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I think your trying to fix something that was broke a long time ago, and will never return.

Basicly what it comes down to is that a new name is needed to replace the name neutronium, because the name obviously bothers some, becuase what irl would actually be considered neutronium is an impractical material. Therefore we need a new designation for somthing that has the same properties as Netronium does in the game setting.

Also I prefer a species/faction neutral name for the material, over ones that do hold such references.
So, basically, now this boils down to picking a name for the new alloy and giving a little tidbit about how it's made/where it's found?

Found in Ayame's nebular.

Possess' an enhanced electron field (much as other armours have an enhance strong-nuclear effect) resulting in the atoms being particularly hard to seperate.
how exactly would the electromagnetic force be stronger in this material? I think there should be some explanation.
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