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Approved Submission Nepleslian Reds Update


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Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing Update wip url: Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing on Star Army Space Roleplay
Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing Update url: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:nrm
Second Chance Salvage Company Update wip url: Second Chance Salvage Corporation on Star Army Space Roleplay
Second Chance Salvage Company Update url: Second Chance Salvage Company on Star Army Space Roleplay

My original plan was to just move Ryu Keiretsu and give some life to the region. But after talking to Wes about taking over the Reds, I decided to try to fully explain what the Reds have been up to and where they might be going towards. This is the result of it.

I also decided to update and expand on both Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing and Second Chance Salvage Company since both are either associated with the Reds (NRM) or secretly supporting them (SCSC).

I would be nice to make them playable in the future, but for the time being I think I have picked the right factions.
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