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Nepleslian Guard Corps

The FM has spoken but I still has words to say to you Cedric.

First of all no one said that if there would be sub-division of marines, then they would be pulled from actuall units. THat is stupid, they would be taken from new recruits and trained for their tasks. Only peopel that would be pulled out are people who would actually train them, but hey guess what? These have to be pulled out to train Arieg's guard too. YOu cannot just hire some mercs for that. But we got over that anyway. Guard won't be subdivision of marines so I dunno why you took it out away.

Wouldn't that drain the Marines of replacements? Additional troops? As far as training I'm fairly sure there is more then enough retired veterans who'd be more then willing to sign on to defend their homelands by training their Guard forces or even leading them on a limited (weekend warrior) basis.

Another point, even if Cedric and Phaedr or other veteran soldier would be pulled out to serve in defense of planet that is not problem. So they would not like it? Who cares? THey are soldier they should listent to orders, shut up and do their works. Also yes Marines are current infranty of Nepleslia. They are NOT assault only. Marines pulled of defensive maneuver well before. Take evacuation procedures at Tok'Veru and Tange. And who do you thinkg mans current outpost? Penguins? No, the marines.

Those where tactical situations, and Rok'Veru was just a disaster all around. Just because Marines can be used in defensive roles doesn't mean they should, a good thought on that would be like using ferraris in a crash up demolition derby. Its a total waste to use them in that role.

Not to mention that I am very offended if you think me or Sigma does not know what hammer and anvil is and how it works. But guess what? That could be used with marines too. One unit of marines is deployed for defense and hold the enemy while, other stratecigaly inserts in Enemy is back or flank and hits them hard.

Yea.. and? The marines can't be everywhere and the concept is far more sound with an already established force on the ground.

That is about all I wanted to say. I am still on Cadet's idea of Guard being few patriotic kids with assault rifles trained to hold the enemy off until cavalry arrives. That would make for much more fun in any potential RP I think.

And.. I don't. A couple of kids with ARs and flak vests would last about as long as the Taliban did against the US and NATO in a stand up fight. To make this concept worth while without wasting the effort I'm going to go the whole nine-yards. The entire goal of this project is to provide the planets with something that can handle a small to moderate or even a large attack on their own with little to no assistance. If this goal is met it means the Navy and Marines can be used in a strategically offensive manner rather then having to worry about running back to the empire to dislodge an invasion force that has had days to entrench themselves.
The goal has never been to create a force that will operate entirely on its own, unless me and every person I've talked to has been completely mistaken. It was to make a force that could hold the line, not that would win against invasions on its own. They're mainly there to hold until the armored cavalry (the marines) can get there to clear out the enemy for good, and support the marines once they're on the ground.

If we decided to make this a completely stand alone force at some point along the way, and make the marines offensive only, then I'm completely against this. All it will do is detract from potential RP opportunities for the Marines at that point.

There intended to be able to clean house against threats that wouldn't be RP worthy, incidents like the Invasion of Rok'Veru and the Battle of Nepleslia would be situations where'd it be all hands on deck for all parties involved. But if its just a minor incursion or a moderate scale attack I want them to be able to beat it down and kill it on their own. If they're so weak that they have to have support everytime they're attacked then whats the point of them? And while it would detract from the Marines it opens up other options, but with only one Marine plot going this could be beneficial.
My dear Arieg thanks for twisting my word all around and making me wrong once again. Well I could the same to you right now again, then again and then again.... but I won't. I made myself clear and that is it.

Only one thing. Bunch of kids with AKs would fun for me. For you it is son unreal but hey... this is game not reality, we can do unlikely things. Well I guess reality is fun for you, but then I have ot ask what are you doing on Science Fiction based role-play forum.

And yes when NMX invade they go in full force and Guadt would actually probably not help at of in Funky City. Remember that there were marines stationed there and it did no help one bit either so that is that. And well I was on Rok'Veru. I know how good marines did there, don't try to school me about it. We did good. We saved a lot of people that day!
Only one thing, a bunch of kids with AKs would fun for me. For you it is unreal but hey... this is game not reality. We can do unlikely things. Well I guess reality is fun for you, but then I have to ask what are you doing on Science Fiction based role-play forum.

If you want that kind of fun then I'd suggest the Phoenix or making your own organization. I mean heck security wise what your asking for is a white picket fence, it looks kind pretty but over all its useless for security. What I'm after is a Korean DMZ.

And yes when NMX invade they go in full force and Guard would actually probably not help at all in Funky City. Remember that there were marines stationed there and it did no help one bit either so that is that.

From what I understand that was mainly due to Uso, though it sounds like you simply didn't have the man power to pull off a proper defense. An issue when you use your primary offensive force in that role, again they can't be everywhere at once. Now if everything had gone down and the Guard had been in place I imagine the situation would have turned out differently, a major battle would have still taken place but the Guard would have significantly slowed the tide.
The Korean DMZ?

I'm sorry, but I really feel like this is a bastardization of the original idea - taking the average citizen and handing them some training plus a few weapons to buy time. Things necessary to put up a resistance like RPG's, anti-armor rifles and mines. The whole point was to buy time, and frankly? The way you're taking it probably won't buy time at all and also be a waste of money IC too.

I'm under the distinct impression you want to blitzkrieg across any invaders that make landfall with armored columns, but I feel your vision just doesn't fit in the setting for one very important reason - this is overall a sci-fi/space-opera setting. Yes, we have elements that don't strictly fit in with that, but the way they're handled they add to the setting by taking that fact into consideration and adjusting appropriately.

Look at the Phoenix for an example! Thugs, gangsters and crazy awesome beyond the impossible. Yet it fits in just fine due to how it's handled - it's acclimated to the climate here. Changed enough so it fits in nice and snug! The reason I bring this up is because I don't think you're taking into consideration the overall ramifications of just what the setting is, and I don't think you appreciate it for what it is either.

Sure, it's great to have tanks, I absolutely love them myself, but we're talking about a ground based defense here - you're ignoring the rest of the setting, and the fact that ships in orbit can just turn these massive and expensive armored columns into nothing. They're great for offense, when you put boots and treads from up high onto planetside, but not so for defense.

The Guard. I've always envisioned them as the last, final line of defense and defiance when NMX ships can be seen in orbit en-masse. They know they can't win. Not without help. They can't force them off the world on their own. But they can buy time for the cavalry to arrive or go down swinging if need be. But in order to do that, they have to make sure whatever they do have doesn't call down an orbital strike. Tanks? Damn tempting to warm up that ship cannon.

The Nepleslians have always been a manly, rough and tough society where everyone and their mother has a gun. Literally. In my opinion, they can still fulfill the criteria Kokuten issued forward, but without the heavy vehicles. It, The Guard, was supposed to be a natural growth of the Nepleslian nature I thought, using their own tough, gun-ho, weapon toting persona to better protect by organizing it and better arming it. Not to be a tricked out, tacti-cool military all on its own, right?
Many moons ago, when I was an active, contributing member to the site, I saw Kokuten's request for a guard corps, and had some ideas for it. Something to remember here is that Nepleslia is one of the richest, most advanced factions around. Depending on the week, we're either the second or third largest faction around.

If Nepleslia was going to put together a home guard, it makes sense that they would be a fully-armed military branch. Consider that almost every Nepleslian owns at least one gun, and that almost 10% of the population is in the military at any given time, meaning that a significant amount of Nepleslians have military training. Having the government organize militias is kind of superfluous; they'll do it themselves, I can assure you. If the Guard should be anything, it should be a full branch of the military capable of actually fighting the type of stuff that has the balls and capability to actually attack a Nepleslian world.

This is not to say that there aren't issues with Arieg's proposal, however. Tanks, APCs, stuff like that? Yeah, it looks cool, but honestly, compared to the kind of stuff that most factions, including us, can field, it is very, very overwhelmed. Consider that most infantry can just fly over an APC or tank without a second thought, and carry heavy enough weaponry to turn one into a distant memory solo. The Guard shouldn't be horribly outclassed by everything it looks at.
Well, I just had a long, long talk with the guy who planted the seed for The Guard, or one of anyways. The reason why I'm complaining about tanks and other tech, is that I'm worried that we'll honestly have too much - that is, overmilitarizing Nepleslia and making it 'like the whole nation is the USMC' as the person said. Things that made Nepleslia great in my opinion was the animosity between Nepleslia and Yamatai built up to a cold war level. Racism between humans and Neko. Militarized, manly, but also laid back, joking, nonchalant and casual with it all. Things like that, all kinda washed away when the NMX war happened and Uso started messing around and overmilitarized it.

What I suggest you do Arieg, is go ahead and make the tanks and other tech for The Guard. But DON'T list how many divisions, personnel, and individual units each world has and all that. Leave that up to GM's. The reason why is because what you're making is a tool. Or maybe paint. You make the tool or paint, but I believe it should be up to a GM to use it to bring the setting or faction to life.

They'll decide how much Guard the planet that they're riding out to save had, if the gear is well maintained, or if they were preemptively struck or if they're just outright awesome.

I simply don't want it set in stone as being 'this militarized here, here and there' so GM's and Players can have a ball.
Areig has made a lot of great setting elements (the tanks and vehicles and such) that I'd like to see used. Here's what I'd like to see:
  • A article detailed a standard Guard base. This would include a bunker and/or motor pool with all these tanks and stuff as well as tons of facilities for training, troops, etc. Would include standard unit(s) at a base.
  • An article detailing standard guard unit types with a breakdown of what type of soldiers are in it and what equipment they are assigned.
  • A list of bases. Giving quantified assets is useful to GMs. Don't overdo it though.
  • Guard forces would be a reserve type force that only activates a limited percentage of troops during peacetime.
  • Unless there's an invasion, that guard would mainly be see doing patrols or hanging out on or around the bases. No need to militarize the whole planets.
  • Guard would have a friendly culture. Maybe known for cookouts?
  • Anti-ship weapons seem like a necessity.
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