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News & Updates - November 2017

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Hello Star Army!

Here's some new stuff that's happening in the Star Army® RP Community:

1. We're getting close to 2,500 characters on SARP! There are currently 2,422 characters on the wiki.

2. Now that we have an official Discord server, I'm planning to close the site-based chatrooms. The reason for this is that well over 90% of the chatting activity is happening on our Discord. As a result, the site-based chatroom looks like a Ghost town and I don't want to give new visitors a false impression that the community's less active than it really is. Additionally, the site chat has a maintenance cost in terms of time, costs us money on a yearly basis, and it uses valuable server resources in terms of site load. For these reasons, the site-based chatroom will be disabled starting on December 1st, 2017.

3. The Support Requests forum has been moved down to Miscellaneous category at the bottom of the forum, mainly because its posts were showing under the news forum instead of the news posts, when they were newer.

4. The trademark Star Army® was recently renewed successfully by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In the official evidence of use submitted to the USPTO there was a screenshot of the forum, and members included in the "Members Online Now" on that shot were myself, @Ametheliana @Immortal Cyan @BRindustries @Trainscanflytoo @SpaceEye @paladinrpg @Ira @Zanven Brax and @Readlliea - you guys are now immortalized in the government's files, lol.

5. After over a year of waiting, we finally got owed art from super-busy artist Raph, who used to do all our chibis. I'll post it soon!

6. I'm off this week for Thankgiving break and hope to catch up on all the stuff that needs some Wes-attention. I hope you guys celebrating the holiday this week have a good time and get to reconnect with your family and friends. Remember SARP's forums and wiki are fully mobile friendly so if you need to sneak in a post on the go while you're traveling or away from home, we got you covered.

7. If you're looking for RP, check out the new RPs recently started/posted in the OOC/Plot Planning forum. For example, there's a new Rikugun plot in the works by @Ethereal looking for members.

8. The next community meeting will probably be November 29 or early December, and will mainly be about holiday events and perhaps looking at the situation with playable factions. Details will be in another announcement post in this forum.

Happy Holidays SARP!
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