Star Army

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RP: Kennewes Offensive NSS Banning

"Well, since I could be staying here for a while, it's only natural for me to meet everyone on the Banny! Especially the Foreman!"

Apparently, she hadn't noticed the "not friendly" part AT ALL.

"Tweak, Ray, you comin', too?" She asked without turning around and without waiting for a response. She was already cheerfully following Valen.

"So, what's this "bridge" thing you're talking about, anyway?"
Valen scratched the back of his head with one hand while the other carried the mug. "Well," he said casually, "The bridge is the command center of the ship. Everything that tells the ship to run is centered there. The captain not only orders the rest of the crew around through a comm system, but he also controls the helm and thus the movement of the ship. Is there anything else that you would like to know about?" He walked carefully as to not spill the coffee. He knew that Mergeo had to go do his shifts, but he wasn't sure if Tweak would go along with Dream and him or not.
"Ah, so your ships have centralized command systems? How strange." She pondered. "But then, your ships also have deflector shields and all kind of fragile, high-energy systems. Which are all kinds of cool, really, but what if they get destroyed in an accident?"

Dream scratched her head, pondering on the issue. "I mean, what happens if this "bridge" is destroyed? You can't fly the ship anymore? Can the ship's intelligence take over the helm? Is there a failsafe or something? It seems all a bit too... risky, to put too much important stuff in the same place. What if the ship gets cut into two? Can the part without the bridge still function?" She asked, with the inquisitiveness of a five-years-old.
Which she actually was, in fact.
"Well, for the most part, if our ship gets sheared in half, the crew in the exposed sections would die. Propulsion and control are in different sections, so that would be out of the window." Mergeo said half jokingly, his expression gradually shifting into one of discomfort. "Suppose that someone separated your pretty legs and torso and seared the wounds shut with a fusion cutter. The situation with this ship is similar."

"From the little I've studied of Freespacer ship architecture, yours can survive critical damage or years of disrepair. I personally prefer the higher maintenance technology used by the Empire." He continued calmly, rubbing his chin. "It's more durable in a firefight, and keeps me in a job."
Tweak followed behind Dream and Valen, listening in on their talk and looking around. There wasn't much to see, though, so she ended up watching the profiles of the conversing pair in front of her. It was rather interesting, actually, so she didn't really mind.
Oddly enough, Dream didn't react at all when Ray mentioned the removal of her legs. It was like she really didn't care much about them.

"Well, they're two different ways of doing the same thing."

Dream smiled again, but this time, not childishly like before. Her face and voice seemed... far more adult, deep, and serious than anything she's ever been up to this point, as if there were something greater behind her, a bottomless well of wisdom and experience.

"The art of Redundancy, the power of doing the same thing in many different ways. The Book of Never Again calls this the Way of the Failover. And, even in our alliance, this Way shines through. You are good at high-energy technology. We are good at low-energy technology. You are powerful in attack and defense. We are powerful in construction, intelligence and support. This is the Way of the Failover, too: Having two different ways to do things is far better than having one. Having more skills and strengths is better than having less. As we stand together, out future shines brighter."

The strange deepness in Dream's face and voice melted away, leaving only her usual, bright self. "So we think. So, let's work hard together. I'll try and get used to your weird centralized system after all, and if I lose my legs, I'll just get cyberware or something. Onwards, to this bridge thingie!"
Valen didn't know if she fully understood what she even said in the first place. The Geshrin continued to walk until they finally reached the bridge. Captain Sebastrano turned and was about to chastise his communication specialist for being late but was surprised to see that he wasn't alone. Apparently two Freespacers and the chief engineer had followed him back to the bridge. "What the fuck are they doing here?" his bass voice roared at Valen, whom had just placed the coffee next to him. Before the Sasorix could respond, the captain had guzzled down the bitter beverage in one gulp.
Apparently unfazed by the Captain's anger nor by his imposing attitude, Dream raised one arm in a weird greeting of sorts.
"Hello, Foreman! Nice to meet you! I'm Druidess Dream Zero Zero, from the mothership Brilliant Unwritten Future Amidst The Neverending Heavens of the Free State." She explained in her usual, cheerful voice. "As part of our resource-sharing agreement, I'll be working on this ship for a while. Please take good care of me!"

She took a couple of steps forward, looking all around her, inspecting every panel, seat and console. "Oooh, so this is one of those "bridge" things Gearhead Ray and Codetalker Val were talking about!" she muttered to herself, practically giddy. "How novel!"
Carsten sighed a little to himself as he stood from his table, done eatting and even had a little rest to boot. "Right... Guess I'll go back to my bunk... Sit back N' all..." Yeah, he was talking to himself, but no one was around. Uncaring of his possible sanity loss, he scratched his nose a little and made his way to the crew area. To his cabin for the trip, to be exactly. Right next to those two radioactive cuties, too... Wonder how old they are. Didn't seem to grown up... Ugh man, bail outta pedo zone!

Space way to the danger zone indeed.
Tweak noticed that the captain was none the happier to find two strangers on his bridge (and was possibly one of the more irritable people aboard the vessel at the time), and quickly bowed an apology.

"I'm sorry, sir, Dream is easily excitble and doesn't mean any harm. She only wanted to see what a 'bridge' was," said the disguised neko. "We will leave if you wish us to."
After he had finished forcing his coffee down his throat, the captain merely waved Tweak's apology off and said, "Just be sure not to get in the way. I had heard that we might have an 'excitable' Freespacer joining our little family." He had paused a little before saying 'family'. Valen, who had been checking a few things at his station, wasn't surprised by that at all.
Dream's face brightened up even more. "I won't let the Banning down, Foreman!" she said, in a somewhat serious. I'm-gonna-do-my-best tone.

Even though what the Captain had just said to her wasn't exactly welcoming, since she just asked her not to get in the way.

But, apparently, either she ignored that, or she didn't think about it too much. Or at all.

She patted on Tweak's shoulder. "Well, I'm going back to by quarters for a moment. I need to eat a bit and get myself a couple of shots. Vaccines, uranium oxide, nitrogen compounds, and other stuff. Can I come over to yours after, I dunno, ten, fifteen minutes? I wanted to talk to you about something." She smiled at her, and then waved at the captain and Valen. "Foreman, Val, I'm going! If you need me, just call!"

((OOC: I'm going to a con here in Italy, and I'm be gone until Monday. Please simply ignore me and go on playing until i come back :D))
Tweak nodded to Dream. "I need to check on my quarters. There were two men there when you dragged me out. I hope they it alone." Whether she meant the quarters or the pack she had left on the bed was unclear.

To the captain, the short engineer gave a small, grateful smile. "Thank you for giving me a ride and her a post. Excuse us." With a short bow of her head, Tweak left to see what became of her quarters in her absence.
Valen scratched his head as he partially waved goodbye to both Dream and Tweak. Dream seemed to be a handful. The Geshrin secretly wondered what will happen once Tweak leaves the freighter. Being the only one of your species aboard the Banning could be testing to anyone. The captain gave a glance over at Valen that told him that there would be a heavy talking to later on. The communication specialist sighed a bit, regretting that time to ever arrive.
Somewhere in one of the cabins on the NSS Banning, a message was playing. The volume of the feminine voice was set to low, but it was loud enough for its receiver and only its receiver to hear. It had been sent a few months ago, and had been replayed many times since.

"Hello, Fian Vel Steyr. As you probably know, this is Soreta. I suppose, by the time you get this message, you'll be long gone. And by now, you probably know if I'm coming back or not."

"In any case, since it's entirely likely I won't be returning with you, I decided that I should probably tell you what my interest in you, and your ship, is all about."

"I'm not going to mince words. Your ship is going to singlehandedly rebuild the Nepleslian Empire. It sounds like a lofty goal, of course, but the crew has this...well, I'm not sure how to explain it. Some of you have this quality about you, a kind of knack for things, a sort of protection and importance that most others don't. These qualities make you uniquely qualified to do some great things."

"As for seem to be central to the story your ship is weaving. A vital link in the chain, so to speak. Whenever you might be feeling unimportant, whenever you might feel as though you aren't doing enough...remember that your mere presence on board the Alliance helps keep everything together."

"Make sure you stick with that womanizer. He, too, has a great deal of importance to your crew. Make good decisions, or at least try...I'm confident that no matter what you do, you will survive and make good on your responsibilities to the ship. Maybe even get a few promotions on the way, hm?"

"It may seem strange, but by simply existing, I have changed every life on the Alliance, especially those like mine. Even if I seemed abrasive, I was simply playing my part in things, as the diplomat and the quiet warrior. For those I have offended...apologize to them for me."

"Now that I've arrived on Elysia, my role is finished, and there is no need for me to remain. If my true role is revealed to you...know, at least, that my interest in your ship and crew was genuine."

"Perhaps, if I'm thrust into another role, we might meet again. If not...feel free to take the name 'Valkyrie', if you wish. I won't be using it in this world, and you could probably make better use of it than I could."

"May the Writers guide you well in the part they have chosen you to play, Vel they have in mine."

Fian Vel Steyr closed his Datapad and smiled softly. He was sitting upright on the lower bunk with his pullover jacket on his lap as an additional insulator against the cold. NSS Alliance... I'll be back soon, and this time I won't leave untill my work is finished. Checking his watch, the Nepleslia/Geshrin hybrid decided that he should grab a bite to eat least he starved to death on the journey.

Getting up and pulling out a razor, Fian examined himself in the mirror and decided that he wasn't due for a shave yet. He washed his face in the small sink and checked his hair, it was at eye level and the three strands of white hairs stood out amongst the black, all gathered in one long bang touching his nose.

When he was done, Fian left the room wearing his uniform sans the pullover jacket with Sub-Leutenant bars. Not that he didnt like to pull rank, but it was annoying when the other grunts thought of him as a commisioned officer with null experience when he had infact climbed the ladder from S3C. This is no thanks to his boyish looks.

"So Elsae, which way is it to the caffeteria? I've never been on a Red Hill before." Fian whispered.

"You can get there using the coridoor on your left, but there is a shortcut passing through the storage rooms from your right." A female voice whispered back in his cybernetic ears. It was wirelessly transmitted from the JANE AI unit in his pocket. Although Elsae knew that Fian would statistically always take the shorter route, 'she' also knew that he liked to keep his options open.

"Okay, right it is then." Fian took a step in that direction, but then aburptly stopped when he heard a familliar sounding voice. Tapping the plastic covered metal domes he had for ears, he whispered. "Elsae, please recalibrate my ear units. I think its gone all fuzzy again."

"Negative, master. It is exacly what you are hearing."

"Freespacers..." The Vel Steyr winced. A few bad memories of the first contact mission which he participated in played in his mind. Without saying another word, Fian turned around to walk in the other direction.
Fortunately for Tweak, the two marines had left her room since her absence, in somewhat the same condition she and Dream had left it in. Something seemed to be...missing, however.

As Tweak passed the archway to the room next to hers, however, the two marines she had the pleasure of meeting earlier had claimed the room for their own. The two bunks were already a complete mess with random magazines and knickknacks.

The first occupant of the room, immediately-noticeable in his position standing in the center of the room, was the large ID-SOL Tweak had met earlier. He was standing idly, eyes glancing up at the ceiling on occasion. In his hands he held Dream's Voidwalker suit, shaking it lightly from time to time as he gently tossed it between each of his massive hands as if it were some sort of large, irregularly-shaped tennis ball.

His pal, the short Nepleslia, could be seen belly-down on the bottom bunk of their sleeping areas, his head turned away from the doorway as he ducked behind the opposite end. Apparently, he had lost something behind the bed...not surprising, seeing as how messy it was in the first place it was a wonder anyone could distinguish it as a bed in the first place.

"Lenny," the Nepleslia called, his head still hidden behind the folds of the bunk. The ID-SOL was apparently lost in his own thoughts (or lack thereof) as he did not answer back to his companion. "...hey! Lenny! You seen my datapad? Lenny!"
Tweak frowned as she passed by the Nep duo's new quarters, but she didn't really think much of Lenny's plaything until she reached her own quarters and noticed the newly-unblocked doorway. Returning to the doorway of their quarters, Tweak walked up to Lenny and snatched the suit out of the middle of a throw as he tossed it from hand-to-hand. Its momentum redirected, the suit fell to the deck and Tweak began dragging it into the hallway, intending to find Dream's quarters and return it. All of this was done without a word.
"Ohi! Tweak!" Apparently, Dream was already coming to her quarters, and they met halfway. "Ah, my Voidwalker. Good, I was a little worried about leaving a hundred something grams of enriched uranium around." She said, despite not showing an ounce of "worry" on her bright face.
Setting the suit on the floor, Tweak gave Dream a small smile. "Maybe you should keep it in your room," she suggested. "I found it in the hands of one of the soldiers and he wasn't being very careful with how he was handling it."
Valen was the only one on the bridge at the time. Everyone else, including the captain, had decided to vote that Valen cover the graveyard shift... like usual. The Geshrin didn't mind, though. Not only did this allow him to get a little sleep in, but he also had a chance to work on the freighter's AI.

Everyone had been complaining that 'she' needed more personality, or some other such nonsense. Either way, the communications specialist was the only one that knew anything about AIs... especially since he wrote an AI program of his own one time. Unfortunately, the SAoN had confiscated her because of some misunderstanding that included the anti-gravity generators... Long story short, Valen had all of his equipment taken from him and was transferred to the NSS Banning until further notice. Valen was just grateful that he wasn't courtmarshalled.