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New Race: öndháttr (Rivisions have been made)


Inactive Member
Novus Grothia: Au Verde Heimr- öndháttr

The öndháttr or 'Spiritkin' when translated into basic english, are probably quite odd yet also quite 'run-of-the-mill' sentient race to posses the technology they do. They seem to have gone undetected by star army several light years away in a separate galaxy, controlling already two planets beside their main one but other than that are relatively peaceful. They seem quite heavily religious and faithful to a Pre-Christian religion known as Asatuar, A norse religion based around Polytheistic Beliefs that promote fighting with honor, courage and being hospitable and honest to each other.

The race appears as a bipedal reptilian sub-humanoid with discrepancies however. These breed of reptilian sentient carries a unique trademark, they have powerful 2 fingered hands plus thumbs, every finger ranges from 3.5 inches long and 2 inches wide at the base at youth and 4.5 inches long to 2.5 inches wide at the base for adults. The fingers are complexly constructed in a way that their joints can lock into place at will with a pin of cartilage that wedges itself between the joints, preventing them from opening up until they are withdrawn or broken. Their anatomy also quite different in muscle distribution. Most bipedal distribute muscle mass proportionately throughout their body unless a certain area of muscle mass it strengthened by training, However öndháttr have weak torsos yet strong forearms, thighs and legs which seems to make up for their frail center bodies with the force output their hand to hand strikes can do.

Playing the öndháttr

Welcome to the ranks of the öndháttr with your öndháttr racial selection! They are proud, fierce and noble warriors with the strength and intellect to back it up. They seem to excel in many forms of melee and hand to hand combat based on their own fighting styles, offensive with a twist speed defense proving quite effecting yet there are other teachings that feature using they strong arms and legs to provide 360 degrees of aggressiveness.

Aside from the combat practices they are quite a silent breed of fighters from the age of 6, male or female to fight. Every person whether it be common civilian to high ranking commander, is a warrior ready to fight and die for their lordships. Other combat practices, they are quite skilled in using their mind for learning vital information useful for the primary research job, for creating the Jötunn (Joo tun) Living Constructs or other such things. The öndháttr take such pleasures such as reading, writing, sparring, painting, creating small living constructs as early as the age of 18 with the aid of the production facility for a very small fee.

Despite their rather primitive culture based around military warfare, discipline and technological development, they seem quite peaceful as they peacefully gained possession of 2 worlds as their own without bloodshed, the race that had once owned these lands were known for the rare metal properties which would make great use weaponwise. The öndháttr had convinced the race, due to the fact they had suffered many civil wars due to the metal mines they secured, That upon realizing they had protected the metal mines of their planet too violently and the diplomatic leaders decided to travel to, a large once occupied world and settle there peacefully in condition that the öndháttr should be their allies and protectors. The agreement was made and gained valuable and strong metals in which to infuse into their living constructs natural metal growth plates DNA.

Emotionally the öndháttr experience every emotion some stronger than others, öndháttr lack tear glands so in order to fully express their feelings they would spar with another with fierceness to exact the tears they lack, or rather the lack to fully express grief, and then take a series of hits before withdrawing. Like a ritual, and based on the other's movements is like speaking without words and can offend the griefing, normally on purpose. However they do express their emotions without sparring.

öndháttr have exceptional vocal chords ranging from normal speaking volumes to bellowing calls capable of reaching the ears of others for miles due to much genetic tampering in the past. Technologically speaking, They have quite an array of weaponry up to plasma projectors and anti-matter projectile weapons.

The planetary surface is actually 100 feet below a extremely powerfully reinforced series of metal plates above the surface protecting against any hostile attacks and keeping inhabitants safe, the internal structure is heavily maintained by Jötunn, Organic power armor which is a actual living thing that organically produces a metal exoskeleton and it naturally shapes itself to be able to equip öndháttr weaponry, which no other sentient can equip because of the special ay they are created. These beings live to fight, repair, protect, whatever they see they must do.

öndháttr may be disciplined but romance and physical pleasures are quite a frequent part of any culture to breed or have sexual intercourse with the would-be mate however sometimes the relationship will fall apart due to one of the mates being inadequate mentally or physically and will decide to leave the mate. This is very much the same thing that happens to any sentient and obviously the male are often feeling great sadness because of this, some even purchase shuttles and leave the planet if they have been rejected too much.

öndháttr speak primarily old norse as a means of communication, Which is interesting seeing as normally beings close to Yamataian space normally speak english or japanese, they however decided to take their religion further. However if A öndháttr should be exposed to a japanese or english speaking sttlement they would try to learn the language in multipule means, but if they are unable to communicate it is possible they will go mad.

Anatomy wise, öndháttr are quite similar to their reptile ancestors, for they have a closed circulation due to a three chamber heart consisting of two atria and one, differing positioned ventrical. There is normally one st of two aortic arches In spite of this öndháttr appear to have advanced versions of their reptile ancestor's anatomy yet maintaining quite similar only larger and more efficient.

However instead of taking the cold-blooded trait of lizards they appear to have picked up a trait most commonly found in the Leatherback sea turtle, They can maintain a warm blooded body as their series of blood vessels are coated in a thick, oily coating that coats it to a degree to contain the heat within the vessels themselves and is even found around the heart, this coating however does not restrict movement or flow in anyway and would become weaker if a individual öndháttr were to stop eating their recommended supplement of fatty, meaty foods they would probably lose their warmblooded attribute and become coldblooded which might hinder them slightly dues to the cold climate of their planet.

Their bodies also are built strangely, at birth they can develop outer bone plates or not in most cases. Also öndháttr female give live birth to their off-spring, a trait shared by mammals and it is uncertain and probably unlikely that öndháttr can give birth or impregnate mammal-like sentient being.

Back to their language, the norse language they rely on was originally picked up by a colony of a nameless bipedal race of humanoids which also spread the faith of Asatruar to them via Eddas and other such texts. From these texts after learning the language they based their new civilization on it. However this took place thousands of years ago and since then have made their planet into a fortress, thick layers of plating covering the planet's surface and covering the surface with Anti-Starship turrets.

Names are chosen through Prefix and Suffix, The Prefix is crossjender and the first half or so of the name where as there are 2 lists of suffix, 1 for each gender. It is mostly chosen at random to keep individuality up however in somecases there may be 2 suffix, and the family name cannot be changed.

The vast majority of öndháttr share the following characteristics:

öndháttr's most noticable physical attribute are there powerful and strange arms which seem to serve many purposes. The fingers are quite string and thus steady which is good when tinkering with shuttles and such hawever are large so they would need more space in which to work. Their most practical use is the hand which are covering in a thick skin but unseen to any living things eyes, they are covered with many, many microscopic fibers which penetrate send electropulses to the nerves beneath the skin in a way that triggers them to send signals into the mind alerting it of pain, after such the one contacted begins to feel great pain and the area being touched begins to swell and even after letting go continues to swell until it splits appart like a pimple and bleed perfusely.

This is however triggered upon the öndháttrs' will as a aggressive action or defensive maneaver, they can however interact with hand to skin contact without causing any problems as if the fibers didn't even exist. öndháttr stand upright between the sizes 5'7â€
I put up a poll. Everyone vote!
10 votes, I'm thinking.
But more on point they got the resources by replicating the makeup of one metal and putting various pressure, heat, etc to simulate the creation of the metal through artificial means at a accelerated rate. It's based f the process that is used to create diamond, synthetic, ever slightly weaker yet diamond non-the-less.

But... That... Doesn't... Make... Sense!

You can't replicate metal using the process to create diamonds.
Please ignore the planet for now, ts the race itself you should focus on. The planet details will come soon and everything mended

(also, it should be possible by the time setting of Star Army if there is technology capable of massive geneside, and plus I could use help with the tech and such. However could I simply put a complex syntheyttic replication of an inorganicc substance. Aside from the metal replication and tropospheric shielding, it can be ignored for the time being until I get the planet 100%.)

It's based f the process

It's based on, not necissarily relying on the procedure exactly, as I've said, should be possible if weapons are destructive enough to decimate worlds. If I were half as good as most of the tech guys around here you can bet that might have made sense. However I can say I have made quite n improvement this year. (Off Topic, back on topic) but yeah, with some help it should be quite a useful tech contribution.
Cora said:
And still, I have to chime in, why do these people know a Terran language? .

Cora said:
"Gott fluch es!" Camellia roared as she kicked a spare Mindy helmet that was left strewn on the hanger floor, sending it flying across the bay to land with a hollow crash. She stood there panting a moment longer before she turned to the wall, one arm raised to rest on it, her head lowered to her forehead was also resting, while her other arm was busy slamming away..."Gott fluch es! Gott fluch es! Gott fluch es! Gott fluch es!" She muttered again and again, soon her cries were drowned out by weak sobs as her fist slid down the wall, her fingers curling as she cried.

"Warum? WARUM? Warum blieb er nach? Ich erklärte ihm, daß ich würde warten... Warum?" She choaked as she slid down to rest on her knees in the hanger. English lost to her now, all she could speak was the language her parents had passed to her. "Warum Jaq? Warum ließest du mich allein...?"

I am confused by your posts, might not want to contradict yourself. No offense, but what I have seen this post ICly contradicts your statement about Skhaal's race. It pretty much negates anything you can say about the language problem, so I'd like you to subtract your statement.

On the other hand, Skhaal your race is still giving me a headache when I read it over, so if you're on YIM later today please try and contact me.
Camellia's germanic by desent. The Gershin races are either asian or Europian. Camellia's Europian. And that has no place is this thread sgzyr!!

These are an alien race of scandnavian LIZARDS!!!
Cora said:
Camellia's germanic by desent. The Gershin races are either asian or Europian. Camellia's Europian. And that has no place is this thread Jadg!!

These are an alien race of scandnavian LIZARDS!!!

First off, this is John and not Thad please take more than a moment to glance over my post before typing your reply. How in the hell could Geshirin be of European or Asian descent as they are an artificially created species. I could see as they are based off possible genetic models, but that is pretty much it. Also, would this mean actual people from 'Earth' were kidnapped by PNUgen and then had their language absorbed from their minds? This whole situation is a tad bit confusing to me.

What I'd also like to know how you couldn't believe that in two different places, parallel evolution of a language would not be possible? This is science fiction setting, after all and if Neko's weren't made from humans from 'Earth', they could not know Japanese by your logic.
I realized my error and I apologize for misnaming you, and I also apologize to Jagd for claiming he said it.
Statisticly speaking, the chance of such parrel linguistic evolution is so incredibly remote it is effectivly impossible.

Secondly, I think, given the fact that there is so far no cannon of how far removed (temporaly) from Sol our setting is, the refrence to Latin speeking explorers traveling there 700,000 years previous should be removed. Easiest way would be to just remove the refrence to there language.

Also, remove the description of the shield and those bioarmors, they are highly objectionable as many people have pointed out. So long as they remain in a approved thread they posses a degree of cannon status, which is unnacceptable. They need to be approved through the normal channels.

Lastly, this whole thing desperatly needs a run through a spellchecker ASAP.