Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

"...Kagura I need you to help me measure something long and hard." Ran walked up to her, and stopped dangerously close to her, looking her in the eyes with fake lust. "...My left arm." He held out the string to her, smirking at his little joke.

"Try and find me one with spikes on the knuckles or something, Kokuten."
Kagura roused from the half doze she was in and hissed at him, half-awake. "Well Damn Ran, I didn't think you had that much insecurity that you had to measure...oh your arm? sure." She said and took the tape with her good hand and held it and pulled it down to measure the arm. "there you go."
"Insecuri...INSECURITY ABOUT WHAT?!" Ran shouted the measurements to Kokuten, then returned to angry shouting at Kagura. "Insecurity about the fact that I'd choose a pretty young thing like you to possibly measure something dear to me? Oh, far be it for me to complement you with such an honor. Sheesh." Finished with his fake ranting, he popped another cigarette into his mouth, then lit it.
Kagura just gave him a grin and shrugged a bit. "I did help you measure the important part." she said. Kagura stood up and poked him on the good shoulder. "For god's sake, take a joke Ran." She said. "And that really is a disgusting habit, but I won't tell you to stop" she said and went to just go sit back down.
Kokuten drew a prosthetic arm from the closet where he had drawn Autumns, then turned to back towards Ran. He put the arm next to Ran's organic one, it was slightly smaller. The Medic nodded approvingly and put the arm down.

"Okay, lay down, Sergeant." Kokuten said, pulling out the injector with the blue vial of 'Knockout' inserted in it.
"Think I can get some of that stuff to go, Kokuten?" Ran smirked at Kokuten, putting his cigarette out using the top of his boot. Not really thrilled that his prosthetic would be slightly smaller than his organic arm, he sighed a little inwardly, but just lied down on the operating table, eying the needle that the injector belonged to.
"Negative, Knockout is a 24-hour length drug. You'd be out for that long, unless someone was near-by to give you a stimulant. Shaking and yelling don't help, either, once you've taken Knockout, you're knocked out." Kokuten explained before injecting the Cadet, "Sleep easy."

The Medic began his work of attaching the prosthetic to Ran's arm.
Ian smiled as Autumn looped her arm around his own. He looked down the hall to the cafeteria. "First one in there gets all the cake." He then released the woman and charged down the hall, his longer legs carrying him at incredible speeds towards the doorway. He laughed as he went.

Autumn grinned as she ran after him not quite able to over take him as they neared the doorway, "Hey! No fair!" she skirted carefully around the crowds of amused looking marines that were walking through the corridors in no particular hurry to get anywhere.

Ian barged through the cafeteria doors, headed for the usual line of light confections the caretakers always left out for the marines. He looked at the table and frowned at the lack of cake. He turned and looked for Autumn to relay the bad news.

Autumn slid to a stop behind Ian and noticed his frown. "You cheated!" She stuck her tongue out at Ian as she smoothed her hair down. It dawned on her somewhere in her mind that she probably looked like a mess after the surgery and the battle. "You couldn't have eaten all the cake alllreaddddyyyy!"

"Hell no. Don't eat that fast." Ian looked around the table. "I guess the cake that medic was talking about is a lie." He reached down and lifted a cookie. "Cookies and pie, though." He offered in an uncharacteristically helpful manner.

Autumn pouted like a little kid for a moment and brightened at the notion of a cookie. "Oooh cookies! What type?" She skipped over to the table to look down at the snack selection as she felt her right hand start to lightly tremble. "Yeah... sugar will be a very good thing."

"Chocolate chip," Ian bit into the cookie he was holding. He chewed swallowed, and coughed. "... And some drugs. Skip 'em, trust me." He then pointed to the pie, chocolate cream in a stimulant-cracker crust. "That, though, looks like a more innocent kinda treat."

"Okay!" Autumn said brightly as she grabbed a plate and fork and then cut herself a large slice of chocolate pie. She carried the plate towards a table in her right hand as she lightly flexed the finger of her temporary left one. "It's hard to get used to new cybernetics."

Ian grabbed a handful of the drug-laced cookies and brought them with him to a seat across from Autumn. He sat and took a bite, listening to her statement. "I suppose. Yours was a rush job, though. Once you get one that fits," he lifted his own cybernetic arm, tapping heavily on the side with a finger to elicit a metallic clang, "You should be all good."

"Oh, I know. I'll have to show you mine," Autumn smiled sweetly as she ate her slice of pie. Had her taste buds not been screwed up from many years of her bizarre dietary habits, she might've noticed that the pie tasted off but she was blissfully ignorant. "This pie is pretty good! Onemorepieceandsomethingtodrinkandwecanbeoff," she said in one breath and hopped up from her seat, skipping again to the table to retrieve another piece of pie and a drink.

This could get pretty interesting. Ian watched the armorer head off over his shoulder. "Hey, grab me something caffeinated, will you?" He asked after her.

"'Kay!" Autumn replied as she got another pie of pie and two cups of some heavily caffienated soda onto a tray. She walked quickly back and set the tray down. "Youneverdidanswer. Youdidn'tgethurtatallthismission?"

Ian grabbed one of the cups from the tray and drained it almost before Autumn finished her incredibly rapid-fire speaking. "Nah, I didn't." He grinned maliciously. "Fuckers are too scared to hurt someone as hard as I am."

Autumn grinned as she quickly polished off another slice of pie and took a couple of large gulps of her soda. "Andjusthowhardareya?" The Geshrin grinned with a wink.

Ian pushed back in his seat with a smirk. "What? I'm supposed to tell you and ruin the surprise?" Ian took another bite of the large cookie he was working on. "What fun would that be?"

Autumn grinned as she finished off her drink and hopped up from her seat, "Ready! Raceyoutothepods?!" She felt her heart starting to race from a mix of excitemetn, the sugar rush and the stimulants she had on board. She quickly did an about face and bolted towards the doors out of the mess hall.

"No way in hell am I losing to a shorty like you!" Ian yelled, pushing back in his chair and charging after the woman. Even with the stimulants in her, Ian began to gain on Autumn.

Autumn laughed as they finally reached the escape pods. She accidentally ran into Ian after having a hard time slowing herself down. "Ooops."

Ian crashed into Autumn, but, instead of slowing down, he simply wrapped his arms around the armorer and slammed himself into the pod bulkhead, embracing the woman and laughing. The door opened soon afterwards, leaving an open way into the empty escape pod. "You ready, Autumn?" Ian asked, grinning. He let go of her, letting her to the floor.

Autumn grinned up at Ian. "BeenreadysinceIgothit. Areyouready? Wastheresomethinginthatfood?'sshinyinhere!"

"Oh yeah. I'm ready." Ian leaned down and kissed Autumn on the lips before heading past her into the pod. He pulled off his shirt and looked to the armorer. "Close the door on your way in, and watch out for that switch. It'll drop us on Kennewes."

Autumn smiled at the kiss and carefully hurried into the escape pod, closing the door behind her. She watched Ian for a few moments before carefully liberating herself from her t-shirt, mindful of her new arm and any and all switches. "IthinkImightneedhelpescapingmypants."

Ian was busy escaping his own. He dropped them, leaving a gigantic marine in nothing but boxers. "Right." He stepped over to Autumn, looking down at her chest and grinning. He knelt down, pushing his fingers into the limited space between her waist and her pants. "I'll pull when you do."

Autumn grinned up at Ian as she placed her hands into Ian's waistband before she kissed him. "Alwayshappytohelp," she said softly before she helped the large ID-SOL out of his last remaining shred of clothing.

==================== TIIIIMEEEEWAAAARP =======================

Ian pulled on his shirt and ran a hand through his rather disheveled hair. He looked to Autumn as he sat on one of the other seats in the pod, sighing contentedly. He grinned at her as he reached for his boxers. "Well, I can safely say I enjoyed myself."

Autumn stretched her arms with a bright smile on her face. There was a light blush on her cheeks from the 'work-out.' She managed to slow down her heart enough to talk a little more slowly, "We'llhave todoit againsometime." She arched her lower back and heard a light crack. "Ooh, that felt good."

"Sooner rather than later." Ian was nearing full dress by now, with his pants about half way up. "We've got to hurry, though. Briefing pretty soon." Ian reached down and tossed Autumn her own shirt before finishing securing the uniform khakis.

Autumn caught it with a grin before she pulled on the rest of her clothes. "Almost forgot aboutthedebriefing. Howlonguntil?" She asked quickly as she carefully stepped into her shorts and her uniform pants at the same time before adjusting her belt.

Ian searched his pockets for a few seconds before producing a datapad. He checked the time quickly. "We got a couple minutes." He put it away and walked for the door, waiting for Autumn to totally finish dressing before opening it. In the meantime, he pushed his hair back into something more resembling the blonde spikes that usually adorned his head.

Autumn nodded again as she adjusted how her pants tucked into her boots. There really wasn't much more she could do to look more professional without her uniform shirt, a shower and.. a brush. "ThinkIhave enoughtime togetmy uniformshirt? Ithinkit gotleftin theArmorBay whenIhitthdeck."

"Sure," Ian popped the door and stepped into the corridor. "Let's go," He smiled, "We got people to kill and shit to blow up." He turned and left towards the armor bay. "Hurry up, Autumn!"

"Coming.. again!" Autumn grinned as she hurried after Ian once again out of the escape pod. She slowed down once she caught up to him again. "maybewhenI getthenew arm, Ican addturboor somethingtomylegones?"

"That's a question for the medical staff." Ian responded, grinning at the joke. "What would you add?"

"Idunno. Maybeflames? Theyaddhorsepower,right?" Autumn relied with a grin up at Ian.

Ian shrugged. "I don't know how these things work. I just know they let us keep on kicking ass." The cadet knocked on his stomach, indicating the metallic bits that made up his innards.

"Same here. Well...mystomachist stillsquishy," Autumn commented as they reached the bay. She looked around trying to remeber where she put it. "It's overthere." She raised her right hand, making a "one moment" gesture before she jogged over to to the spot where she had put her clothes before the mission. She quickly pulled on the shirt over her head and ran back over to Ian. "Ready!"
"GAH! WHAT THE-" Harrison's surprise at being lifted into the air by his burns was displayed on his face. He worked the holster on his guns and kicked at the gargantuan metal monster's chest, working the thin mutton chops free of the killer, hair-obsessed robot's fingers. He dropped to the hangar floor, guns in hands.

"What the hell was that for?!" He shouted, flicking the safeties off of his guns, aiming at the LED receptor on the automata's face.
It took Kokuten a total of six minutes to get Ran's arm connected and ready. Adrian's pod, which had finished, was beeping to signify it's completion. With the surgical work done, and a bit of cleaning, Kokuten stabbed Ran with a stimulant to wake him up.

"Alright Ran, you'll be a little drowsy for the next few minutes, but you should be up and ready to go soon." Kokuten patted Ran on the shoulder. With that, he quickly moved over to the pods, noting that some of the other ones had less the 5 minutes left also. He looked over at Adrian's pod, and saw that it read 'INITIATE REVIVAL'.

"Okay buddy, time to wake up." Kokuten hit a large green button next to the spider slot. The pod began to come to life, the front of it opening, the body that was Adrian behind it was jumpstarting awake.
"You are being designated as a possible threat." Keid said to Harrison flatly, as one of his LED eyes circled around to the back of it's head while the other moved slowly from side to side, and up to down, keeping a view on Harrison while making it difficult for him to easily shoot his one LED out. "Suggested course of action: Stand down or be incapacitated and possibly charged for aggravated assault." Keid knew full well that it started this fight, and knew that there would still yet be punishment if Harrison decided to act on violence.

It's arms moved slowly forward, aiming to grab the barrels of Harrison's guns. "Stand down immediately."


Ran found himself, strangely enough, in the middle of a convenience store line, illuminated by flourescent lights, bringing every bright color to a sort of grim gray hue. He had time to look down, and in the randomness that is a dream, broke open a strangely-shaped cookie, and pulled out a single piece of paper, reading: You'd better be strong while I'm gone. Reading this, Ran could only feel this very profound sense of loss, as well as a horribly sharp pain that brought him gasping back to consciousness.

"What...What the fuck was that?" Ran said slightly louder than a whisper, getting up from the operating table. Kokuten's instructions came rather slowly to him in the sudden confusion that comes with waking up in such a start. "Gotcha, Kokuten." The drowsiness caused his feet to drag slowly across the room, right onto one of the chairs that lined the wall. With the influence of a cigarette's buzz causing him to feel about 10 times heavier and sluggish, Ran leaned back...feeling the dulling drowsiness and buzz leave him.

"Alright, good to go!" Ran sighed deeply and tapped the sides of his head with his palms, psyching himself up to bring his "game face" to bear against the Marines he'd see in the Mess Hall. Ran could only notice Kokuten moving over to one of the pods, and saw "INITIATE REVIVAL" on it. "Shit, looks like we lost one." He got up and started towards the door. "Tough shit. Good thing he's gonna be revived. See you at mess, Sergeant." Ran passed Kagura, pausing to take a look at her arm. "Wanna look for someone to fix your arm and eat, Kagura?"
Henry felt a bit concerned that Harrison was reacting poorly to Keid's 'curiosity', or so he thought. With a little bit of sweat dabbing his forehead, he decided to intervene before things got out of hand and Harrison had his head torn off by the top brass, or Keid was given a few new holes to worry about.

"Stop!" Henry voiced in an elevated tone as he tried to stand between the two and break up the conflict by moving Harrison away from Keid with no luck, "This machine - It is only - curious, Harrison." He explained.
"Yeah, if you define curiosity as trying to tear my fucking scalp off!" Harrison shouted, slamming the HHGs back into their holsters and moving back off towards his FIRE- just in case.

"Heny, if you think this guy is so curious, why don't you go over there and get your head ripped off?"
Kagura stood up and glanced at Ran. "ehh why not, apparently I can't get this hassle repaired here, I think I'm gonna go hunt down Gran and see if he can help me." She said and headed out of the med bay and began to stalk the Alliance to find the techie.
Throughout the vessel, Ally's voice rang out softly in one of her more business-like tones, signifying a note of importance as she delivered the message to the crew.

Attention all personnel: There will be a vessel-wide briefing on the next steps the NSS Alliance and her crew will be taking. All immediate ship staff and military personnel are to report to the Multipurpose room in 15 minutes, at 0500 hours.
It had been a very long day for Gran. Hell, it had been a long day for everyone, but Gran's seem to stretch out in front of him like some sort of mobius trap. It did this after every battle, people broke armors and someone had to fix them, and Gran was just one such lucky individual who had trained to do so. Ever since his shuttle had disembarked, he had been moving trashed armors, helping people out of theirs when they were wounded... or needed their disabled metal death machine opened like a cheep tin can.

Gran's AIR2 trudged across the bay, it's joints caked in black soot from the overused servo motors. If one had a sensitive nose they could smell insulation melting away from delicate, but very hot, electrical systems. The exhaust jets were caked black to match... in fact, the whole armor looked like it had been pulled from some sort of sulfur and phosphorus ridden biblical hell. Gran set down a recently dismembered WATER2 leg in a pile of similar items. He didn't worry about any contents of the piece of armor, since it had only been removed to help extract a personnel who had a broken leg, and was currently empty.

Gran let out an audible sigh, his tired, dirty and sweaty face hidden behind the faceplate of the AIR2, which seemed to get harder and harder to see out of. As Gran turned to get back to work, a loud metallic snap was heard from the knee of Gran's armor. The rest of the ferrous exoskeleton froze up like an monument of some kind and tipped over, landing loudly on its side. The clang reverberating through the bay, which, of course, drew quite a few stares and 'is he okay?'s from those near enough to see it happen.

There was about a second of seeming total silence in that corner of the bay. Gran's voice soon issue from the crippled armor, sounding muffled and metallic as it leaked through the thick protective plates. In some what of an uncharacteristic move, people close enough would hear: "FUCKINGPIECEOFCOCKSUCKINGSHIT!!!!" The grounded AIR2 would rock side to side slightly, showing the pilot was thrashing around inside.

The hatch slowly opened on the top as Gran pumped the manual release. He muttered to himself with each labored pump, some of the words unintelligible, even to him. "Ever single... gribbin time... I give you... a tarkin' workout... you go and... turn on me..." Gran squeezed out of the half open armor and stood in his sweat drenched basics, panting slightly from his small fit of rage.

The armor creaked and groaned as it shifted slightly. "Aww... come on baby, you know I didn't mean it..." Gran said under his breath, seeming to hear the creak as a verbal protest. He crouched down to his AIR2, putting a hand gently on it's grime covered shoulder. "We're gonna fix you up nice, even nicer than when we left... That sound good?" It was hard to tell whether he was actually talking to the armor or just talking to calm himself down.

He thought back a little to Kennewes. He quickly clutched his stomach and sat back slightly with a groan. The mass of memories flooded back from just a few hours ago. All the danger, all the rush, all the... noise. He thought about how easily he could be one of the people who had to be pulled out of their armor piece by piece. He breathed heavily and sat until the uncomfortable feeling dissipated.

Gran looked up at one of the active cargo hauling forklifts. "Hey I need you to take my armor somewhere to sit."

"Sure thing..." Said the mobile Techie, seeming just as tired as Gran.

"Don't put any more marks in her than I already did; I know where you sleep." Gran said with a little bit of a smile, trying to lighten the other Techie's mood.

"Yeah? Not like that'll do you any good." The techie grinned, knowing neither of them would be getting any sleep soon.

"Sleep tight." Gran said quietly as he patted the AIR2's shoulder. His eyes popped open as he remembered something. He scuffled on top of his armor, prying open a heavy plate, who's hinged protested every single movement. It was the storage compartment where he had put the nanite box he had taken from the downed Red.

He pulled out the box and looked it over. He quickly requested, and got, a larger metal carrying case for it. After all, he didn't want any of the 'zombie juice' spilling on him. He looked up slightly as the announcement from Ally sounded out. He was definitely home now.

He was sure he felt his ears tingle. He chuckled to himself slightly. "Heh, someone must be thinking about me." He slowly strode out of the armor bay with the case swinging in his hand as he walked, still clad in his completely unsanitary basics.
"AAAAGH, MY GODDAMN EYES!!!!!!" Ran was covered in soapy water, thrashing about in the hallway with one arm and covering his eyes with the other. Some time ago, he had given up on the idea of going to the mess hall, instead opting for taking a jog to his quarter's. However, upon rounding a corner too fast, he collided with a caretaker group, busy cleaning the floor. He had neglected to notice the "Wet Floor" sign, and had slipped and fell face-first into a bucket of soap water.

"YOU FUCKING CARETAKERS! I SWEAR, YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF ME BEFORE ANY GODDAMN RED!" Ran had grabbed a nearby mop and was taking several angry swings at blurry figures in the hallway, only serving to get more soapy water flung in his eyes. Taking a step to the right, he stepped on the wheeled platform that carried their buckets of water, causing him to fall again onto the ground. What felt like a stampede of feet across his back signaled his prey's escape. "...Mm. Lemon-y." Ran noted, enjoying the smell of the floor, despite the burning in his eyes.

When Ally's voice was heard and her message delivered, Ran simply got up and stumbled around towards where the Multipurpose room would be.
"ALLY! I need some illumination to help me to the Multipurpose room, wherever it is!"


Keid's single LED had twitched and centered on Henry, seeing no weapons on him, designating him as not being a threat at all. It followed Henry all the way to when he stood between it and Harrison. "Negative. I needed to harvest some hair from his face. His facial hair is over-grown and very excessive." The sudden motion of Harrison holstering his HHGs caught the automata's attention, causing it to stomp on the ground, revealing it's baton, again.

"I do not understand, meatbag. Your facial hair is on your face. Where I to want to tear your 'fucking scalp off', I would have been tugging at your hair." Harrison's departure caused Keid to put away it's baton, the sounds of it's cooling system sounding like an actual "sigh." Upon Ally's message, the Automata crouched to a less threatening height and marched off to it's destination.
"I think when someone made that thing they put a glitch in the programming. Remind me to buy a helmet on shore leave next time." Harrison said, smoothing down his sideburns and moving off towards the multi-purpose room.
Adrian's eyes opened as the pod kicked his newly-formed brain into action, and bursted 25 years worth of memories into his skull all at once. While he made no sounds, despite his mouth falling open, it was quite obvious something was happening to the medic as his eyes shot about wildly for several moments.

Suddenly, he groaned, closed his eyes, and turned onto his side, grumbling profanities. "Bastard fucking Red fucks..." He turned his head to look at Kokuten, and ceased his foul language. "Hey! Kokuten!" He began to sit up, before realizing that he completely lacked clothing. "...Shit. Kokuten, did the Demon steal my clothes?" He looked up, a frown on his face. "Seriously. Couldn't he just take stabbing out my guts?"