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Approved Character [NPS corp] Aries Jaeger

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Hey Jack, I am going to check this character out for you. It looks good and I fixed the Single Author error. But I am uncertain about one thing, that is the part that Aries gets found by Star Army, is treated and gets a new body. This doesn't make much sense as the new body is only given (so far I know) to Yamatai citizens, which is something she is not. Just to be sure about this I wish to have a Yamatai FM check it @Andrew if you got the time?
Reactions: Wes
If Yamatai finds a human, and the body is basically unsalvageable medically, Yamatai would give a free replacement human body rather than let the person die. So there's that.
Indeed, and also lot of non-Yamataians slip into Yamatai every year to get free/cheap medical treatment and then go home.
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