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Approved Submission NRM Type 45 Particle Beam Rifle


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Next up from the Reds' backlog, the notImpaler.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello, could you wikify the Impaler mention into a link?

Am I to understand that this is a weapon, manufactured by a corporation, but it's not actually sold on the market? How is its production paid for?
The wiki link is at the very top, but I can duplicate it. The original intent was to be an internal use item so they didn't flood the market with it. I can see some scum quartermaster selling them on the black market. As for how it would be paid, internally with the resources they mine/FDC membership fees. Not a huge amount of them would be made since the Bushi Carbine is intended as the standard service rifle at the moment.
I just asked because I'm starting to try to police the amount of items that people put into the setting (in general, not you specifically) that are basically "the corp makes a product but there's no customers, it only makes it for itself" which seems like the opposite of making a profit. Corporations who don't have actual buyers/customers should go out of business IMO. So I hope to keep asking this for other submissions. In other words I think there should be a paying customer for products made (or in the case of military stuff, some unit that uses the equipment).

Also I want to say that I really like how to commissioned art for this! It looks great!

Submission approved!
Understandable, I'll make it for the open market. Now to advertise it in the DION, lol.