Star Army

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New Active Plot List Discussion


Inactive Member
I am posting here because I want to begin a discussion on the new Active Plot List. I am doing this of my own accord because I feel that as a GM, a member of SARP, and a player on here, changes to the site and how it provides information to players is something that should be discussed by the community as a whole. Not dictated to the players by someone higher up. And I will make no bones about this - the GMs were simply told to change the plot list.

There are two reasons for my posting here. As I said, I want to begin a discussion of whether this new format is actually helpful. I do not believe it is and will explain later. The second reason, however, is that I feel that neither the players nor the GMs are regularly consulted about planned changes to the site or setting. This too will be elaborated on more.

The Active Plot List
As it is, there is no organization or method to categorizing plots. It's neither by faction nor alphabetized. I do not like being arbitrarily given more work to do without being consulted. I am currently at a loss to see how this new format, which lacks any visible sign of prepared organization, is going to help players find information about plots.

Have anyone considered what 16 big blocks of information will mean and look like? It will be big long list instead of the current, condensed version. Whoever's plot is at the bottom will get the least amount of attention while the ones at the top will get the most, being the first to load onto any user's screen. Already, I have to scroll down to see anything about the second plot on the list. At least under the old system, everyone was displayed simultaneously, allowing for some fairness.

Feel free to disagree with me. I haven't seen any convincing argument to support this change. Thus far it has been either, "No one uses the Active Plot List anyway. They just find the plots on the forum." or "People who use the plot list are not worth getting to join since they're just going to Yamatai."

In the instance of the former, I would rebut, as to the necessity of such a drastic change in organization to something no one uses. In the latter, I would ask them to consider why just because Wes considers Yamatai to be the priority that we too must follow suit.

I will not comply with this order until these concerns regarding equity and organization are addressed. I do not believe I am being unreasonable to ask these questions, as some have implied.

The Way These Changes Are Implemented
I shall be frank here. I only found out about this when I logged on today when I had a banner which reads:

Hello Sigma! I need you and all the other GMs to immediately update your plot listing on the new plots page. Go here: - This notice will be removed once all GMs put their plots on there with the new template. Thanks! --Wes

I, personally, consider this be someone ordering me about to implement a change that affects the community as a whole without the community's consent. I do not consent to the changes and I do not believe such a change should be made without the wider playerbase's agreement.

In itself, the problem is a small one. However, there are other changes which, when added together, make me question the nature of our community.

For example: the arbitrary introduction of the Nekovalkyrja Upgrade Order and the threat of being relegated if a character disobeys.
For example: the unannounced policy change that all new plots MUST begin as an Open RP plot
For example: the sudden requirement for star systems to include astronomic data without a page saying what sort of data is required

These are three examples plus this new Active Plot List change. I can list more. In all cases, there was no discussion. Only immediate implementation and expectation of obedience. As a GM, I dislike that I have very little say in these matters. Especially ones which prevent me from properly creating the plot I want. However, SARP players have even less say in any matter. I believe that if we are the community we claim to be, then players too should have some ability to have input rather than finding out after it happens.

I will not go so far as to point the finger at only Wes. I cannot provide evidence that he did everything without consulting anyone. However, I can ask the entire Staff to account for these rather distasteful moves to change things without telling anyone or discussing whether they feel its necessary.

This is not the way I feel a community should be treated. It is insulting to both players and GMs.

One may rebut me with accusations of being mean and condescending to new players. That I am being hypocritical to talk about community when I show none of that spirit. I would say that I am challenging the players, GMs and the Staff to show that they are a community and make important decisions communally. That is the principle I protest on behalf of. Is this a community or not? Do the players and GMs opinions matter when it comes to making changes which affect everyone? Do my concerns, or anyone else's, even get addressed?
I'm going to march in here and smugly suggest from my position as an outsider (defacto due to returning from an absence) that maybe we should like... at least keep the drama 100% OOC related (not that drama is good). There were errors in communication in the OOC aspects of how the YSE-Spacer conflict that became the Genocide was executed, but that's water under the bridge and largely fixed thanks to how the GM forum operates now.

Likewise, the Species Restriction Act was actually done for Nepleslia's benefit. We were a new faction with a tiny playerbase under the leadership of an FM who aspired to retire (although kudos to Tom for hauling ass until he felt comfortable doing so), so Wes put forward an IC reason for why Nepleslian and Geshrin characters would have to go to the much less detailed, much less active faction. If it wasn't for the SRA there wouldn't be a Nepleslia now.

Also: I think just having an alphabetical table arranged library-style would be sufficient.