Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[NSMC 309th] Mission 3: Hope Bringer


Inactive Member
YE 40
NSMC-held "Big Wall", New Bernese, Freemud System

It had been a year since the 309th were tasked to prepare the plan. An entire year of light combat with the Fatneck pirates that had taken them across the surface of the planet and put them against many foes. The retirement, redeployment, and re-assignment of the various personnel had shifted the rosters of the Soko Neko and its assisting squad multiple times. But all of it culminated into one event, on a particular morning of an icy day. Not every world functioned on a perfect time, after all, even if the NSMC did.

The tank's crew were already buttoned down, with the infantry assigned and outfitted in their Golems, of course being tasked with wearing layers beneath their suits. The lone Aggressor was fully encrusted by its pilot's, Fang's, designs. As an arid world, it was very rare for the planet to ice over. The outside of the wall, however, was a key example of how cold the world could get. Various members of the militia wore furred or stuffed attire, manning trenches that appeared more frozen than made of dug and packed dirt. They were the defensive part by now, well-versed in fending off attacks with assistance along their lines from the 309th.

But today was the mission they had been assigned nearly a year ago came to fruition. In particular, it was the day of an ancient surprise.

Various ID-SOL, produced from the once-again running factories, had arrived. The green-clad beasts spotted the defenses in larger models of Hostiles and VOIDs. They were valuable, well-respected assets of Nepleslia and used the armor to extreme prejudice to end most assaults. And today, they were going to hold the line.

"309th," Juno's voice cut through the comm network from atop the tank, wearing a mix of uniforms with his ACVU above the more modern Crewman Jacket. "Prepare to advance. We're going hunting today... we're going to use that sensor to meet-up with field deployed recon and figure out what they've unveiled in the enemy formation. We finally have confirmation that our target is in this area, though... today, we have a shot at bringing down the Fatneck's leading elements. Naval assets have been tearing them apart behind lines and forced the enemy closer inch-by-inch."

"So let's make them struggle a little harder." The man lowered down into the tank, closing the hatch and slipping to his command seat. Armoring up with the ACVU wasn't always the best choice in the compact tank, but it was essential as their foes would have armament that could endanger the Maximus.

The infantry, save the Aggressor, had a nice Jackelope to that was at equal risk... but Kokuten's squad wasn't alone. A harder group of Hostile-wearing men was stationed to move and support the infantry as a "hammer", loaned assets from the more veteran members of the 309th that had come with the General.

In asset count, they were a fireteam, a squad, and a tank crew. But that was more than enough for a well-aimed strike. It was time to strike a critical blow and force the Fatneck war effort to be essentially crippled. It was time to kill Fatneck Bertha.

[ @Bilgecrank @Charmaylarg Dufrain @SirSPT @Primitive Polygon @Syaoran @Whitehart - Everyone who was not tagged, assume them as transferred/removed. I'll be posting every Saturday from now on, so there will be an enforced 1-week post turn. Try to stay on-top of posting, everyone. You can post more than once, obviously, but try not to write your fellow players into a corner.]
Inside Soko Neko

Fitz had squeezed her way inside the tank, with her ACVU on as well. She hated the thing because it slowed her down, and if a shell really did pierce, it would do nothing to save them. But protocol was protocol and if she was injured without wearing it she wouldn't get as much reimbursement. "Sucks to be you Joe, you can't grab my tits by 'accident' this time around." She chuckled and then turned her attention to Juno for a moment. "I hate to admit it, but we're probably going to need that dinky little gun on top too."
Inside Soko Neko

While the rest of the crew seemed to be at odds with their AVCU, Ella was quite enjoying herself being buttoned up with it in the driver's seat. The greatest feature of the uniform was the ability to interface with the tank and with her Datajockey already having been interfacing with the Soko Neko, I meant she could stream more cheap, imported anime directly to her headset.

She was however aware of the current mission, so the the poorly dubbed episode of Masked Squadron Nekoranger was shrunk and to the side as she scanned the horizon through the tank's cameras. All she needed was the overly loud barking of some movement command through her headset to get the tank moving through the cold landscape.
Inside Soko Neko

Joe gave a cocky chuckle at Fitz's remark, his helmet hanging idly from a hook beside the radio in front of him. He was cleaning his coke bottle glasses ensuring they did their best to help his vision thinking again why he did not just bite the bullet and have his eyes fixed cybernetically. It always came down to the fact that he liked who he was though, peculiar.

"Listen, that was one time and I happen to know you liked it. You could have cut glass after so don't be modest," Joe said as he did final checks, ensuring the radio was ready, the nearby shells were in order and the controls to the point defense was good to go.
Big Wall.

The past year had seen its fair share of hardships and triumphs for Minnie. Where before she had been an emotional wreck, Terrified and paranoid of the battlefield; She now had the confidence and experience to have a perfectly normal and healthy apprehension to it. She dwelled on her change somewhat on the anniversary of their touchdown planetside. Even with the infantry shrinking considerably as the year grew older she still found herself oddly contempt with it all. Even without Fergus or Autumn or Kuznyetski or even fang physically by her side.

As if the thought of her simply manifested her, Minnie casually strode past the aggressor as she had dozens of times before, The talon like claws of her now half year old cybernetic arm flicked out from her fingertips to *wrap* against the frames flank with a Tik Tik Tik Tik before they folded back into her fingertips. The gesture was both a warning to its pilot to alert them she was on her blindside and not to side step and crush her, And just as much a friendly gesture.

She passed by her bestie after a soft, quick glance and continued on her way with her worn carbine slack on her hip. A year ago she had been terrified of Fang Yin Zhou at their first meeting now Fang was just Fang. Her lovable and protective guardian...

"Going to rendezvous with the LT. You prime in there, Wanna switch?" She casually coo'ed into her mic onto the proximity channel, Casually joking despite the fact they both knew after faceplanting the aggressor months earlier during simple training left the impression she'd likely never see the inside of it again...
Big Wall

The Second Lieutenant shut his eyes for a moment, data feedback from his artificial parts giving him an odd register with the cold weather. Coping with the chill was just a fact of life on New Bernese, just like it had been last winter. Kokuten didn't like the cold, it reminded of him of cold places, and he had yet come to a cold place that he actually liked. He blinked away the mild frosting on his eyes and stood at the ready by his Golem, quietly thinking on the past year. The strange twinge in his leg reminded him of a well-placed mine that his foot had landed on almost six months ago.

Deciding that reminiscing was not the ideal action at this time, he keyed up his datapad. Sending a message to the NCO in charge of the Hostile squad they had up on support.

2LT CHIAKI said:
"Everything optimal on your end? All personnel mustered up and ready to roll?"

The Nepleslian set the DataJockey into the slot of his armor and split open the carapace to begin the donning process. He had his gripes about wearing unpowered armor in the past, but it had gotten to the point where the heavy suit felt like a second skin. This showed in how quickly he put on the armor, slapping on each mag-link with a practiced grace. Once that was done, he scooped up his helmet, looking around for the remainder of his squad, catching sight of his trusty Medic and the less outspoken Behemoth.

"Valentine!" Chiaki spoke over the rumble of mobilization happening around then, "Suit up, Lieutenant is about to give the go order!"

The Officer slapped on his helmet, nostalgic markings of shrapnel having scraped up part of the visor and plating. He went to setting the channels on the radio, and made the usual microphone check.

"Soko Neko," Kokuten sent to the tank, "Radio check, how do you read?"

The man was having the weirdest sense of deja-vu.
Inside Soko-Neko

Fitz smiled at Joe's reply andgot up within the tight confines of the tank. "I'm surprised you could notice anything, with how quickly you were building that skyscraper in your pants." She chuckled and then sat back down, but in Joe's lap, a sly grin on her face as she was obviously teasing him. Since she was getting in the way of his work though, she did start to help him out some.
Big Wall

Rolling his eyes from the flirting, the metal-handed Lieutenant raised the comms mere moments after being hailed.

"We hear you. Callsign for Infantry-One from this point forward is Needle, transport is Pin Cushion. Our big guys on the outside are Hammer."

The communication cackled dead, the man taking no more time to wait around. The line buzzed to life, Hammer's grizzled veteran squad-leader buzzing back in Morse confirmation to both the read-out and to the designation officialization. Simple communication lines were fast and, as a result, ensured that even decryption didn't reveal immediate intent or identity. It was getting back to the basics of command, the man adjusting in his seat to take control of the tank's command suite as he barked through the intercom of the interior.

"Hammer, lead the way! Needle and Pin Cushion, take up position to our rear as soon as you're ready. Soko Neko, forward. Load anti-armored munitions and prime laser defenses."

Thumbing the display, his command turret cycled into its phosphorous as the Hostile-clad squad set at a jog. Power Armor pace meant that the machines were running at nearly the speed of small cars, carrying the destructive force to level entire cities from all their Nepleslian technology. It was time to get moving away from friendly territory to thread the needle.

Pin Cushion, Jackelope

The rear of the square box of doom was wide open, the dark-skinned driver wearing an ACVU and impatiently waiting for the others. The newest blood, a private by the name of McClain, was already aboard. The Hostiles at the front were visible hoping through the air at some short strides, bounding up in intervals in small fireteams. The coordination was flawless, each Hostile pilot's eye scanning and relaying details and updating the display feed of the Nepleslian battle network's map. They were pathfinding, charting the best course for the Soko and the Jackelope-bound Golem soldiers.

It was time to get moving and for Fang to get her Aggressor buzzing to life as soon as possible to give chase.

(@Primitive Polygon and @Sparkee0213, since we missed PP and Sparkee is new. Everyone else, you know the drill)
Big Wall -> Pin Cushion

A pop and crackle of a sliding microphone jack, concurrent with the talisman-strewn aggressor slowly burning back to life.

"-oration be to those true kin who have attained enlightenment by comprehending all literature. May they protect us.~" The last part of a sermon just caught through the radio, a distant voice cold as the ice at their feet. The metal arms and tracked eye unit of the machine briefly tested their action, before the behemoth looked towards the tank and clunked forward just a pace. "I am ready to follow you, Lieutenant."

Fang was like this a lot, lately. If the last few months had taught them anything, it was how to sleep standing up in the cumbersome thing, having now spent countless nights on standby or on guard duty. They went into a special kind of trance with the Aggressor that could last for days afterwards, joining with it spiritually as well as in muscle memory. They had taken many lives together.

"Sorry Minnie, you caught me sanctifying." A brief change in channel, whilst their hands popped out the feed of their gigantic rifle to insure the ammo counter was reading correctly. "Don't worry... I am here for us..."

It was a funny thing. Minnie was probably getting stronger, but replacing even more of herself with mechanical bits like that... Even behind the blank tone of voice Fang could now project as a veteran, they worried about them, in the cold dead of night.

Pushed aside. Lord Slepp was awake now, and his shell demanded Fang's absolute dedication. There were blood rituals yet to come.

Engines warmed up. A small skid forward, then an adequate bounding pace was attained behind Pin Cushion.
Pin Cushion, Jackelope

"It's that time again, anyone who's not walking, hop in the Jack!" Chiaki's helmet blared over the external speakers, his visor's tint shifting from green to red, almost as an alert to the others. He could feel the servos in his leg spin up as he began jogging over to the Jackelope, the vision of war slowly coming over his mind again. They had been in and out so many times that each time felt more and more the same. He could feel a light hearted Private 3rd Class Chiaki jogging towards his WATER II, catching sight of the tricked out AIRII armors. The sounds of pod rails whirring their engines in anticipation to fire the men down planet-side. The fear in his chest was palpable, but so was the excitement, all of these Marines: bold, confident, and not a care in the world. They were going to make war upon their enemies.

The red-eyed 2LT blinked his droning gaze green as he suddenly realized he was about to roll right into Fang. He was back on New Bernese, his mind leaping a decade into the future. With a quick side-step, his foot bending in an unnatural fashion to side-step the behemoth catching up to the Jackelope. Chiaki had seen enough armor pilots try to overtake or undertake a much larger armor on agility alone, and as they used to say: "Stay out of the FIRE's reach."

"Coming around right, Zhou," affirmed the officer, whipping around Fang, and flashing her a thumbs up as he hustled up to the loading ramp of the Jackelope. The cyborg slowed his ascent on the sloping door, giving a cheery wave to the driver, with an equally cheery quip, "Corporal Cruel! I mean it when I say my day couldn't start without your scowling face."

Leaning into the APC, he caught sight of the new guy. His visor spooling up data on the soldier, "Private McClain! McClain, right? Don't let her scare you, she's actually a real sweetheart."

The Master Sergeant turned Officer was painfully cheery today, to those that knew him at least. He offered a gauntlet to the younger Marine for a shake, "2nd Lieutenant Kokuten Chiaki, pleasure to have you aboard with us today, McClain. Been on New Bernese long?"
Pin Cushion- Jackalope

"Cryptic as always." Minnie cooed at her departure from the aggressor, Jogging to catch up to the lieutenant and duck into the back of the IFV and sliding into her usual place beside him shoulder to shoulder with her eyes catching a more impressive glow in the low light of the Jackalopes dim confines as she appraised the newbie.

"McClain, Right?" She offered a nod in greeting, Unimpressed. a lot of new transfers found their way to the squad but never stayed more than a month before they where bounced somewhere else to bigger and better things than than their unit like it was fun to waste their time getting invested. "Doc-Valentine, Welcome to New Bernese. Ill be replacing your arms over the next few weeks."

She played it off as a joke, Flicking out a claw from a couple of her fingertips to reveal her netic' before they folded back. At some point someone had pointed out that between lieutenant Chiaki, Herself, Lietenant Juno's hand, And even Lucky the IdSol from the militia, That the unit seemed to have a strange attrition rate for their limbs, Not knowing that with the exception of Lucky And herself it was not at all the case and turned into a fun way for her to poke fun at rookies.
Pin Cushion - Jackalope

Private Third Class Kevin McClain listened to the radio chatter, jumping a bit as his name was called by the 2nd-Lt. He listened, smiling and nodding. A chuckle escaped as he took the hand, surprised an officer of a 2nd-Lt's status would even think to touch a lowly Private like him, fresh out of training. He wondered what else would be different. "Yes, sir, McClain. I'll try not to be too scared by her." He said with a smile. "And no, sir, just arrived earlier today, actually." He said, remembering his trip on the transport before arriving. It had been pretty boring, but gave him plenty of time to think of what he would do, and what relationships he would develop. Hopefully they would be good ones.

His attention was shifted as a newer face arrived, a woman. He listened to her, raising an eyebrow in a mixture of worry and curiosity at the statement about the replacement of arms. He had optical implants to increase visual range, night eyesight, and other functions, but he wasn't too confident about other implants and/or replacements. It took about a second or two to recognize it as a joke, a smile spreading across his face as he nodded back. "Good to meet you, Doc-Valentine. Let's hope none of my major limbs will need replacing this early into my deployment." He playfully said, quite aware of the dangers of combat through simulations in training. His superior had been a vet with many scars and even a cybernetic leg, not to mention everyone else at the base that had seen combat had a scar or two of their own. It almost seemed a sort of 'right-of-passage' to obtain a scar with a story. Hopefully his would have a good story.
Big Wall, Soko Neko

The grumbling of commands from Juno spurred Ella to get the tank rolling. "Aye, sir." She replied meekly over the comms.

"VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM" Replied the tank not over the comms as it lurched forward through the tundra. Ella decided to keep the tank moving at a steady pace to let the infantry kep up with the rest of the advance. As for the APC, she knew that they'd be smart enough to either stay behind the giant metal beast of a tank or a least a sizeable distance away if ant scouted needed to be done.

Pin Cushion - Jackalope

"Hey now, let's not make this one shy of the med-ward," Chiaki bumped his arm against Minnie's shoulder, laughing under the shelter of his visor, a playful blue color glowing under it. He leaned forward, supporting himself on his rifle, holding the weapon with both hands as he looked back at McClain. He looked as if he were about to speak, before he began to tack away at his helmets radio uplink, looping in everyone within the mechanized, infantry unit on one channel. This way, the driver, the crew, and their paladin wouldn't be excluded from the chatter. "In all seriousness, though, Private Valentine is a gifted Prosthetician, she'll be your go-to should you want or need cybernetic attachments or upgrades. We don't have the widest selection out here on New Bernese, so don't expect anything along the line of Claymere, Emrys, or AwesomeCorp models, at least not within a month."

The officer leaned back again, his hand rotating almost all the way around and then back, just barely straining the fabric at the wrist of his gauntlets, "If you have any spiritual needs, I'd direct you to our only form of 'chaplain', that being Private Zhou. She's the one in the two tons of hurt skipping merrily behind our transport. Ah, and she's also the Division Fitness Leader, so if you need something in regards to PT, she's the one to go to."
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Group Formation, Dutched-Deathhills

As the column started moving, the tank actually fairly quiet by comparison to the escoring APC, Juno kept his eyes on the prize. The giant monster was behind the scouting squad of Hostiles, sure, but anything that even popped up to consider taking a shot at them was a valid target for now. The man's metal hand securely held the control for the commander's auto-launcher, knowing full well what was coming.

While those inside weren't able to see it, they all knew for sure that the wall was slipping away as the vehicles hit proper stride. The scowling driver of the Jackelope had turned her gaze forward now, focusing on maneuvering the Jackelope around anything that was too deep or too hairy whilst the Maximus plowed onward, the Soko Neko having no fear of man nor terrain. Its driver needn't worry about mounds, smashing through them with simple ease as the fusion-powered engine roared its battlecry out across the fields. But as they drove, it very quickly went from more flat and trenched terrain to craters and hills. They were entering the earliest stretch of the Dutched-Deathhills, the occasional sight of the Hostiles leaping just visible in the distance via their monitor feeds.

"Hammer. Contact. Enemy company, vehicle column spotted. Defensive position coordinates relaying back now. Hammer pulling back to formation."

The bursting of those suits returning didn't take long before the audible thunks from outside reached the groups indoor. As for Fang, she was very quickly surrounded by one half of the Hostile-wearing squad, the other landing and positioning at the rear flank of the tank. It was now that Juno looked ahead to the terrain, the digital feed of the map adding blips to their combat net whilst setting it to the birds-eye. They had hill coverage for now, being on lower ground, but that would run out soon.

"Confirmed... flyboys must have missed some." Juno's voice cut over to the communication for Chiaki next, forwarding the details to their Jackelope. "Pin Cushion, we've got a hill to our west. Deploy Needle and support the push to take it. Scout results show minimal enemy concentration. Once we have it, Hammer will flank east. Soko Neko, advance and adjust cannon ten degrees right. We're advancing forward to give the others time. Arm all weapons, reload AP for the main gun. Lasers and my cannon should handle the infantry. After we pop the first one, we keep moving and we don't stop. If we're moving, we're not dead. Movement path will be easterly."

The order relayed instantly had the Hostile squad departing, leaping up and away toward the east. Once more, Hammer was departed and left Fang alone... but Pin Cushion, the APC, was already flooring it to drop off all her friends. Even if Lord Slepp was without companion craft, Zhou would soon be able to move with hers soon. The driver looked over her shoulder, calling out to the leader of the infantry.

"Where do you want me to park this thing? We can rush up closer partially up the hill, but they're likely to hear us. Or we can take it safe and I'll deploy you within this crater up ahead!"

(@Syaoran @Whitehart @Charmaylarg Dufrain @SirSPT @Sparkee0213 @Bilgecrank)
Soko Neko

Joe was an eternal optimist and chose to have a good outlook on pretty much everything he did. He enjoyed shooting the shit and joking with the infantry, his beaming smile always evident in a social setting. in the end though, joking with Fitz was probably one of the best things he had encountered in his time with the 309th. Their relationship had grown, at least in his opinion, over the short time they had spent crammed inside the Soko Neko. She was only five years older than he but he saw her as worldly and experienced, and to be honest he hoped he would learn more.

Shaking away the deep throughts, Juno's orders registered starkly, pricking up Joe into a more attentive mood. He spun his small stool and reached for the first AP round in the hopper and deftly slid it in to the open maw of the main gun chamber. He slid the lid closed with a slight slam, ensuring no blowback or equally catastrophic event occured.

"AP loaded, defense lasers primed Lieutenant," Joe said in response. "You are primed Fitz, aim true." He lightly knocked the portal that sectioned off his and her stations.
Soko Neko

As they rode towards the combat zone, Fitz got off Joe's lap and her focus started to rise. She was a joker and fun to be around, but she was also a soldier, and she knew when it was time to get serious. This was one of those times, but though her eyes were narrowed and sharp, there was a smile on her face, she was about to do what she does best.

"They got so many targets ready for me to practice with." She licked her lips as she looked over the tactical data and adjusted the main gun. 10 degrees was enough to hit on their predicted course, but that wasn't enough for Fitz, she narrowed her aim further and adjusted the elevation as well. She had found a few vehicles on the data and one of them looked like it might be a tank, and she had readied herself so shoot for the power supply.
Pin Cushion - Jackalope

The Second Lieutenant broke away from the conversation in the back to climb towards the fore of the vehicle. He was a massive man in the tight compartment, even being a simple Nepleslian. With a cursory glance, he took a look over the terrain just ahead. There wasn't much that could be seen of what he was thinking, thanks to the visor pulled tight, but the man's vision was a blur of neon displays. Internally, his eyes began to boot up the programs to monitor vitals and internal integrity for his cybernetics. A wireless connection from his central control implant to his DataJockey let him access his helmets interface with less effort and with more accessibility. Waypoints popped up in his vision and his visor, giving an almost 3-D aspect to his view of the battlefield.

"Settle in the crater, and set your position to provide overwatch with the mounted Moneyshot. I don't want to get half-way up that hill and find out the hard way they've got some kind of AT. Gotta protect that scowl, y'know?" the cyborg laughed, slapping his thigh and pantomiming a wiping motion on each eye, before pointing up the hill. His cybernetic eyes linked up with the tip of his finger, and drew a line from them to the tip in his vision. With a short, mental command he set a waypoint on his DataJockey at the end of the line, which was then sent it out to the rest of squad. "McClain, you've got point; Needle, we're going to move on that hill, with the Jack watching our back. It's on us to find where the enemy sits and drop our Paladin on them if we can catch them unaware, so keep your ears and eyes open."

The Officer set himself into the back, towards the hatch in preparation, "Do final checks, and scrub any chatter, we're going live."
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Pin Cushion - Jackalope

Kevin McClain, the new addition to the team, had been chosen as point lead. Perfect. Maybe he would be getting his scar sooner than he thought. “Copy Second Lieutenant.” He said, grabbing his M3 and prepping it, propping it up next to him as he checked his sidearm strapped to his right thigh. Once everything was checked, including his armor, he grabbed the rifle and moved towards the hatch, mentally prepping himself.

Please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die. That’s all he could think subconsciously. All other thoughts of home, a warm meal, a (somewhat) comfy bed, and everything else had vacated his mind. He tried to reign it in. As a sniper, and more importantly as the point lead, he needed to have a clear mind, or as clear a mind as one could get, being fresh out of training and thrown right into the snake pit. “Ready to move out on your mark, sir.” He said. This was it. Now was his chance to prove he wasn’t a useless rookie.


A simple acknowledgement before Minnie's demeanor made a complete turn, Her mask and the tinted goggles in place hid the stoic expression beneath. Her carbine made a slightly audible Click under the rumble of the engine as it was brought to the ready, A small charm affixed like a fetish off the stock in the shape of a phallus.

"FuckNecks cant shoot for shit." She glanced over at the newest rookie, Recalling autumns advice more and more each time and how wrong she had been to have snapped at her what felt like so long ago. "Doesn't mean they cant get lucky and score one, Fang and the Soko will handle the entrenched mobs and any junk frames they got for PA, Just keep out of their way. So keep in cover and keep them at range or else they'll overwhelm you. Shouldn't be hard, Thats what your kind get trained to do."

She didn't like snipers. Even if Mcclain held an M3 it didn't change much. There was always something sickening to her since the day the 309th touched down about the idea of someone just laying in wait to pick apart stragglers and anyone that stood out, Like Medics and Doctors.