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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

Kagura, hearing the announcement sighed, today really wasn't her day. She was aching, tired, hungry and now somewhat stressed out as she headed for the multi-purpose room to catch this briefing and would arrive earlier than the others and just leaned up against the wall. "What now..." She muttered.
Gran decided to stop by his bunk on his way to the briefing. He only spent a moment there: changing his dirty clothes for fresh ones, deciding he didn't have enough time for a shower, and picking up a small box of tools. He thought he might have enough time to at least get a small look at what lay under the cover of the mysterious Red-made machine.

He strode into the multi-purpose room not too long after Kagura did. He gave her a small wave, happy to see that another person he knew survived the battle. He sat in a chair not very far from her and set the metal case and box of tools on the table, proceeding to stare at them, seeming to ponder how he should go about his favorite task: dismantling.
Autumn adjusted her beret on her slightly tussled hair as she jogged towards the multi-purpose room from the Armor Bay. "Raceya tothe debriefingsir!" She yelled back with a grin to Ian as got a little but of a head start on the large ID-SOL.
Kagura blinked when Gran showed up and smiled happily in mixed relief. "Hey Gran. Just the handsome little tech I was looking for." She purred and walked over to him. "Can you help me with something? I damaged my arm on that last mission..could you be a dear and repair it for me? I'm afraid it's too delicate for me to fix and I don't have any toold." she said, her shoulder joint sparking again.
Gran continued to gaze at the table for a split second with a quizzical look on his face as Kagura began. Handsome? He turned to her as she mentioned her arm. Ahh, this makes things a little more comfortable. "Alright, what seems to be the pro-" He stopped as he saw her arm spark. "Well, have seat and lemme take a look." He indicated the chair next to him as he opened his tackle box of tools. "I might not be able to do a whole lot of good right now, I don't have any spare parts with me."
Kagura sat down and got her arm up on the table for him to examine. "I think it's just a little wiring problem." She said. "I can't move it on its own power, if you can just get it to do that I'd be very grateful." the purple haired woman said, offering a pretty little smile and winked.
Autumn burst into the multipurpose room a little behind Ian, having not been able to steal too good of a lead to outrun the ID-SOL. She spotted Rico and was suddenly beside him like a shot and wrapped her arms around the brooding Sergeant, "HiRico! Youmadeitoutokay! Yourenothurtareyou? Ineverdidfindoutifyouweregonnatakeadrinkwitheveryone!"
"I see. I'd be happy to help." Gran said as he looked down at her arm, smiling to himself as he inspected it. Honestly he was appreciating the attention from Kagura. It was, at the least, relaxing to see her acting this nice.

He looked up as the bounding Autumn entered the room, he shook his head slightly and returned his attention to Kagura's arm. "That was weird..."

He pulled out a pair of forceps and a small screwdriver. He proceeded to poke and pull at the inside of her cybernetic shoulder. "Well, I think I can make it basically functional, but to get it repaired completely might take a while longer... You might feel a few jolts here ina second..." He continued as he pulled out a small portable soldering iron and pushed the tip into the joint, re-joining a few loose wires.
Kagura winced a bit and looked at him and grinned slightly. "At least basic mobility would be fine, it's a pain in the butt to have to manually move it with my other hand." She said with a soft chuckle. "When we get back to Nepleslia, maybe you can show me to a good cybernetics shop, I probably need to get this hunk of steel upgraded anyway."
"Well... I hope I'm not late. That was one long -fucking- shower." A light plume of steam rising from his grayish blond hair, Gyles entered the Multipurpose Room, smiling rather sheepishly to himself. He felt like a new man, and unlike many of his cohorts, didn't smell like blood, sweat and gunmetal. His music turned down so he'd actually hear when the debriefing started, the Tech Sentry patiently sat down and began to wait.


"He didn't take your vestments." An amused Mireille stroked Adrian's forehead, chuckling to herself quietly. It was almost hot to the touch, likely from the body being freshly cloned. The cadet tossed a towel to the new-revived medic, and continued. "He removed your ability to breathe, and nature took it's course. Welcome back to the world of the living, Executioner Decane."
Kokuten moved over to Adrian, there was still a bit of a diagnosis to finish.

"Welcome back, buddy, but first things first." Kokuten put on his serious face. He held up two fingers.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He then pointed to his green eyes with his free hand. "What color are my eyes?"

"And can you feel this?" The medic thumped the Adrian on the arm rather hard.
Adrian caught the towel, and draped it over his lower body, keeping his more "private" parts private. He smiled at Mireille. "Thanks." He then turned to Kokuten as the other medic began his diagnosis.

"Two," replied Adrian to the question of the fingers.

"Green," came to the response to the question of the eyes.

And "Ow! Why are you hitting me? Couldn't you be nicer, like Mireille?"


Ian, in his haste to enter the room before Autumn, did not notice her head for Rico. He took a seat in the front of the room, and took several moments to realize Autumn wasn't around. He looked around and saw her near Rico. The Cadet frowned and turned back in his seat, waiting for the briefing.
"Umm... I'd be glad to help you find a place to get this fixed up." Gran replied as he leaned closer to her arm, poking a few more wires. After a second her arm would twitch slightly. "There... I think it should work now, give it a go."
Kokuten chuckled at Adrian while giving a sort of thank you nod to Mireille, "Sorry Adrian, I gotta make sure this new body is working fine. I'm supposed to be the professional one here, you know?"

The Medic stepped back from Adrian for a moment and then sized him up.

"Well, I believe first we need to acquire you some regulation clothing, eh?" Kokuten said.
Ally's virtual representation appeared before Ran, smiling the same bubbly smile between those pout red lips she had become so known for. As she addressed Ran's question, Ally made an open-palmed motion towards the end of the hall, beckoning him to follow.

"Certainly, Sergeant Rui. Please, follow me."


The Multipurpose room had been changed during the course of the NSS Alliance's victory over the Red underwater installation. Rows upon rows of seats had been placed in the massive empty space, with an elevated stage area and podium in the front of the room. Behind the podium, displayed on the wall, sat a large viewscreen, displaying the still emblem of Nepleslia as Alliance soldiers and crew filed into the room.


Rico had been one of the first ones to arrive in the Multipurpose room for the meeting, as he had been fairly close to it before Ally made her announcement. Although he wasn't exactly in the most vibrant of moods, he had settled down a bit and had re-assumed his usual gait. Autumns playful arms caught Rico with mild surprise...never the less, the Sergeant tossed Autumn a sly little smirk and a raised eyebrow at her drug-induced frenzy of speech.

"Ah, no gorgeous, I'm awright. Uh..." It took Rico a moment or two to register Autumns spastic words as they flew out of her mouth. "...I dunno. If we got time before th' next assignments, I could use somethin' pretty damn strong. How's the arm doin' anyway, sugar?"
Harrison was in the room just after Ian, surprisingly nimble for a man who had just about gotten his head torn off by a follicle-obsessed automaton with an afro and chest hair. He moved over to Sergeant Sanroma rather sheepishly, going against every fiber of his being to do something he rarely ever did: apologise.

"Am I interrupting something?" Harrison said as he drew near to Sergeant Sanroma and Autumn.
Hearing Ally's anouncement, Trey looked up, a shirt pulled hafway over his hed. He finished the action, shaking his head a bit and putting on the top of his uniform. "Ooh, A briefing" he muttered to himself, walking out of the bunk area towards the multipurpose bay Guess I don't get a shower today he mused, walking down the hallway. A few minutes later, he entered his destination, and sat down near the front, somewhat by himself.
"Good - idea." Henry quipped before making his way towards the Multi-purpose room, as Ally had quipped. He wondered just what that automation was, and he intended to find out, and make sure that he didn't have his chinfluff torn off in the process.

He then realised that he still had the books that Harrison had lent him in his hands, so he put them away in his duffel bag over his shoulder to keep them in good reading condition.
"SergeantChiakigotmeanewone! It'sonlytemporary.ButI'llhavetojoinyafor adrink! Youlookdepressed! Smmmmiiiilllllle!" Autumn grinned brightly up at Rico and gave him a rather hyper hug. She released him from the hug and rocked on her heels with her arms behind her back. "YouknowIanrunsrealllyfast! Themesshasthisreallllllllly yummychocolatepieyou shouldtritafter thedebriefing!"
"Back there, Adrian." Mireille pointed backwards with her thumb, the cybernetic digit gesturing to a green marine uniform neatly folded in a row, along with a few others. Overall, she didn't feel so terrible about her performance now that Adrian was alive again, but she couldn't help but feel a little bad. But at least Kokuten was there. Oooh... and I promised that we would drink together in my quarters. I wonder if he is as tolerant as he claims...

She place her hand on Kokuten's forearm and smiled rather wickedly. "I expect to see you in my quarters a little after debriefing. Besides, I get the feeling that would could use some hard liquor right around now." She said, in a playfully sinister tone.
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