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Newton Ewell Commissions Thread

In my quest to find more artwork for StarArmy, we've found a few great character artists but so far we've had basically nothing for mechanical stuff, like power armors and starships--that should change. On 4chan's /m/ forum I ran into the artist and local anime convention guest Newton Ewell. Newton has illustrated Roleplay books (including Palladium's Macross RPG) and is a real professional. Unfortunately, he also charges some heavy duty prices ($150 per piece). Anyway, Newton offered to do illustrations for Star Army and today I'm going to commission him to start out with the Mindy M2-2.

Wes, when I talk and say something, you don't really listen to me, do you?
Did you want to do the art instead, Fred? Because seriously, I haven't seen any art from you in months and months.
FM said:
I like how there's actually nothing on his site.

That's not his site; that's a feature on the website Fansview.com which reviews and photographs anime conventions. He attended a con and the author took his photo and wrote a bit about him.
But that link contains a link to his site, which has nothing on it save for a menu.
I suppose the beach painting doesn't count. ~_~;

Wes, I offered to render my own things (well, stuff I created). You don't need to go out of your way to pay someone to do something that I was going to do - free. On the other hand, it wasn't at the height of my priorities since you didn't seem all that fond of the Mindy II and only recently added it to the Sakura not to mention I was doing it as my own pet project, so, I was putting priority on other stuff since, well, this was my pet project and not actually work.

I also don't post on Star Army the stuff I consider irrelevant to the site - well, not anymore. So, when I winged elf girls, or an archer/mage elf maiden, of foxgirls dressed in shinto priestess robes and cartoony looking woodcutters - it just doesn't strike me as belonging on Star Army, so, I keep it to myself.

When you start being inteerested in my elf girls, I'll start showing them to you.

...don't get me wrong though.

I'm not saying to not hire the guy for work. I'm just pointing out you could pay him to draw stuff I won't end up drawing, like the Mindy 1F (1G?) and the Kylie. Who knows, that could become good reference for me and I might pick up a few pointers from him.

Wes said:
Here's an example of his work (kind of old, though):
https://stararmy.com/starchan/starships/ ... 334968.jpg

Isn't that the Vixen?

I'm interested. >.>

Kotori said:
Isn't that the Vixen?

I believe that's the Metal Siren from Macross II.
Oh, mixed it up with a Clan mech. Urk... How can I call myself a Battletech fan now?! *hides under a rock*
Way back in the day, Battletech stole a bunch of Macross designs. So it may in fact be this 'Vixen' you speak of.
No, alas, there is no salvation for me. The Vixen/Incubus doesn't even look the same!

I just hope Newton can make a better lookling rifle as opposed to the clearly NON-RIFLE rifle the mindy uses now.
The Type 29's art is good! It looks cool. Just because it doesn't look like a 20th-century rifle doesn't mean it isn't a rifle.

Very well. I will begin with the 1-F. I'll download both the description and the mission logo. If I have any questions I will ask you.

Speaking of which - is that a beam rifle or railgun the 1-F is carrying?

Soon as I receive the deposit, I'll get busy on the artwork. Thanks!

Message sent.

Thanks for the weaponry information! Do you want the beam rifle, or the gunblade in the picture?
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