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Approved Submission [New Corporation] Advancer Enterprises

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
So I've moved the corporation to Tatiana. @Wes, is that okay with you, are there going to be any problems with me having a pharmaceutical company that -isn't- trying to make new super weapons in your territory?
Well, your page still says you have a facility on Dawn Station, Cadet clearly stated that he doesn't want Advancer on Dawn Station so that needs to be removed.

Under your products, you have a number of items that do not fall withing a Medical company.

Also you should move all of your products to a sub page, because your company can't be approved if the page has red links on it.
As of now, I've worked on it and gotten rid of the red Links, and made sure all references to other locations have been changed to Tami.
Sorry for the wait, I'm away visiting my parents for the holidays. FM approval granted for the main page and for being Tami-based! This approval does not extend to the products, because I haven't got a chance to check them out yet. Thanks for your patience.
Talked to Wes about this and he suggested I post here. I am interested in adopting this corporation to either stand on its own or have my own existing corporation buy it. I have some ideas for products that the existing ones could help with and there is no point in reinventing the wheel so to speak.
What's with everyone trying to adopt Fiver's old stuff recently? I'm always a little sketched out by touching stuff from banned members who left under bad terms. Recently there was a similar request for Axis Mechworks and we found the articles had major quality issues and almost none had been approved. We ended up just deleting them. I would check for that with these, too.
Can't speak for Axis, but despite his shortcomings he could visualize ideas fairly well. There are approval threads, though the articles could certainly be refreshed a bit.

I really am more interested in the products than the corporation from an IC perspective.
Okay, well I'll give people 3 days to raise any objections, if not, it's yours.
The man had quite the imagination and was very creative so i can see why people would like his stuff.

I recall advancer was being used in a ploy to put all his eggs in the hanyadi basket of his for a low-key attempt at an asteria scenario break away from nepleslia to have businesses (it was listed as indi but fire always described it as a nep business but in yamatai) like this, a military and fleet, and a lot of funds on hand IC under the umbrella of the hanyadi and their royal family (for which his favorite characters suddenly all became members and heirs of which gave them political clout and infinite IC monies). All that was naturally struck down but a lot still remains around that. I would hope that any intention with this company despite all that would not take away from its hanyadi roots despite all that and its inspirations which is a newer culture group in nepleslia with not a lot to its name beyond a few characters and a few pages like this~
I was thinking of absorbing it into Zhuhai Medical Industries. But I choose Keiretsu concept because of the business alliance nature of it. Have it join in without changing anything major corporate side.

And make it clear I do not want to do all that with my own Clan. 😂
I like the idea of old corporations getting absorbed by new ones, since it gives old content stewardship and keeps it alive in the setting, but doing it without the creator's permission is kind of awkward.

It sounds like the corporations had/have some cultural Nepleslian ties, which may mean that it makes more sense to have someone take stewardship of the corporation as is, without merging it or making major changes, just to keep it in someone's hands.

Going forward, it may be a good idea to add the 'Can this be adopted?' question to corporations, just like we've done for characters, to make this an easier thing. In fact, I'll go put up a suggestion about that right now. :)

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