Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.

Nepleslian Arms and Munitions Recruiting

I don't have long. I need to be on the road to work in a few minutes.

Basically, Nepleslia should be:
  • A haven for modern genre roleplayers
  • A haven for human characters, where humans are common, not nekos
  • Politically charged and always offering some conflict (reds vs greens, etc)
  • Full of older, proven technology; Yamatai will always have a slight edge.
  • Reliant on humans or humanoid robots
  • Largely male-dominated
  • Full of guns and military type characters
  • Should eventually expand their empire to larger than Yamatai (whereas Yamatai will shrink)
  • Ultra-American culture
I don't know if this will help much... but basing the Nepleslian Star Army on the military as it is presented in Battlestar Galactica (reimagined) would seem like a winning combination to me. That series has cool designs, a mix of retro and recent tech that actually goes very well with the tech levels of the SARP.

For the people whom missed star fighters... well, they use them too. ^_^;
Kotori said:
I don't know if this will help much... but basing the Nepleslian Star Army on the military as it is presented in Battlestar Galactica (reimagined) would seem like a winning combination to me. That series has cool designs, a mix of retro and recent tech that actually goes very well with the tech levels of the SARP.

For the people whom missed star fighters... well, they use them too. ^_^;

Nah, I think a Starship Troopers style military would be nice. Except for the normal guns being replaced with a beam weapon of some sort. (and I mean the kickass Starship Troopers, not the nerfed version in the movie.)
DocTomoe said:
Kotori said:
I don't know if this will help much... but basing the Nepleslian Star Army on the military as it is presented in Battlestar Galactica (reimagined) would seem like a winning combination to me. That series has cool designs, a mix of retro and recent tech that actually goes very well with the tech levels of the SARP.

For the people whom missed star fighters... well, they use them too. ^_^;

Nah, I think a Starship Troopers style military would be nice. Except for the normal guns being replaced with a beam weapon of some sort. (and I mean the kickass Starship Troopers, not the nerfed version in the movie.)

You mean like the books and Roughneck Chronicals?
Basically, Nepleslia should be:

* A haven for modern genre roleplayers
* A haven for human characters, where humans are common, not nekos
* Politically charged and always offering some conflict (reds vs greens, etc)
* Full of older, proven technology; Yamatai will always have a slight edge.
* Reliant on humans or humanoid robots
* Largely male-dominated
* Full of guns and military type characters
* Should eventually expand their empire to larger than Yamatai (whereas Yamatai will shrink)
* Ultra-American culture

1. I don't entirely understand this, but I'll assume it means down-to-earth and gritty.

2. A haven for human characters. I'm not exactly sure how much of a haven it is (given the crime), but I'll assume it just means more humans than anything else. *check*

3. Full of politics. Obviously we have this too. *check*

4. Full of older, proven technology. Ok, Yamatai will obviously be ahead of tech when compared to Nepleslia, but, even with your contributions, Nepleslia hardly stacks up to Yamatai. Nepleslia's army is tiny. We need this gap to be bridged somehow. There's only a certain amount of time before this "older, proven technology" becomes obsolete.

I'd like a list of what constitutes the "slight edge" that Yamatai has, and where this edge lies so that Nepleslia can get near it, but not exceed it. This would be particularly helpful to players like Zack and Thomas.

5. Reliant on humans and humanoid robots. How reliant? I don't see why Nepleslian tech development should have to rely on humans and robots. It just... doesn't make sense in a world of robots, drones and auto-controlled ships.

6. Male dominated. Not really much to discuss here, although I would like to raise the female population eventually to provide a richer RP experience. *check*

7. Expand their empire. Again, no problem, but we need the tech to do so, which is becoming a big problem to obtain.

8. Full of guns and military. No problem. *check*

9. Ultra American. This is rather vague and leaves a bit open to interpretation. If you mean patriotism, I've been trying to whip that up. If you mean gun-toting libertarian, then I'd have to disagree. Ultra american can mean many things, based on social class, political viewpoints and other things.

I can do a Western culture for Nepleslia vs. the Eastern-influenced Yamatai, though.

One more thing: I'd like for these ground rules being developed to not be set in stone to the point of deteriorating player-based RP. I'd like to think we Nepleslian players can be trusted to do a good job without having to be led by the hand.
If these rules are going to be in place then we need to change the Nepleslian RP style alltogether as player interaction with the enviroment is considerably reduced. Nothing a player character does will matter if the world around them can't be changed.
I don't like laying rules down either, but if it can guarantee that further RP development in Nepleslia will be left solely for the players of Nepleslia to write out, I see the positives of the situation outweighing the negatives.
Cora, for evidence, try checking Zack's technology submissions (not just the ones in the past week), the recent thread in the Question forum, and some thread that's in setting discussion I believe, wherein Zack proposes a plot and Wes locks it. Wes seems to have a point by saying that James' plot is open, but Zack's would have been different: the reason Wes disallows it is not because it's similar to James' plot, but because Wes won't let Zack run a plot, and Wes locks the thread before any further discussion in this vein can take place. Why don't I dig through my message archive...I'm withholding the name of the guy I was talking to:

***: Did you read about Uso never being able to be a GM?
jadg_wolf: Read? Wes told me that he didn't want Zack to GM, but did he put it on the board?
jadg_wolf: The topic or post you requested does not exist
***: Don't you see the Staff forum?
***: "Given the amount of stuff Zack's done in the past, he's not allowed to GM anything here."

And no, I'm not allowed in the staff forum because it's just for people who write for the site.

Wes, I do understand some of those points. Especially since I've been considering Nepleslia because it's a somewhat modern place, and I can see the draw for similarly minded people who might not have another option. However, if you wanted to detail exactly what Nepleslia is and will be, I don't think you should have relinquished any control. I'm really concerned about your penultimate point: it sounds like you know exactly what you want to happen in the future, which would suggest that anything any players do is irrelevant because it all leads the same place no matter what.

That's what I get from it, anyway. If that's not what you mean, let me know. It sounds to me like that would limit RP development rather than further it.
That doesn't make much sense Thad, you've been RPing quite a bit recently in 5th, not to mention your moderator status in this forum and your semi-approving status in the Tech forums. You're as much a member of staff as anyone.
What is left to play out if the entirety of the style and the end result of all roleplay is already known?
Tom said:
I don't like laying rules down either, but if it can guarantee that further RP development in Nepleslia will be left solely for the players of Nepleslia to write out, I see the positives of the situation outweighing the negatives.
The core concepts of Nepleslia which I posted are flexible, but if there's going to be a change in them, it should be gradual, not overnight.

Where Nepleslia goes is up to the role-players in it. Nepleslia is also, however, a land of tradition and turmoil.
So not only have you determined what style, tech, and end result of the nep plotline should be but you have determined the rate of change for all the core concepts? Again, what freedom does that leave the characters and if you do want to exert this much control over Nep then why have someone else be the GM?

Of course you still haven't addressed the deleteing/locking bit.
Apprently you have reading comprehension difficulties. Maybe if I repeat myself in big font, you'll stop to run it through your brain this time:

Where Nepleslia goes is up to the role-players in it.

When you restart a locked post, that restarted thread is going to be deleted. That's standard. Threads are locked because they're detrimental to the site, primarily because of pigheadedness.
Having opened up this can of worms, I suppose I'll try to get back to the start of the topic:

Would anyone want to work for NAMs?
Tom said:
Having opened up this can of worms, I suppose I'll try to get back to the start of the topic:

Would anyone want to work for NAMs?

I would like to have my Miles Gunn character work for NAMs, but he is happy where he is, and he would also end up getting half of his mind wiped and then he would most likely be killed before being able to leave Yamatai. Ya know... classified data and such.

How about a list of benifits from the job and it may tempt me to fill a player slot, not to mention some other people passing through the thread. B)
Potential benefits to joining NAMs:

1) The opportunity to put your own stamp on the weapons and ships, among other things that Nepleslia will use. Working with other players in the company, you can create technology which will have a lasting effect on Nepleslia's military doctrine, as well as the galaxy as a whole.

2) In relation to 1, Nepleslia is currently a blank slate when it comes to design. In essence, you will have the opportunity to work together to create technology which will differ considerably from that of Yamatai.

We're talking down to the creation of a new OS for ships.

Have an experimental idea you want to try out? We've got an entire corporate section for that!

3) Excellent RP opportunities. NAMs is tied directly with the military and government, presenting a unique RP enviornment.

Want to create a designer who is also a military strategist? Would you like to use the toys you've just created in a real RP scenario? Go right ahead!

Or perhaps you'd like to play an powerhungry businessman/politician with a penchant for design? A massive military/government machine has plenty of bureaucracy for you to take advantage of!

4) NAMs will be tied directly into a lot of future plots, so what you make will have a very high chance of being used directly in the RP. No need to worry about creations that sit and collect dust.

Those combine some of the player benefits to joining NAMs. The main one, I find, is that NAMs is tied with the gov't and army, allowing for interesting player character ideas.

Potential IC benefits (player characters would make people with some weight in the running of the company, so no minor league stuff):

1. Strong gov't, military connections. Includes fame/infamy from respective sides.
2. Good pay (yet to be determined)
3. A certain degree of power and prestige on Nepleslia (although this could range widely from different social circles and how the character portrays himself). Potential access to other major companies through ties with NAMs (Emrys, etc, although this is up to Thomas to decide).
I don't have long. I need to be on the road to work in a few minutes.

Basically, Nepleslia should be:
  • A haven for modern genre roleplayers
  • A haven for human characters, where humans are common, not nekos
  • Politically charged and always offering some conflict (reds vs greens, etc)
  • Full of older, proven technology; Yamatai will always have a slight edge.
  • Reliant on humans or humanoid robots
  • Largely male-dominated
  • Full of guns and military type characters
  • Should eventually expand their empire to larger than Yamatai (whereas Yamatai will shrink)
  • Ultra-American culture
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What happened to our Reds, boyo (@Wes)?

But in all seriousness and on-topic, I think that this thread raises something rather relevant and worth trying to highlight. In particular, this is aimed at factions that have multiple corporations or "official" ones (@Wes @Gunhand4171 @Zack are three examples as Yamatai, Nepleslia, and USO have the most corporations to my knowledge). New players as of late and some older ones have been coming back and updating and handling equipment from the "official" organizations (such as NAM), so is there any room that these big FMs can come together or make individual standards for these ancient groups? I know, from the amount of work I've done with Nepleslia, essentially what I need to know... but there's not a list of information for those who want to be involved with NAM or Ketsurui (I think that's the name for Yamatai, I am so sorry if it's not T~T).

It doesn't need to be big, but something like what Wes presented way back in this post could be useful for giving thematic guidelines for these main corporations or provide inspiration for the corporations who work within/originated in their space.
I could assist by RPing some interactions between my company and the "official" companies of the nations if you wish? It's one way of giving players the gist of what each company wants to see/buy/produce? Idk, just throwing that out there - any way I can help I want to really.