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NH29s, military or not? (Wes)


Inactive Member
Well as the question asks.

Is this change retroactive?

If so, please understand the amount of work that will need to be retconned. Characters will need to be magically changed, character histories will need to be retconned, completed plots will need to be retconned, and some current plots will need to be abandoned.

You did this a year ago, and we talked about it then viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1840
After some discussion with Fred and Jake:

1. NH-29s can only be obtained while in military service with 2 or more years remaining in enlistment contract. NH-29s (excluding the S [stealth] models) will be allowed to keep their body on retirement, although it is strongly encouraged to switch to Yamataian so you can have babies instead of just youngling clones. The NH-29 reproductive functions are are for raising troops, not for raising a family. Former soldiers that keep their neko bodies may be recalled to the military in times of national crisis.

2. NH-29s naturally born as younglings to NH-29 mothers are allowed to keep their bodies but if they keep them they are eligible to be subject to a military draft in wartime.

3. Brian's NH-29Y will be approved and will probably make the NH-29H obsolete. It is a replacement for Yamataians and Geshrin on Star Army ships. It is also notable for having a male version available.

4. A Neko/Yamataian model, thus far referred to as the NH-30 Valkyrja has begun the design process. It has civilian level capabilities all the time, with military capabilities when it is in military service. If it leaves military service, its abilities decline back to normal status over time.
I can't say that I like the compromise, but believe that it is acceptable as it maintains the feel that Nekovalkyrja are manufactured with the sole purpose of serving the Yamataian Star Empire.

Raz, you're getting ahead of yourself. There wasn't any compromise rather than clarification - Doshii and I talked to Wes, he answered a few questions and we got to understand the why behind what he did. In effect, Wes "won" - he just clarified things up for us in his last post and us 'whiners', as you like describing those whom questioned the decision, were properly put back in our place.

The only reason Wes wants to restrict nekovalkyrja inside Yamatai is because he feels they are one of the more significant appeals of his nation. He does not wish to see them spread around in other factions, and lose that advantage for Yamatai. It's a legitimate, though OoC concern, and I for one am quite willing to play along if it can alleviate some of his fears and concerns. It justify why he changed something I previously concepted - I just wish I had known about it before so I could have understood earlier and supported him.

The NH-29Y was already up on the wiki as a creation of Nashoba via IC actions. The NH-30, on the other hand, is something I've working on for Wes, collecting info to that purpose for the last couple of years.
Wait, does that mean the article is approved as of now, or does it still need changes? I just scanned over it, and it seems almost like at it's current state, it should be listed as a sub-section of the 29, not its own set. I say this, only because it links back to the 29 for reference more than not, and it seems like the only major changes are reproduction and cosmetics.
Will be approved sounds like future tense. ^_^;

Wes probably finds little wrong with the article (he being the site's admin, Yamatai's FM and the creator of the nekovakyrja race) and believes it will likely be approved, like many of Nashoba's quality creations.

However, Nashoba will likely present them in the NTSE forum, like he usually does with everything else he makes. honestly, there's little that makes it non-approvable seeing the article's IC roots.
... So you guys are distracting a recently married man from his bliss and his real wife to discuss an important matter regarding imaginary catgirls.

Well, at least we got our priorities straight. :)

I don't mean to be rude, but I'm at the age where my friends are starting to get married, and this just doesn't sit right with me. I've seen people plan their weddings. It's a lot of work, and I'm sure Wes could use a break right now.

At the very least, don't be insulted if Wes doesn't get back to you in a day.
Folks, the concept of the NH-29Y had nothing to do with the issue of NH-29's being Military only or not. It came out of IC events, out of seeing the disparity of positions that Yamataians could perform as well as Nekos. Lastly the idea was as a way of letting players in the SAoY who wanted to to have some of the abilities that limited Yamataians but avoid "Catboys". I had told Wes that I was working on this idea before this discussion ever started.

As for it being a replacement for the NH-29H, that was not the purpose of the submission, but ultimately that's Wes' decision.

And yes, it will go into the NTSE, but I intentially held off because I wanted this issue resolved to avoid confusion.
Yangfan said:
... So you guys are distracting a recently married man from his bliss and his real wife to discuss an important matter regarding imaginary catgirls.

Well, at least we got our priorities straight. :)

I don't mean to be rude, but I'm at the age where my friends are starting to get married, and this just doesn't sit right with me. I've seen people plan their weddings. It's a lot of work, and I'm sure Wes could use a break right now.

At the very least, don't be insulted if Wes doesn't get back to you in a day.

But we NEEEEEEED our catgirls! (Well, I don't, 'cause I got one already. Awww yeah.)