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New Race: Lorath.


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Inactive Member
As of right now, I'm still awaiting someone to get on, so me and him can go over and finalize this race. It should prove to be a lot of fun, with three different domains of skills. As of right now, the race are winged beings, nicknamed "Demons" By the ones they conquered. Originally from below ground, after being pushed there 5,000 years before in the first great war, they finally resurfaced from thier sub-terrainian shelters, and took back the places where they once lived. It should be a fun race and I hope lots of people well get involved with this race!
Will it include a better physical description? Can we know more about their tech level? I'm actually still at 'meh' with this one, but it's Wes's decision in the end.
*scans over the said needed improvements* We actually have a artist doing a rendition for us of the race, as for the tech level, it is just below the Yamatain level. They have no neko's and thier ships can only reach the end of thier nebula. Thats it though. I will edit it in shortly.
That seems too vague to me. If they're 'just below' Yamatai tech they'd have had some sort of FTL that was good enough to reach Imperial space I'd think. If anything they should be somewhere behind Nepleslia in tech, since they're as good as they can get officially without using restricted technologies. Of course one would think ruffled feathers between the sects would cause problem in development of certain technologies.
Nope, and I explained what I was talking about when I updated it. As for the ruffled feathers part, there is a bit of bickering, but they understand that there is a need for cooperation, so they get along with eachother like one big family. But hey...every family has thier fights right? ^_~
Please post your race's tech in the Tech Discussion Forum for approval. Don't rate their tech until you can back it up with stats.
I'm actually waiting on Tomoe to get on, he does the Tech for the race *is a complete blonde when it comes to tech* As for the "Nope" Statement, I was talking about the ships. Sorry for the vagueness in the comment. And on that note, do you want our Tech to be fully explained? Or layed out?
JoMidori said:
I'm actually waiting on Tomoe to get on, he does the Tech for the race *is a complete blonde when it comes to tech* As for the "Nope" Statement, I was talking about the ships. Sorry for the vagueness in the comment. And on that note, do you want our Tech to be fully explained? Or layed out?
It should be at least mostly described.

Technological level of the Lorath race: The Lorath's technology has been in the process of development since the time predating their imprisonment. Due to their time of isolation from the distractions of living on the surface world, their technological capability has managed to excel ahead by leaps and bounds. Many fields of technology have been researched by the Lorath people, except for technology that would require research in space, or in flight, thus their imprisonment has managed to keep them from reaching outside of their solar system with their current technological level.

In the field of biochemistry and medicine the Lorath people have excelled in their research. The Lorath currently are capable of advanced genetic engineering to aid in combating many illnesses. Through the use of controlled breeding, gene splicing, embryonic manipulation, nanotech based manipulation of DNA, and genetically altered viruses that are used as tools for their work, and with the technology the Lorath have managed to do away with most illnesses that could possibly befall them. Also with this technology the botanical and agricultural capability of the Lorath has increased, thus allowing for all season crops, shorter times for growth and at the same time control of the growth to prevent damage to the ecosystems used for farming.

Weapons research has been a key to the Lorath's technological advancement for many of the years of their imprisonment, due to the lust for revenge the Lorath have focused a large amount of their efforts towards creating ideal weapons to suit their needs. The Lorath currently are able to produce a wide range of weapons, spanning from basic crossbows to the latest in focused beam technology. Even with such technological capability, the weaponry is rarely used due to cultural taboos of using ranged weapons in combat, yet if need be, ranged weapons would be used. Meanwhile armor technology has grown along with the weapons applications; personal armor for each individual is able to endure punishment from a wide range of focused beam weapons and projectiles. Construction of armored vehicles has also been carried out to ensure the survival of warriors in situations of "dishonorableâ€
You better provide a VERY good reason why they don't use ranged weapons. Human history has show that any nation that adopts a favor of close over ranged weapons is wiped out fairly quickly.

Again the actual tech needs to be posted on the tech discussion thread, not a general discription, and refrain from saying comparable to the Yamatai Empire when the tech hasn't even been approved or used in combat yet. Because of the race's taboos they should not have advanced vehicles, starships, or a lot of other technologies.
Why's that? Just because they don't like ranged weaponry? And I already told Tomoe that it needs to be posted in the Tech forum. But Uso, just cause a race doesn't like ranged weaponry, doesn't mean they can't have ships and stuff. And it's not that they don't use ranged weaponry, it just they don't like it. they still have people that specialize in the ranged sections, its just that its a very small group.
You said it was socialy taboo to use ranged weapons and armored vehicles, that would include everything from APCs to Starships. A taboo isn't something shared by just a small group it is something shared by most people.

If a race finds it taboo to use more advanced weapontry then odds are they wouldn't be devloping more advanced weapontry and then get wiped out by the next gun toating race to come along. Same thing with human history, the nations that don't embrace the bow or the gun are simply wiped out.
There was never any mention of it being Taboo to use Armored Vehicles <_<; It was siad that Armored Vehicles were designed to help out in "Dishonorable" retreats from battle.
Now that we have been fully approved, and the CCG has been added, I would like to get some help. We still need someone in charge of House Pheonix, which will change when you name the house. Please anyone interested message me first.
Finnaly, I've managed to convince my lady friend to create an artistic example of a female Lorath.


This is an example of a female Lorath shaman, aproxmently the physical age of 22, in truth she'd be aproxmently 40 years old. Her clothing is a fine example of the hand tailored clothing that a Lorath shaman would wear. Her hair length also indicates a "middle class" status. In this picture the female Lorath currently has her wings in their "relaxed" state, meaning she has not used her shaman shape shifting to increase her wingspan and muscle strength to allow for flight.