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New Style Added

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I'm working on customizing a new forum style I just purchased. To see it, select the style "Star Army Space Roleplay - Tactical."

WIP screenshot below:
@Wes Would it be possible to slow down the rate at which the background images refresh? Currently, it's quite distracting, especially when working on longer forum posts/PMs.
Reactions: Wes
Just on mobile for a second and it's really not optimized yet/is demanding on data (understandable). Is there a way you can make nebula the default mobile site guests see until tactical is done?
The chat and notifications are being weird. The @ name drop down only flickers on my desktop and notifications don't seem to be going away all the time when I hover over the alerts tab.
@Legix - I haven't encountered the alerts problem yet, but in the meanwhile, does pressing F5 to refresh them help?

Also, I agree with Frost regarding the refresh rate on the background. It's great to see the art, but a slower one would help us focus on making posts when concentrating. Having some sort of control over how fast they cycle, or if they stay on one image in particular would help though. More specifically however, I suggest taking the background with Kotori on it and flipping it so she appears on the right side. Otherwise, the site logo is covering her up.
I found a little performance bug. Using Firefox. When the screen is wide enough for the top bar to show menu items, but too narrow to show all of the menu items (i.e. there's an ellipsis) the page's performance and scrolling bogs down. Browser page widths of around 780 pixels to 1030 pixels exhibit poor vertical scrolling.

I think I like it overall, though.
I like the randomized art stuff, but maybe make it stick with one per page? Like each page will pick a random picture for the background, but it will never change once loaded. I think that would be less distracting and probably require less loading/lagging.
I slowed the background switch from once every 30 seconds instead of 20.
Don't mind the background refresh, so long as it displaying artwork that was posted on the site =)

Otherwise, when I went here I thought I might have gone to a completely different site >_<
I think it looks interesting. It uses the new logo I commissioned to, so, yay. I do think it makes for a strong first impression to any new visitor too - especially with the quality art being showcased on rotation.

But it doesn't change that my prefered style is 'old-school black' on account of being less of an annoyance to browse through/not as much of a memory hog. I recall it being said that it was made to be mobile friendly, which is likely why it works smoothly on my Firefox too. It's pretty much been my go-to style ever since it became available (I did revisit the other ones just to form an informed up-to-date opinion).
Whoaaaaa! I like it a lot. Even though I prefer less vid action. Is the pictures of just one faction? Or all Faction artwork is shown?
Right now it's just Yamataian starships and space scenes. But if other factions had art this epic, I'd consider putting them in.
That's unfortunate, would've preferred if every faction - or at least the artwork posted on the site - would be represented, instead of only certain kinds. Guess I'll go back to the ghost nebula then, easier on my net anyway.
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