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New guy doing commissions

Driker: Well, I was initially going to do three pictures for free, then start charging for pictures. However, now I'm thinking of simply continuing to do requests for a while (when I have the time), and simply let you pay me furher down the line, whatever you think my pictures have been worth. If that's nothing, then so be it. Paid commissions seem to be restricting the requests around here, so I think that's the best way.
Oh, and by the way, are the nekos supposed to have only four fingers? That's what the descriptions say, yet all the neko pictures I've seen on here have five fingers.
Yes. Nekos have four fingers on each hands. Artists don't always think about it though.
I'm glad I got my request in early, then! :3 Hope you have the time.

Since the artist of my "temporary" picture (in my profile, which you should probably look at) loved me pointing out every detail possible, I should probably point out some details too:

  • Not just for me, but for all of us - you should read some of our JP logs to get a feel for who you're drawing. Besides, they're fun.
  • Pose: Something somewhat dominating? Looking down upon? Use your discretion.
  • Clothing: I pointed out in my last post that Elisa, under normal circumstances, wears the male uniform. However, she has been known to wear the bodysuit variant on occassion. (>.>) The main panel is blue. She is rarely seen without her blade. As well, she has recently taken to wearing a choker, described within the inventory of my profile.
  • Expression: A smirk, definately something that suggests she's plotting.

If I am a little overbearing, I apologize, but prior experience with artists tends to tell me that they want all this information.
Two words I'd use to describe Elisa's demeanor is arrogant and domineering. She's more complex than that under the surface... but that's usually the first thing that comes to mind to me.
Seeing a picture of Yaichiro or Toshiro would be nice, but not required by any means. I can draw some, but am nowhere near your level. Your own creative license can be used as to pose and the like. (Long legs are a problem with my drawing style, but both characters are quite tall for their race.)

Note: Yaichiro is described as a chestnut blonde, and is 6'1".

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/MM ... shappy.png Yaichiro, Passive-Happy face

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/MM ... /happy.png
Yaichiro, Happy face (growing more common ICly)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/MM ... chiro2.png
Yaichiro Uniform (rank pin has changed, as of this posting, to Joto Hei)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/MM ... lothes.png
Yaichiro Casual (Think late 1970s clothing, early 1980s. That is an ascot.)


Toshiro is 6' even. The only differences are that his hair is actually a dark brown here, and that he has brown boots and MAY be wearing a long, Protoman or 009-style scarf.
Question: Val, I want to credit you on your artwork. What name should I use?
holy CRAP this is amazing.

Please, please, could you get one of Mori at leisure? My only reference for her is in the Approved Character Biographies. Sorry...

I might even give you like seven bucks.
Oh, Wes. Thank you for getting the reference page and keeping me from getting off my ass and doing it myself!
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