kimball Ltd.), that got missed in the overview (limited run super expensive private-request higher-DR equipment). However, that's a minor thing.

As far as the general DR updates that you've listed for the Styrling weaponry, they look good to me. As a GM, I don't tend to use or reference the DR's no matter what version we're on, but in the context of that system, they all look generally well translated.

Since it's also within my right to comment on submissions, I'd actually disagree with Fred here; I think that, for bulk submissions and massive amounts of revisions, this should be the preferred method. It's very easy for everything to get lost, yes, and it's possible the submission mods could miss something in that huge bulk of text, yes - but it also gives us a clear, itemized list of revisions and edits that can be both quick-referenced and quick-searched (with ctrl+f) until they're applied to individual pages. That's important, I think.

Although I hesitate to say this because of the precedent it might set, or the idea it could put in certain people's heads, in this case, if something's come up as too powerful, couldn't there be a request for a separate submission when that's realized?

I therefore think that this method of submission is appropriate for the type of revisions it's attempting to accomplish.

Also echoing Doshii and Gunhand; if you're going to passive-aggressive it up, go do something else with your day.
Just at a glance it looks like the power armies have too many weapons for their size class.
I'm wondering here if these lists include all available weapons, not all equipped weapons.

The weapons in italics are the "optional" ones not typically included in the default loadout - again, my apologies for not making this clear beforehand.

Just at a glance it looks like the power armies have too many weapons for their size class.

Taken directly from the DRv3 page on the wiki:

Another quick look and this seems to put the tier 8 scythe way above what is allowed by the current system with two tier 10 cannons (which already uses up all of the weapon allotment for the fighter) and multiple other weapon systems.
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