Star Army

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RP: Kennewes Offensive NSS Banning


Well-Known Member
(( ... ss_banning))

Captain David Sebstrano felt the familiar lurch as the NSS Banning exited hyperspace. The small Red Hill-class freighter had just arrived from Nepleslia on an urgent supply mission. They were hauling several fresh PAs to the NSS Thunderchild to aid in the war effort. Once the turbulent had subsided, the short Nepleslian captain instantly shouted out in his bass voice, “Alright, ladies! Let’s get this heap of trash you call a freighter to the our destination!” With that, David forced the ship forward into the system. He glued one eye down at the sensors console. The last thing that they needed was to walk into an ambush. His voice boomed down at the young Geshrin at the communications console, “Hey, you! Err… Whatever your name is, inform the boys on the frontlines of our arrival! We’ll need a flight path to evade the fighting, too!”

S2C Valen Sasorix straightened a bit as he received his orders. He had just been transferred to this freighter a few weeks ago. So it was no surprise to him that the captain would be forgetful. Valen soon busied himself with the transmission.

Attention, NSS Thunderchild. This is the NSS Banning, ID# NR13AT8. We have arrived in the system and are now en route to your location. Requesting a safe flight path…

The message was then sent through the endless void of space.

((OOC Note: Uso has given permission to start this sub-plot. Banning is an Irish name meaning “fair and small”, nothing more. All characters currently aboard are NPCs except for Valen Sasorix, whom is already an approved character. Other PC characters will be introduced later in the plot once they have been approved.))
The calm voice of a flight controller onboard the NSS Thunderchild was quick to respond.

“Alright NSS Banning. Your ID checks out and I am uploading a safe flight path to your computer. Please position yourself above us and we will connect your ship to our rear launch bay for unloading.”
Valen nodded to himself before realizing that the flight controller couldn't hear him nod. "Understood, NSS Thunderchild," he replied as the flight path data was received by his console. He then forwarded it to the captain so that he could maneuver the freighter along the designated path. David smirked as he stated, "Well, so far so good, ladies." The four other bridge members, including Valen, all chuckled half-heartedly. They all knew that this freighter wouldn't last long against even a single veteran Red PA.

Approximately 30 minutes later...

The NSS Banning slowly approached the NSS Thunderchild and prepared to dock. The captain carefully positioned the freighter above the LHA-class destroyer. David signaled Xanatos, who in turn contacted the flight controller again, "NSS Thunderchild, this is the NSS Banner. We are ready to dock whenever you are." Then, all that they could do was wait for the response and docking.
The docking procedure took about ten minutes. Once that was over with, Valen could let himself breathe a bit easier. No sane person would attack a ship the size of the Thunderchild. The Geshrin then sent another transmission to the destroyer, "We are ready to hand over the toys to you, Thunderchild." He smirked as he recalled that these 'toys' were very lethal. He'd be glad to finally get rid of them.
As the NSS Banning made final docking preparations, a team of cargo personnel were quick to get into position to begin unloading the goods. Using some muscle and a little heavy-lifting equipment, the unloaders dove straight to work the moment they got the chance.

As the workers did their business, the dockmaster waltzed slowly up to the side of the vessel, his uniform well-pressed and proper, and the datapad in his hand held firm. With a quick series of button-presses, the armorer summoned a channel to the captain of the NSS Banning's bridge.

"Greetings, NSS Banning. I have some documents you need to sign before this transaction is complete."
Captain Sebastrano sighed heavily as the dockmaster called for him. He opened the channel on his end, "Alright, alright. I'll send someone down to take care of it." After abruptly closing the channel, he searched the room for a victim. "You," he pointed to Valen, "Get your ass down there and sign those reports so we can get the hell out of here." Valen saluted his captain and left the bridge as soon as he could. He didn't want to encourage David's wrath... even though this was a tedious task.
Valen finally made it down to where the dockmaster was waiting. He hoped that this would be a simple sign-and-go type deals. He walked up and saluted to the dockmaster. "Reporting to sign off on this cargo, sir!" he said, hoping that his eagerness didn't show through. The faster that he signed the forms, the faster the Banning could leave this system for the moment.
The chief armorer gave Valen a nod of respect and outstretched his datapad, a small stylus held in between the device and his thumb, offering Valen to sign the page to confirm the transfer.

“Good work captain. My superiors would like to know if you are willing to do another transport job for us, while you are in the general vicinity and have proved to be reliable.”

Valen was a little surprised at the armorer calling him 'captain' and even more surprised at getting another mission. "I... I'm not exactly the captain..." he said as he took the pad and stylist from the chief. "I was ordered by the captain to sign the papers, but he didn't mention anything about a new mission." He was curious about this new mission, though, as he signed the release forms for the cargo.

“Ah. I…see,” The armor raised an eyebrow as he retrieved his signed datapad. He was a little miffed that the captain himself didn’t come down to greet him in person…but he hid it well enough. “Well. Could I speak to him? We have a shipment of military equipment and a few personnel on Starbase Hayes that need transport to one…” the armor looked back down at his datapad to confirm his answer. “…to one NSS Alliance, DD4-class Destroyer. I need to know if the captain is able to do this job for us. There will be payment upon completion, of course.”

Valen simply nodded and reached into his pocket for a communicator. He spoke into it, "Captain, the chief wants to speak to you about maybe accepting another mission..." Captain Sebastrano's bass voice could be heard over the communicator, "What? Grr.... Fine! Let me speak to him." Valen handed over the communicator to the armorer with a grim smile.

The chief armorer accepted it, an odd little gaze of confusion glimpsing at Valen as he reached out and retrieved the small communication devise. “Greetings, Captain. My superiors in Nepleslia High Command wish to offer you another assignment…”

A few minutes later, after all the unloading had been accomplished, the NSS Banning was ready to take off again, this time with a new mission. On Dock 32F of Starbase Hayes, orbiting over the planet Nepleslia, a shipment of military equipment crates, as well as a handful of twenty or so personnel awaited their transport vessel. All of these things were en route to a single ship, the end-point of the NSS Banning’s newest assignment: The NSS Alliance.
Captain Sebastrano had not spoken since his discussion with the chief armorer. He was contemplating the next mission. Getting back to Nepleslia would be no problem, but the NSS Alliance probably had enemies all around it. Slipping past those enemies would be tricky. Shortly after Valen had returned to the bridge, the captain finally spoke, "Alright, ladies! Let's get going! We will be getting a bonus for another mission! Unfortunately, this next mission will bring us straight back here again... We'll need to prepare for the worst! Let's go!" With that, he and the rest of the Banning's crew began the undocking procedures. The last of the cargo had been moved onto the Thunderchild, so everything was ready.
Upon entering orbit around Nepleslia, the NSS Banning docked with Starbase Hayes immediately. A message was broadcasted throughout the hangar, "All personnel designated to board the NSS Banning en route to the NSS Alliance in Kennewes, please do so now." The freighter was fitted with supplies in its cargohold as the personnel boarded.
A green-haired girl dressed in a semi-clean tank top, a heavy bomber jacket, loose pants, and a pair of heavy-soled shoes glanced down at the datapad in her hand for the hundredth time before looking up at the speaker where the announcement had come. Adjusting the large, grease-stained kerchief on her head to better cover her cat ears (having been sternly warned several times about the prejudices of Nepleslians against Nekos), Tweak picked up her small pack and made her way toward the Banning.

The metal trim on the edges of the crystal dog tags hanging from a cord around her neck jingled as she walked. The first of the tags carried a few more micro-etched portraits and messages from the crew of the Viscous Chicken, wishing her well. Tweak wished she wouldn't forget them, but she knew that she would. But this was an opportunity that none of them could pass up (though Error had continued to insist to the time Tweak boarded the shuttle on sending someone else). Here, though, she would have new machines to tinker with, plus she apparently already had a friend on board.

Arriving at the boarding area for the Banning, Tweak held her datapad out for the crew member at the entrance to check.

"Hello...I'm Tweak Three Seven, is this the transport heading to the Alliance?"
Valen looked up from whatever he was doing as Tweak tried to get his attention. The Geshrin smiled at her as he took the datapad from her. His slender fingers typed something into his own datapad, saying, "Alright, welcome aboard, Tweak. I'd say that I hope your stay is comfortable, but we kind of lack certain accomodations for that."

His smile was kind and respectful. He was curious why they would let a mere girl go into a battlezone, but the higher ups always had their reasons for everything. Valen then moved slightly to the side to let her aboard. He handed back her datapad since he had everything that was required from it.
Tweak smiled and bowed her head toward Valen in thanks, taking her datapad back and walking into the ship. She stopped, then turned back to Valen. "How long is the trip?"
Valen was just receiving a datapad from an ID-SOL when Tweak asked her question. He put up his hand for the large soldier to wait as he turned back to her, "Well, it depends on how well our engines work and if we have any trouble or not. Estimated time would be about two or three days, I believe." He smiled at her again before turning back to the impatient ID-SOL. That smile turned into a grimace as Valen finished registering the soldier.
"Oh. Thanks." Tweak walked to her quarters, following the directions on the datapad and set her pack on the bunk before seating herself there. Two or three days? She looked down at the book that was hanging from her belt and pulled it out. Producing a pen from her bag, she lay on her stomach on the bunk, scooting the pillow under her chest and elbows, and opened the book.

I guess I might need to take better notes about what I'm doing here. The trip might take two or more days, so it will be a while.

Don't freak out in the morning, alright? Keep your head down and your ears covered and you'll arrive where you need to be safely.
Valen continued to wait for people to check in. Only a few more needed to come aboard. Then, the NSS Banning could head out. Eventually, the freighter would have to leave... even if these last few soldiers do not arrive. Being behind in time is not a wonderful thing in the military, especially for a freighter with a supply mission to run to a ship in need.
The dock crew around the area the NSS Banning had landed suddenly sprung into action, lifting and transporting large, heavy crates of equipment into the holds of the Red Hill transport. A rather portly Nepleslia commanded them from the sidelines with a megaphone, blaring orders and obscenities as they loaded the enormous containers of NAM products.

Off to the side however, a large group of uniformed Nepleslian soldiers trotted up to Valen just as Tweak started leaving, two of them leading the pack in front of the rest. A large ID-SOL, giving beamed a rather goofy grin as he shifted the weight of his duffel bag slung over his shoulders, while a smaller, shorter Nepleslian with a wise-guy smirk on his face stepped up to the front to speak for the whole group.

"Hey kiddo, this here the NSS Banning? One going up to Kennewes?"
Valen nodded silently for a second. These guys seemed like trouble to him. "Yes," he finally said, "We are heading out to the NSS Alliance in Kennewes. You are coming aboard, I assume?" One hand extended out to receive the datapad of the first marine for confirmation. The red-haired communication specialist hoped that these hooligans didn't try anything stupid during the voyage... or right now for that matter.
The big ID-SOL behind the shorter Nepleslia grinned widely down to his smaller comrade, effortlessly shifting the massive duffel across his shoulders yet again. "Ya hear that, George? This is it, George! This is our ship!" The short, smart-mouthed Nepleslian shot a smirk up at the ID-SOL. "That's right Lenny, 'bout time they got here! We've been waiting fucking forever for this damn flight! Common boys, let's get settled in," George waved a hand forward and the rest of the marines filed in without question.

When they got to the passenger departments, the marines made no attempt to remain silent as they unpacked their things into the various bunks in the vessel. They shouted, joked, jived, head-butted and swore with reckless abandon...the usual fare of Nepleslian soldiers, for certain.
Valen was glad to see them leave. Unforunately, he knew that he'd have to spend two or three days with them aboard. The Geshrin sighed while he waited for the rest of the soldiers to come aboard the Banning.