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Approved Submission [NPC Species] L'Kor


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I've noticed that all their ships are super slow in STL. While this really isn't too big an issue, tbh, and probably won't impact their use/deadliness in RP, there has been a lot of ship-speed-creep allowed for even low tech factions lately. So they might be portrayed by other GMs as severely outmaneuvered.

Though, overall, they seem pretty freaking cool! New bar set for minor antagonist factions!
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Is there any direction players and GMs want to see this NPC species take? Kinda doing a 5 year review on them as I look back at how they're used and were used. There's 8 pages of roleplay history on them with some being very recent! So they're obviously well loved by others, I just want to know how people want to keep at that going forward, esp after the war.
Well I am kinda sorta the de-facto FM of Kuvexia because of the Sood Zadra plot and no one else bothering with it. I’d love to see more with them, in Sood Zadra and elsewhere dealing with the Kuvexian Collapse. By all means please keep them alive!
I wouldn't mind having some of these in Random Alien, as they're from the core too.
This isn't about using them. They're usable and will be!

This is about me looking at an old setting element and knowing I have to tend to it, it's YE 44 come on. I am asking for guidance on what players and GMs need more of from them- esp after having used them a bit (Yuuki I saw your reference to them in rp, too, dw!) : )
I’m curious what they’re doing to cope, the ones who aren’t working for the Kuvvies still, at least. They were really tied in, especially economically to the Kuvvies and all. @demibear is working on the Ehlen in a similar way.
I hate old elements to fade away. Esp good ones
I mean I'll edit the wiki with stuff a whole bunch and submit changes but the L'kor are not the Elefirn. The Elefirn were definitely working for the Kuvexians and tied in with them intrinsically. The L'kor just found space flight, just found these crazy aliens, just signed some treaties, and just lost their first interstellar war, they are probably hitting an updraft right now rather than being knocked out of the air. Think about it, they were about to get conquered by Kuvexians, per the L'kor wiki, but Yamatai stomps the L'kor without too many losses in 2018/ YE 40 and stops that from happening. They've probably been schmoozing off of this sick new interest group rather than having to cope, at least since I made the wiki.
Nice. Rising on their own wings now, without having to make the devil's bargain.
Well, I figure for now the ones who work for Quallox Vaibal post-Collapse have a decent thing going they want to exploit for the time being, but that can't be all of them.
That in mind, does it change how people want to use them? What is that direction? Knowing the paths of interest they give creators helps a lot @Deleted User @Yuuki
I think the path I'd take would be that some migrated to Random Alien after the Kuuvies lost (they would have been welcomed), and maybe some went to yam too. I'd love to have some L'Kor characters on Random Alien ships, ngl.
I definitely imagine some flocking n migrating, yeah ofc ofc. A bit of a diaspora? But a lot of moving back and forth, too. Maybe a lot of L'kor will leave the planets they went to because the springs on Naiva are too good to not be there for, like IRL birds? btw easiest way to spell their homeworld is avian backwards, we're leaning into the joke here canonically guys.

You can play a L'kor anytime you want. As a GM they are a part of your tool kit to do that with. You could make NPCs for yourself, etc. The baba yaga used them sooo so so much, so do it!

If there is considerable interest in having them as player characters I'm okay with the L'kor being opened to them with work, but I'd only do it if the cost to benefit ratio is there.
There's too many opportunities there!!! But why did my brain think of the symbiotic relationship where the L'kor use their beaks to preen Elysian wings and the Elysians use their lips for ... Why brain.


I'll get underway soon enough with thanks to your input, thanks all!
The Lorath will feel left out!