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Yay! Finally! o.o Lulz... Well, it might help. If anyone wants to ask if they can come aboard, and they can't find me or any of the GMs, then just ask here! So, Della is aboard, eh? ^^ Cool.
Hey, great job with the NSS Banning!

I am impressed with how well you've managed to keep players interested in your plot and posting at a good rate.
Thank you, Uso. ^_^ Sounds like Exhack will NPC the chief engineer soon, so that should help. Even with the time zone difference, we are posting pretty quickly on there. <3 Let's keep it up!

Anywho, I was thinking that the Banning will have a crew of 7 (with a total of approximately 20 passengers aboard right now). Four will be stationed on the bridge (the captain NPC, my PC Valen, and two other dudes that do whatever), and three will be in Engineering (the cheif engineer and two assistants or something). Does that sound good?
Sounds good. And I'm realizing that Dream could cover a lot of roles: assistant engineer, helm, medic...

oh, well. let's see what will catch her fancy most.
Heh, yeah. ^_^ The captain usually has helm control, but she could be the medic. We don't have one yet. Assistant engineer would be fine, too, if Exhack's cheif engineer NPC is ok with it. She could meet Valen, too. *nods* <3
Ok, I lied. I posted again before I went to sleep. I also modified the wiki a bit, which is https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=nss_banning, btw. It now has a crew roster that displays the current crew positions. Until each spot is taken, an unnamed NPC will be used for that position. More positions can be added if necessary.
Sweet. Nice job.
Well, let's see how things go on before assigning Dream to one station or another.

Lol, cook. She'd poison the whole crew. That would be fun.
(Well, no. Actually, it wouldn't.)

Probably, though, "medic" is the one that would fit her best. Of course, she'd still insist that her position should be labeled as "ship druidess"
If you're needing temporary crew members, that is.

In that case, Tweak is an good engineer. Though that means that she'd be working with...oh.

("Good" meaning "forces stuff to work harder than it was meant to without breaking it" and "engineer" meaning "One who messes with stuff until it does what she wants it to". This is not an indicator of her skill, just her will. It _will_ work her way, or else...she'll tinker some more.)
Alright, well, Tweak is just a passenger, so I believe that she wouldn't be able to be the assistant engineer (which is a permanent position); however, I do believe that she could be useful if the Banning is caught in any... dicey situations. ^_^

Okay, Della. Does that mean that Dream will be staying with the Banning until the Cirrus Station starts up?

Unfortunately for you all and the Nepleslian armed forces as a whole, the answer is yes.

Unless she gets bored and goes somewhere else before that.

Hm... perhaps, seeing as Della is gone, it is almost time for the Banning to arrive at Kennewes. If no one replies to this with an opinion... or replies at all in the Banning thread by tommorow, then I shall progress the plot along. Any objections?
Did Moon want to post anymore with Lenny and George? Tweak could interact with them a little more if he wants.
I don't know. I think that he was just using them to get some postage on the topic. However, since there are quite a bit of PC characters and important NPCs, I am assuming that he doesn't think that he needs to post. XD Or something like that.
Well, now that Tweak is heading off to her room, I wouldn't mind bringing them back in again :mrgreen: . Fay, you're always welcome to message me if you ever want them to add some shenanigans to the mix...but they WILL be getting off at the NSS Alliance, so abuse 'em while they're abusable!
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