Star Army

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NovaCorp (again)

An invision forum is easier than taking up space on the site... and i COULD host a forum on here but the good ones take up quite a lot of space :'(
Some of the stats are just not going to fly. For instance, you put that there were 2 billion of those Trojan vehicles. Something like that generally doesn't happen instantly, especially with a new company.

Your site is coming along nicely, though.
Standard Energy Shielding : the LCV uses basic energy field shielding with a maximum capacity of 1 zettawatt.

A zetawatt? Do you know how much energy that is -- and this is supposed to be a 'light' combat vehicle?

the TIEV uses two types of shielding - the standard energy barrier and "Intelligentâ€
this thing is built for tactical insertion into enemy territory, dude. That means going in without a massive strikeforce to back you up. that means going in as fast as you can with as much armour as you can because you can't fit capital ship class weaponry on something that small. Shielding is ALL you have so it's as strong as it can damn well be. half the craft is taken up by the generators for the shielding and systems
I think you're missing the point. Its shielding rivals the biggest, most powerful starships in the SARPG universe. It's ridiculous. The systems to produce, store and project that sort of energy are far beyond NovaCorp's reach, not to mention the effect it would have on game balance to have a small, "Light" vechicle capable of absorbing enough damage to vaporize the solar system.
the yuumi battleship can defend against up to 20 yottawatts (80 times the TIEV's MAXIMUM shield capacity - i will give more info on this in a second) in a five foot area every second (every five feet of shielding around the ship can absord that much energy per second). the MAXIMUM capacity of the TIEV is 0.25 yottawatts every 5 seconds across the entire vehicle. 0.15 yottawatts of that shielding is the maximum rating in combat, 0.1 is fed into the system by the intelligent generator as and when needed. the standard generator also recharges the life support units, powers the turrets as and when needed. when all systems are operating the shield rating of the main generator is brought down to 0.05 yottawatts. this is 1/400th of the yuumi's shielding capacity over five feet squared per second while this 0.05 yottawatt standard capacity is over the entire TIEV every five seconds. also, please do NOT take information from the current posted version here, the complete version of the TIEV is shown the the novacorp site under vehicles and contains the points above.

most light ship based weaponry can destroy the TIEV in just a few hits. Ke-PDV-4 Weapon Pods, for example, could easily destroy a TIEV even though their energy output is only 0.000075 yottawatts per second. multiply that number by 5 then the result by 120 and you have the damage that just an Arashi-Class Stealth Escort Destroyer can give out with just it's weapon pods in just 5 seconds - 0.045 yottawatts.

now tell me my vehicle is overpowered with that in front of you.
Your vehicle is still overpowered. It shouldn't take light ship weaponry to take this thing out -- a corvette is still many orders of magnitude more valuable than the largest tank.

It's different for a warship to be able to absorb gigaton and teraton level damage because it is a warship. The Star Army's soliton beams and the NDI's energy wave cannons can unleash on average over 350 gigatons of destructive power a shot. That's ridiculously powerful, but when you have ships capable of turning a planet's crust to slag or destroying planets, that's the level of firepower you have to be packing in order to achieve that. Warships don't go down with one shot, so it's only natural that their shields and armor can take that kind of damage.

But a tank? Be for real. Think of where that tank has to operate. If you need to unleash the equivalent of a 150 megaton nuclear weapon (and that's a conservative estimate) just to breach its shields, think of what that kind of attack is going to do to the surrounding environment. And if its defenses are that powerful, just think about how powerful its weapons have to be (because weapons tend to always be more powerful than the corresponding defenses).

You trying to justify the ridiculous, unbalancing power you put in a 'light' combat vehicle by putting up a battleship's stats just doesn't fly. In fact, it only shows the lunacy of trying to make a tank that powerful. It doesn't make sense from a military standpoint, because a group of these vehicles would leave a planet virtually uninhabitable after combat because of the amount of energy they're slinging around.
While the TIEV does have comparable shield rating with the Yummi on an order-of-magnitude basis (maybe even substantially weaker), Derran and Wes makes some very good points.

This thing is a metal box the size of an apartment building, not a kilometer-long space-faring battleship. Many of the technologies that allows the YSA ships to have their insane power outputs would be infeasible or less efficient at this size.

I don't want Yori to think we are picking on him or anything. It's just that past experience has taught us to be very careful with the numbers, for the sake of game balance, realism, and playability.

And like Wes said, start slow, start small. Why?

1. Nova Corp. is a start-up. It won't have the most talented scientists as employees and shouldn't have access to the latest technology of the other, more established corps.

2. It won't have much money, and a license to exclusive mining rights to the Fenyar Cloud has got to cost a pretty penny. On top of that, mining the cloud is dangerous, slow work.

3. Nova Corp. would be competing in the same market with Ketsurui Fleet Yards, Kessaku Electronics, Wicked-Arms, Phoenix Arms, Feisar Arms, and imports from the Draconian League. Being the new-comer, it can't possibly be very successful at first.

4. The Fenyar Cloud is currently at the edge of YSA territory, at a time when military resources are spread thin. Nova Corp. would end up spending a lot of precious resouces defending itself from pirate raids and the occasional SMX scout ship.

Right now, Nova Corp.'s best bet would be to exploit the niche markets left empty by the departure of the QelNoran Industrial Sector. Civilian ships and vehicles should be in high demand right now.

Nova Corp. could also compensate for the inferior quality of its products by offering better cost efficiency (read: cheaper). The Nepleslian Police experiences high equipment "turnover" rates, and would very likely be interested in cheaper weapons. The Elysian Celestial Navy could also use such products to re-equip its legions of Seraphs.

Nova Corp.'s product line looks good right now, but more lower-end weapons are needed.
You're power gaming. Cut it out. You're a new character and a new corporation. Try to think realistically. I don't know about the numbers and that sort, but even to me it seems you're just putting up numbers with no idea of what you're doing.
maybe you SHOULD look up the numbers. anyway, TIEV shielding updated. now 0.25 zettawatt (250 exawatts) just tell me if you think it should be petawatts, terawatts, gigawatts, megawatts, kilowatts, watts, microwatts or nanowatts :x
Is that DOOM music?

SARA is interested in your droid stuff. Talk to me on YIM.
ya, it IS doom music :D only played it once, about 6 years ago, but the music was good for the game so i added it :)

that and I wanted a bit of music in the background that would kind of fit the subject... so not jazz :D
Akamatsu Yoritoki said:
maybe you SHOULD look up the numbers. anyway, TIEV shielding updated. now 0.25 zettawatt (250 exawatts) just tell me if you think it should be petawatts, terawatts, gigawatts, megawatts, kilowatts, watts, microwatts or nanowatts :x

Just for reference: 4.1 petawatts = 1 million tons of TNT or a 1 megaton nuclear explosion.

250 exawatts is at or approaching the gigaton level, which is just ridiculous for what amounts to a glorified armored personnel carrier.

And mind you, this is what a one-megaton nuclear weapon will do:

Thermal radiation radius (3rd degree burns): 11.7 km
Air blast radius (widespread destruction): 7.2 km
Air blast radius (near-total fatalities): 2.7 km

That's the average American city - wiped out. And yet you have a APC that can take roughly a gigaton worth of damage with shields alone?!

C'mon now. Think.
Hey, I've already said i don't know the energy released by nuclear weaponry, I'm just trying to fit this in compared to other vehicles/ships of it's size. Any actual help would be appreciated instead but just bitching on about it being too strong until i eventually get it right will cause everyone grief, not just you and me.
Hey, I've already said i don't know the energy released by nuclear weaponry, I'm just trying to fit this in compared to other vehicles/ships of it's size.

No, you weren't trying to make this thing based on other vehicles and ships of its size because there's not a single vehicle in this category in either the Nerimian Defense Initiative or the Star Army that can withstand megaton and above-class weaponry. Don't try and bullshit me.

You've even tried to justify this thing's shield rating based on the stats of a capital ship. So let's be honest here: You haven't the slightest clue of what you're actually talking about when it comes to these numbers outside of something that can withstand exawatt-level damage is remarkably strong.

Will I hold that against you? No, because I used to do the same kind of shit. Contrary to what you think, I am helping you by giving you something a lot of people in this game lack: perspective.

Your problem is that you know that something like a petawatt is a lot of energy but you don't know how much energy that actually is.

If you had really looked at the vehicles used in the Star Army and NDI, you'd know that most vehicle energy weapons are in the megawatt range and could've deduced that shields that can withstand gigatons of energy would require orbital bombardment to destroy.

Links for your reference: <-- use it