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Nepleslian Arms and Munitions Recruiting


Inactive Member
NAMs is looking to recruit design-minded players who want an opportunity to RP with each other.

NAMs is a newly-formed government-controlled research, design and manufacturing corporation on Nepleslia that's trying to break away from Yamatai to establish its own military identity.

Potential benefits to joining NAMs:

1) The opportunity to put your own stamp on the weapons and ships, among other things that Nepleslia will use. Working with other players in the company, you can create technology which will have a lasting effect on Nepleslia's military doctrine, as well as the galaxy as a whole.

2) In relation to 1, Nepleslia is currently a blank slate when it comes to design. In essence, you will have the opportunity to work together to create technology which will differ considerably from that of Yamatai.

We're talking down to the creation of a new OS for ships.

Have an experimental idea you want to try out? We've got an entire corporate section for that!

3) Excellent RP opportunities. NAMs is tied directly with the military and government, presenting a unique RP enviornment.

Want to create a designer who is also a military strategist? Would you like to use the toys you've just created in a real RP scenario? Go right ahead!

Or perhaps you'd like to play an powerhungry businessman/politician with a penchant for design? A massive military/government machine has plenty of bureaucracy for you to take advantage of!

4) NAMs will be tied directly into a lot of future plots, so what you make will have a very high chance of being used directly in the RP. No need to worry about creations that sit and collect dust.

So there you have it. Thoughts?
Nepleslia is currently a blank slate when it comes to design. In essence, you will have the opportunity to work together to create technology which will differ considerably from that of Yamatai.
I'm insulted. I've already come up with many ships, tanks, guns, and more for Nepleslia. It's not a blank state.
Sales pitch over actually accuracy? Perhaps it would be better to say that Nepleslia is currently willing to accept ideas which differ greatly from both what it has had in the past and what Yamatai possesses.
Actually, I'd agree with what Tom said, but you have to think of it differently. I'm sure Tom didn't mean to imply you hadn't done anything for the planet, Wes.

It is a blank slate when it comes to design because no one is really designing for it anymore. Wes, no one's denying that you created most of what the planet has right now, but for the future? No one knows what Nepleslia can do.
Agreed, Nepleslia has virtually nothing when it comes to technology in use in the RP. Wes has also made sure that Nep hasnot gotten anything that is comparable with the stuff fielded by Yamatai, SMX, and NDI forces all of which bypass normal tech approval processes and if wes does want Nep to become a credible military they do need something more than just a handful of underpowered weapons.
Whereas with all your drones, you're trying to bypass the soul of Nepleslia: humans.
Humans which only have 1 maybe 2 generations left to live in the first place in a population of 99% males they are all going to die off soon anyways.

Which is irrelivent anyways because there is no way that you would approve any nep technology which is on par with the stuff that is commonly used in RP.
Woah! In no way did I mean to insult anyone, and in no way am I
overlooking the designs that Wes has done in the past. In fact, I appreciate what he's done.

But what I say does have a kernel of truth to it: Mr. Jun states most of it. I'd like to add that NAMs would (according to my knowledge) be the first company based on Nepleslian soil, owned by Nepleslians, to make Nepleslian-only weapons in a Nepleslia-only market.

And, in that regard, you have to admit that the future of ship and weapons production in Nepleslia IS a blank slate.


That being said, I'm tired of being on the quiet defensive, so I'm going to lay some things out right now.

Wes, what do you want with Nepleslia?

Long ago, you had given me moderator status and GM status with well-wishings to get Nepleslian plots going so that the world wouldn't stagnate. Despite a moderate player base (those of which I would sincerely like to thank: Uso, Zakalwe, Tyler, Jun, and even those who've briefly visited the forums with posts and the players no longer with us) and some problems at times, I'd like to think that Nepleslia has, for the most part, improved and is starting to show an inkling of an identity.

Which is fantastic, since you have given them independence in the first place. A nation splintering away from another has the OBLIGATION to be different. Otherwise, it's no different than a city within a larger state.

I thought that independence would permit the GM and player base of said world to take the empire in whatever direction they so chose. And, I've found out the hard way that that's not necessarily the case. We've had some success (the senate) but there have been others (the editing of the Nepleslian survey post) that lead me to believe there's a double standard that exists.

I was very angry with said editing of the post, but I figured there were good reasons behind it.

But then there's a trend that I've noticed developing:

1. A consistent denial of tech advancements for Nepleslia. I chalk this one up to a strong dislike for Zack, which I find to be a little harsh (even if I may not know the complete history of what's been going on here. He's still around, so what's the problem?)

However, other posts in this thread show me that you have an exact idea of a "soul" to Nepleslia based on humans.

How does that even work in this setting? I dislike the over-the-top technology more than anyone else, but didn't this RP make its own bed in that regard years ago? How can you expect Nepleslia to be competitive with any nation if they stubbornly refuse to adapt to their enviornment? If anything, Nepleslia should have a BETTER ability to adapt to their tech-heavy universe out of necessity.

But there exists a tech barrier that Nepleslia cannot overcome (banned stuff). Ok fine, but when we try to circumvent that barrier, our ideas get shot down or hampered.

How can we get a war started if we can't even get basic drone technology approved?

2. On that note, there's also a trend of other party involvement in Nepleslian threads. Some of this is good (assasination attempt in the restaurant, the red/green conflict emerging), some questionable (the senate thread) and some, in my opinion, bad (the "expect nukes" thing for NAMs and the edit of the popular opinion post).

This all comes together to a final question:

What can and cannot Nepleslia do? What can and cannot I, and the players of Nepleslia do? I had thought that this would be a free reign assignment, but I suppose that I wasn't correct on that assumption. At the same time, I don't want us to have the ILLUSION of control when, in reality, we're secretly being led on a leash.

If you want Nepleslia to make the RP interesting by doing its own thing, then by all means allow us to. YIM me if there are any problems you have and we'll have an open discussion.

If you want Nepleslia to be another Lor, then just take it over again. We'll have another nation-state with the illusion of self-determination.

(Lor players, I in NO way mean to insult you with that statement. You can have plenty of great RP under Yamatai rulership, most of which I look forward to 'the clash of cultures' so to speak. But Lor is still under the Yamatain flag.)

However, I'd rather not be a part of that. Independence means far too much to me to be watered down.
Tom, more power to you. I can completely connect with your statements. Lor and Nepleslia's problems are one in the same. Its just that Nepleslia has a fighting chance.

Long live the Nepleslian Empire. May she get the respect she deserves.
Though I've not been around long enough to really understand the supposed dislike Zack business, I support the idea of true independence and some tech approval.

We've got to give the NSE some teeth other than the floating carcass of the Destiny.

And, for the record, if that editing stuff is true, it's pretty distasteful, no matter the circumstances. Editing, if it really, truly has to be done, should be obvious and noted.
Not just editing but outright deleteing threads or locking them so other people can't state their side of the argument.
You have plenty of opportunities to motivate your creations, Uso Tasuki. When they don't make the cut, it's because you simply offer a bad case of yourself. Instead of bulling through things and creating another thread (or simply being keen on getting the last word - you seem to always need to do that), you should simply have brought the issue to PMs. You've been questioned on the approach of technology several times and you've met with failures repeatedly for reasons whom look related. Perhaps it would be time to investigate what you might be doing that's detrimental to your submissions so that your next ones will be better received.

It does no good to gang up on the head GM like you seem to be doing right now. Tom has made his concerns more - I say the crux of the problem is miscommunications. Wes is the reference as to the vision of how the SARP should be overall but can't obviously micromanage everything because the SARP is also made mainly from it's players. He's the referee and being the referee isn't always an easy job - even after 5 years of being at it - it actually doesn't become easy overtime: it becomes harder.

You have access to PMs and the 'Ask your questions' forum. Use them more. Tom, you defenitely need to get in a talk with Wes so you two are on the same level and to get things straight. The future of Nepleslia looks bright, but it needs to get past some birthing pains first. Don't worry too much about it... I'm sure it'll work out.
I don't want to gang up on Wes, but I DO want this to be public because it, to some extent, involves any and all creators of new races or nations.

But I will say this: This is an RP, not a work of fiction.

The moment the doors were opened to other players meant the end of complete control over the universe.

So I have to disagree somewhat with the referee viewpoint. I grant that Wes should be allowed to run major changes, but at the same time, when something is allowed (independence of Nepleslia), we shouldn' t have to deal with the possibility that he would want to control said change, especially when it's been given to other players to do.
I'll admit some things are over the top however there are continuous cases where people will simply refuse to discuss it alltogether by locking or deleting threads even when I have a valid point or sustain my tech with examples of where it has been used elsewhere on the site. There are even cases where my stuff has been disapproved and then used elsewhere by other people.

Other people to get the chance to revise or edit their stuff where I do not. In the words of wes I find your post insulting not only to me but to anyone who has played in this RP, Kotori, as you are trying to dismiss real problems as if they don't exsist. The problem isn't miscommunication as you might like to think but rather the various points brought up in the other posts such as double tech standards, thread editing, and the like.
Tom -

Tom, I can actually relate to your point of view, though I won't retract the referee bit simply because it's what a roleplay is about. You need someone to arbitrate or this all just becomes a chaotic mess with people having creations and often trying to outdo others.

Personally, I think Wes might be cautious and overprotective of something he's been handling and using more control than needed to make sure you don't stray. I wouldn't put it as anything more than the doting concern of a father, though. The best way I see of dealing with that problem remains increased communication. the more you communicate, the more Wes knows you know what to do. I'm afraid I can't provide any better advice than that.

Uso Tasuki -

Feeling insulted is your energy to waste Uso. My post clearly wasn't meant as an insult and if you want to be spiteful, you can play that card. I've seen you stumble far to many times and bull your way through regardless of the feedback given to you to really feel affected by it in anycase. People are getting tired of you not getting the point (and you've had your chances before), motivating why your latest Food-themed post are being closed down quickly because there are recurring elements in them all over.

As for recurring tech, it happens that while you might poorly integrate concepts, some might see the potential in them and try to use those concepts the right way. Not insult to Skhaal, but his designing the Chimi helped me figure out something KFY could need and it sparked the creation of the Sylph, and later the Harpy. While Skhaal's Chimi didn't make the cut, I'm not sure Doshii and I could have pulled off our armor variants if he hadn't stumbled.

If you want to argue further on this Uso, PM me. This thread is for Tom's issue of NAM and the projected goal Wes would like for it, which might help the aims of further development. I'd rather not have this disolve into a bitching contest, especially seeing it hasn't reached it's point yet.
I agree with Zack (who didn't see that one coming?) and Tom. I like to think I, for one, have been around long enough to understand the dislike of Zack business. If you haven't noticed, Wes won't let Zack run any sort of RP. Now it seems like he's blocking his tech, too, if not because its submitted by Zack, then because it's tech that will advance Nepleslia, and that's not what Wes wants. I understand the want to maintain the "soul" of the race--after all, Wes created it--but then Wes shouldn't have given control to a GM, or indeed to any players at all. I think I've made my opinion clear before about "interactive stories"--it's hardly RP when the GM decides exactly what will happen and nothing the players do will change that or any aspect of the plot at all. I think Tom put it very well in his last post.

I'd hope that Nepleslia would be GM-free, actually, but I understand that that's a long shot since the general style has changed to GM-run RP and it's just wishful thinking that any part of it would revert to free RP. Not to insult you, Tom, I think you've done an excellent job with what you've been given to work with. Still, I haven't had time but I am interested in pursuing that PvP gang war idea, nevertheless.

By the way, Fred, I'd think it's Wes who always needs to get the last word. He is the one locking Zack's threads, isn't he? I'm sure you're just trying to be helpful, but really, there is a problem and it needs to be addressed publicly because it concerns more than just Tom: it concerns anyone playing in Nepleslia and anyone planning on playing in Nepleslia, like myself. This sort of thing has happened before. I'm not trying to insult Wes or anyone else, I just think that this thread is necessary to get everyone on the same page. If that means asking questions or making complaints then so be it.

I don't know if you'd call anything a complaint yet, but here's one: it really does appear like Zack is being singled out for "bull" as he put it...and there is a double standard for tech, both with Yamatai and Nepleslia as well as with Wes and everyone else; I know that you're in charge, Wes, but I think that it shouldn't matter and you should be subject to the same approval process as everyone else. There haven't been any outstanding instances lately but it's something I was discussing with someone else.


I won't retract the referee bit simply because it's what a roleplay is about.

I absolutely disagree with this statement, and if you're really concerned with my reasoning I think it's all over the site in various threads, but I think any opinion on GM involvement is really more of a personal philosophy rather than fact.

I also think that Zack's issue is a valid part of this thread, because his concern is with tech that's been submitted for Nepleslia and has been refused because of either a dislike of Zack which I think isn't altogether improbable, or as you put it, Fred, Wes being the "doting father" of Nepleslia and concerning himself with its technological advancement when it's really out of his hands from an IC standpoint.
Might have to do with my prior participation to GM-led roleplaying game which focused on interactive story telling, but required GMs to arbitrate and narrate more than here. I keep thinking RPG when it's SARP and not SARPG.

Jadg Wolf, you're playing the experience card and posing an intelligent argument I simply can't refute. I do mean well, but it's slightly aggravating to end up in situations like these. I'll duck out of the conversation and return to my fishbowl on the Sakura ~_^

I do wish the best for Tom though.

Your evidence being? I love a whodoneit as much as the next guy but pointing fingers with no proof is just childish.

edit from Fred: fixed typos and and extra misplaced tag. *grins*
Its not just Uso that is getting bogged down by the approval process. But there is also Uso's blatent breaking of the laws of physics.

But, i'll step out before this becomes a Uso Vs. Physics flame war. Cora, I suggest you do the same.
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