Star Army

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RP: Kennewes Offensive NSS Banning

Valen heard Mergeo's call as he approached the mess hall. The other female voices were coming from further down to where the bunks are located, so the S2C decided to ignore them for now and replied, "The captain sent me to get something for him. I think he'll prefer the coffee right now. How's the engine running?" As he paused next to the Nepleslian, the smell of coffee reached his nose. Although coffee wasn't one of his personally favorite beverages, the Geshrin has noticed that it does help keep you awake during long shifts.
"Eh... you know. It's holding up just fine." Mergeo said quite cordially in his rich accent, a rather smug look still plastered to his face. His brow furled into a slightly more serious expression "Just remind me to take my radiation meds if I see you in an hour. That, and to punch the guy who made Anti-Radiation Meds burn. Damn NAM Medtech. I have to take 2 medications just to enjoy the benefits of one!"

Mergeo calmed himself down and resumed his rather broad, but sly grin. "So, what about the new arrivals? Banning tells me we picked up some crazy Freespacer tech head... she hot?" He continued, eternally thankful for the wireless interface in his cranium. Though it would, at times be somewhat inconvenient, this was mostly whenever he was within 5 km of any studio that played host to Biff Vanderhuge or That Guy.
Valen smiled a bit at Mergeo's complaints, but only replied to his question, "Well, I believe we have two. One was a small girl... she was a little pretty... for a Freespacer. The other is registered as female, but she was in a large suit of some sort when she came aboard, so I do not know what she actually looks like." He turned to where the faint female voices had been, "I believe I heard them over towards the bunks. So, you should probably go introduce yourself before you head back into engineering." His smile grew a little as he realized that Mergeo, unlike Valen himself, probably had the courage or at least the smugness to try that.
No need to do so, apparently. The Free State's Dynamic Duo turned a corner and suddenly found themselves in front of Valen and Mergeo.

Well, more exact to say that Dream did, while dragging Tweak around.

She was, well... A blur of colorful clothes and twisting tattoos over a pale green skin, at first sight, with a shock of light blue hair on top.
Shorter than both, but not by far, she was thin and slender while still, apparently, sporting an above-average bosom for her age (early teens, judging by her face and her squeaky voice) and body type. However, it didn't show much, mostly because of her extremely weird fashion sense.

"Oh! There's more people here!" She said in an overly cheerful tone of voice, releasing the grip on Tweak's arm. "Hello! Due to the resource-sharing agreement between us and you guys, we'll be staying in your care for the time being! I'm Dream Zero Zero and this is Tweak Three Seven! Pleased to meet you!"

Then, without really giving anyone time to answer or react in any meaningful way, she tackle-hugged both of them.
Carsten blinked a little at watching the Freespacer do a flying glomp as he walked in behind them. It made him smile, actually. Reminded him of his mates back home, good peeps.

Regardless, he came to the mess hall to get at least some sort of grub. Sure, he was just a passenger, but he hasn't eaten in... well... I dunno, 'bout thirteen hours? It's a long time, man! His stomach made the usual vibrations signifying its lust for morselly goodness at the thought. Quiet, you blasted food bag! Ah well.

He walked fairly quickly and ended up getting half a cup of coffee (Which he disliked, but oh well) a biscuit thing and a good sized handful of beef jerky. Meal of champions, that. Biscuit was warm too, and he took a bite out of it. ... And it tastes like shit. Bugger. With a murmurer he wolfed the rest of the biscuit down, taking a quick sip off the coffee, Bitter as a school librarian, ugh., and bit off a mouthful of jerky, Tastes like-- Oh hey, this is good.. He actually smiled at the taste of the jerky, which was oddly warm but good none the less, and didn't show reaction to the other two parts of his meal.

Guess this won't be TO bad... Shame there is only two women and no nice men, but I'd guess they'd kick my ass. Meh. He felt for the two Freespacers, he really did. They'd get hit on so damn much...
That last thing Valen remembered was a squeaky voice screeching from behind him and turning around to witness a crazy-colored girl flying through the air straight towards him and Mergeo. Everything after that was just a haze. His senses seemed to have overloaded, but from what is uncertain.
After squeezing the two soldiers to her heart's content, she spun and giggled. "I'll be your resident priestess for the time being! Oh, yes. I'm sorry." She suddenly said, apologetically. "Please excuse us for what you might have perceived as rude and aggressive behavior during our first contact. We aren't very experienced at relating ourselves with other races, you could say that we're just learning. I hope that, despite our rough first contacts, we can still be best friends forever!"

Finally, silence. She was probably waiting for them to introduce themselves.

This was probably their first and last chance of trying to say something before being drowned out again by the hyperactive Freespacer. They had to act, and fast, or they would be doooOOOooomed!
Mergeo coughed a little after the sudden impact with the rather attractive Freespacer, though he couldn't help but stare in awe, but keep his smug grin. The druidess was good looking in Mergeo's eyes, but she did seem just a little young for his tastes. Hmm... so I'm working with you? I'm sure it'll be nice to hang around someone who likes machines. I just hope you don't stab me in the kidneys, or overload the reactor. He though to himself jovially.

"Well Dream, it's my pleasure. I don't think I've had the good fortune to introduce myself. You may call me Mergeo de Ray, Chief Engineer of the NSS Banning." He said, in a very smooth and calm tone.
Valen finally recovered. He blinked a couple more times before replying, "Err... priestess? What's that? Oh, my name is Valen Sasorix, Communications Specialist and unofficial Chief Technician of the NSS Banning." He smiled and scratched his head nervously.
Once Dream released her hand, Tweak took it back and started rubbing it with her other hand, trying to figure out if all of the fingers were still attached. She almost took the opportunity to quietly exit as Dream glomped the crewmen, but she didn't feel right about leaving her new 'sister' with them. So she stayed, remaining silent and standing as near the doorway as she could without blocking it or leaving the room altogether.

In her current state of dress Tweak looked younger than Dream, with her hands half-disappeared inside the too-long sleeves of the bomber jacket that also hid her torso in thickly-insulated leather and off-white wool. She looked cute more than attractive, like a 190's teen dressing up in Daddy's airplane-mechanic clothes.
Dream smiled, a smile as bright as a sun. "So, it's Gearhead Ray, and Codetalker Val!" She said, already inflicting weird nicknames upon her new fellow crewmembers within less than a minute since their first meeting. She hadn't noticed Carsten, apparently, so focused she was on her new friends.

"A Priestess, well, the priestess is the chief druidess of a ship. She is in charge of the health and well-being of the body, the mind and the soul of everyone aboard, organic or automata! So, if something happens, or you need anything, just come and see me!" Explained.

She pondered for a second. "For starters, I hope you're taking your anti-radiation medicines. I'm sorry for the trouble, but we've done everything we could do to minimize my radioactive emissions. It should be fine." Another smile. "I'd give some to you, but I'm new to this ship and I don't know well where the medical supplies are, yet. Oh, I'll ask Banny later."

"So, is there anything I can help you with?!" She stared at them intensely. Her eyes sparkled. (Well, one of them, anyway. Uranium oxide fluorescence, maybe?)
Valen found Dream a little creepy but more or less pretty harmless. He didn't really mind the nickname, though. It was better then some of the things that he was called on the NSS Kestrel... "I see," he said slowly, "So, you are a medic then. It is a pleasure to meet you, Dream. I... I don't remember seeing you come aboard, though." Valen scratched his head as he tried to remember if this girl had somehow passed him at the Banning's airlock on the station. He had been there and registered everyone that had passed him. It then clicked. "Oh, now I remember. At least, your name. You were that big suit of armor that screeched around everywhere, right?" The Geshrin chuckled a bit at the memory.
"I'll settle for the nickname. Ah, so Freespacer mindware, right? It took me a while to configure my wireless to your frequencies, but we can talk more privately like this." Mergeo 'communicated' to Dream, as he gave something of a contented smile and placed his hands into his pockets. The thought of having a nickname based on his role in linguistically estranged cyber tranhumanist society was rather amusing, though the words did not cross his mind quite so eloquently.

"So how about a tour around the ship? I have to make rounds, and I'm sure it would much more interesting with someone along." Mergeo said in a cow tone, leaning his head back and lightly brushing his long-ish hair with a gloved hand. "Oh, and you back there, the one Dream seems to be clinging to when she's not attacking someone else. Tag along if you like."
Tweak looked up as she sensed someone speaking to her. Motioning to herself, she looked at Mergeo questioningly.

Something had distracted her just a second ago...a sense of static, something that momentarily cleared enough for her to make out words.

" this."

The voice was Mergeo's, but he hadn't been speaking out loud at the Tweak's look also held a slightly confused frown.
"Yeah, I was wearing a Voidwalker. I'm not a Type Two, though, so it's not exactly my kinda thing. And I had vaccinations, so I'll be ok for a while." She answered.

Then she turned to Mergeo. "Yay! Ship tour! Thank you, Ray!" She seemed thrilled. Well, more thrilled than normal. "Let's go!" She said, pointing her finger in a random direction while grabbing Tweak's hand with her other hand.

However, even as she was speaking, she also sent a mental message to Mergeo (Multitasking. It was rather confusing, to listen at the same person say two different things on two different channels of communication): "Ah, you have mindware too! Nice. But what do you mean by "privately", by the way?"
There was... like a background noise, a countless number of voices chattering behind her.
Valen smirked as he simply said, "You do that, Mergeo... I still have to get the captain his coffee..." He turned and headed for the mess hall. He glanced at both Tweak and Dream as he passed. He also noticed another man in the mess hall already. The Geshrin smiled at him before grabbing a piece of jerky to nibble on as he poured the coffee.
"Alright Valen, see you later. And I'll be sure to take care of our guests."

"You dislike the idea? I was just saying that a silent conversation might be interesting. Or whatever else you'd like to make of what I said." Mergeo answered, smoothing over his discomfort at having to explain passing innuendo with a non-specifics. In a single movement he began to move down the hallway, first going towards the mess hall.

"Well, this is our mess hall. The food is limited to sundries and hot beverages at the moment, though I figure we'll have something more substantial later." Mergeo explained, his right hand tracing over the scar on his face.
"Ah. Uhm... Sorry. I think i don't understand what you mean. I know the definition of "privacy"...
A background voice said:
Privacy. Noun. Uncountable. The state of being private; the state of not being seen by others. Adjective: Private. 1. Not done in the view of others; Intended only for one's own use; Not accessible by the public; Synonims: Secluded, Personal.
... but I can't grasp the concept. I am part of a composite polysentient mind. What I see, everyone sees. What I know, everyone knows. Information cannot and should not be withheld. We have no "privacy" whatsoever. Is this a problem for you?"

Ah. So that explains the chattering in the background. It's kinda creepy. Are they talking about him?

At the same time, the multitasking Dream was cheerfully answering to real-world events. "Oh! Wait, Captain! He's, like, this ship's Foreman, right? I mean, the one whose job is to "lead" the ship, under your "hierarchical" system, right?" She pronounced the two words, especially the latter, with the same tome of voice a six-year-old would have when reading them for the first time in a book, slowly and stumbling over syllables. "Can I come with you? I wanna meet him!"
The Geshrin made nodded over to the officer in question, finishing the last of his Jerky. He wondered a little about the Freespcaers, actually drawing a inward chuckle at the thought of someone's stuff calling off or crumbling or something when having sex with them. Ah well. 'Course, it might be perfectly safe. But who cares to much? ... Other then everyone.

With a light sigh to himself, rittled a little with bemusement, Carsten stretched his arms upwards then chugged the last bits of his bitter coffee.
As Valen poured some coffee into a mug, he replied to Dream with a bemused look, "Well, he isn't the friendliest of chaps to meet, you know? However, if you really want to, I can't stop you from following me to the bridge." He chuckled slightly as the mug was full of the bitter liquid.