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Approved Submission [New Corporation] Advancer Enterprises

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Corporations do not have FMs. Because they aren't a faction. So you should decide where you business is going to operate, because it will fall under that government/Faction
It lists as being on Dawn Station, which means it's a bit of Yamatai, a bit of Origin. I'd probably say we should get both sides to sign off on it, just for the sake of clarity.
I've already decided where my Business is headquartered. Dawn Station is the safest place I'm actually allowed to operate.
Given how I am still suspected of having nefarious plots up my sleeve, I'll move Advancer to somewhere I am not suspected of plotting.
I'll just move it back to Morant. And then when pirates get a hold of sensitive pharmaceuticals that can be repurposed into bioweapons, It won't be my fault because I wanted to put it somewhere -safe- but people were like "oh no he can't be trusted he'll cause a catastrophe" so I had to move it somewhere I could that wasn't safe.
Yes, just haven't been home long enough to log in.
Will take care of it by tomorrow night.
Actually no hold up.

I think we're setting a bad precedent if we tell people who want to start their own corporation here that they need to make their own super special "NO-ONE ELSE CAN TOUCH THIS" Planet or Space Station just to find an HQ.

Can't I just put this on Tatiana and then leave it?
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You can, just means that your oversight comes from Yamatai.
We're not telling "people" that they have to make all of their own stuff. The responses so far are very specific to you as a person, not to new submissions in general.
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