Star Army

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RP: NSS Sledge Mama [NSS Sledge Mama] Ep. 2 - Forged


Well-Known Member
When it was time to leave, there was no ceremony. No large, massed crowd of onlookers. No inspiring speech about how humanity was grimly facing the nightmares of space. No breaking of some of the finest booze in the sector across the virgin hull - no, the Captain of the ship kept that for himself. He knew he'd need it if things went badly. And, it looked like things were going to go badly. The moment everyone was on board, the moment all the food, power armors, fighters and ammo were loaded, the ship performed an emergency takeoff and rocketed out of the planet's atmosphere.

They had only a few moments warning to tie everything down. And not necessarily themselves either - they were forced into the ground by the G's that the ship's systems didn't manage to dampen as the dozen-and-so ton vessel soared.

"WELCOME TO SLEDGE MAMA!" a booming, powerful voice exploded through the cargo hold and into the assembled marines. Flanked by several NCOs, heavy, massive footfalls heralded the arrival of a Hostile, the power armor battle worn and helmetless. Their attention settling on this figure, they could all see an older man in his late 50's with gray at the temples. But that didn't stand out too much. The large and thick scar crossing over his face did however. It looked unnatural, as though it was half-dead. "I am Lieutenant Gaston, and I don't have any time, so listen up!" he continued to yell. "I am in charge of your little platoon, and long story short, things have gone tits up - the Mishhu are poking their noses around, and we're the only ones that can stop them!" the Lieutenant explained to the motley group of marines.

For a brief moment, he seemed to sober, the man's voice a quieter, more serious tone, "Not everyone's coming back. BUT WE'RE GOING TO RIP THEIR SPINES OUT, AND THROW THEM INTO THE DARKNESS, LAUGHING!"

In an instant, the various squad leaders leaped into action, barking out rapid fire orders. A tall, buxom blond stepped forward and jabbed a scowling finger at them. "You lot - you're with me! Into the armor bays and suit up in your assigned armors, on the double!" Ylfa ordered them about.
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Richard did not expect a traditional launch, this was Nepleslia a place where things often flew by the cuff, and he had heard that this ship's crew was thrown together on its own. However he did not expect an emergency launch as soon as everyone was on board and he had to quickly grab onto something to keep himself from hitting a wall, but instead he was dragged down, almost losing his grip and hitting the floor. Once things had settled down he straightened himself up and sighed in relief that that was over. He barely listed to the to the speech only becoming fully alert at hearing the word 'Mishhu'. Was that why they had launched in such a rushed manner, did that mean they were going to fight? These question soon were answered with everyone starting to run around to prepare.

When Ylfa gave the orders he responded quickly and almost reflexively "Yes sir!" and he quickly headed out to headed to the armor bay to get suited up.
Same shit, another day. Lisa, almost made her eyes go look up in the ceiling with annoyance, when the officer in Hostile walked it. So annoying. Always some super really manly guy, being all manly man. She understood, why they did it. Lisa just had enough of it, especially when she spent most of her last service under Herny Morris. Very clever man, civilized. At least they had Ylfa around, which was a funny surprise.

When she got walked by a junker drone to her assigned armour she frowned. It was a hostile. "Is this a joke?" She said out loud. Lisa was a tech-sentry. She had all the needed training, not to mention practice and actual combat experience with VOID. In her history she did pilot other machines too. Hostile in a boarding action, Aggressor in the life simulation. But most of her time she rolled around in VOID. "Hell, sarge I hope I get reassigned to VOID for next run." Lisa vocied off to Ylfa and moved in to get in her armour.
Sawyer had just finished up a long tour doing some additional training in demolitions and had just made it into the vessel before take off due to some mix ups in his orders from the 4th AASP fleet. He caught most of the briefing and headed for his assigned armor. Passing Lisa he gently nudged her as he walked by, "Hey there Simmons, how've you been?" he asked her. When he got to his assigned armor he sighed and shrugged, 'Hostile again, I'm a heavy weapons guy, but I've done this before so no real problem'. "Maybe next time I can get put in an Aggressor like normal, Master Sergeant." Sawyer said as he passed their new squad leader.
With a sigh, Thomas got up from the place he had been sitting and went on to inspect his armor and get geared up. Being transferred to another unit meant the marine would probably be assigned with another Hostile, which would be fine with him, had he not have to calibrate the armor all over again like he had done with the first one he had received. What pissed him off more, though, was the fact that he would have to paint all the motifs on his armor again, and that took time.

Maybe what even bothered him more was that he would be under the command of the same sergeant he met while on his way to the ship. He pondered all that until he stopped and saw the assembler for the armors and stepped inside. As soon as he did so and spread both his arms and legs, the mechanical arms and different kinds of machinery inside strapped, sealed and welded the different armors plates, making him jerk whenever another limb was 'armored up', but it was only as soon as the backpack was attached and secured to the back of his armor that the monoeye on the helmet lit up and movement was restored to him.

The marine clenched his fist and opened it several times, then went on to the basic calibrations to make sure his armor was in good condition before moving on to his loadout.
He heard a few complains about the type of armor they were issued and while he did not think the Hostile power armor was the interesting to him it was all the same, it did not change that he was being thrown into a battle almost instantly. He stepped into the assembler with a sigh to get suited up. "Not even day one, and already onto the field. How is this better than prison?" His body jerked as each piece of armor was attached, he could pilot an armor, but the sensation of controlling something so much heavier was something he didn't think he'd ever really get used to. He then waited for the armor's computer to tell him everything was good and took his rifle and got ready to deploy.
The dirty blond gal was merely standing in line among her other squad mates, allowing a small yawn to escaped her pierced lips. I kan’t ‘leave this is wat my pa had signed up for all them years back … to much boring orders when du I get ta kill some aliens. Pondering in her outrageous thick accent that she had developed while living back planetside. Hearing the older senior officer Inez wanted to speak up about her issues with abiding by a superior officer just to be the wanker who refused to budge. However knowing that this position was her one way ticket to possibly a better life meant something to her. “Hmm this will be the first time I get to deal with the Mishhu, hope they aren’t bunch inbred pantywaist slugs with no spine to fight.” she whispered to herself with a luscious grin. Looking as the armor’s arrived she sighed, that cyclops like eye sitting in the middle of it’s head, much like the rest of them but this one was smaller and leaner than the rest.

Listening to those around her she heard a loud reflexivity, yes sir, as well as a few minor mumbling complaints about wishing they could be suited in a different armor. In the end it didn’t matter all that much to Inez although she liked to cause as much damage as possible with one shot which was her only issues which she wouldn’t voice. She preferred a bit more metal over her body but it would have to do. Passing by her new leader as she thought of them she smiled, “Yes Mam!” While passing she mockingly raise an arm up to her forehead and gave a salute. Charging off behind in the ranks as she went to the Hostile power armor. She was happy that this encounter took them off guard she was sick of sitting about avoiding people. The first days in a unit was the worse as she didn’t care to get to know a whole new gang.
"Oh hey there Sawyer. Ah you know, the usual. Seducing men, driving fast, playing music, killing NMX. All fun and games. Glad to be out of 4th to be frank. I could not stand chief Dickerson McArsehole. Good to have you here though." Lisa replied to Sawyer as her armour closed around and she picked up the helmet. She had missile launchers loaded up with 20 dart missiles and the rest with bolts. Then she took the good old version of HPAR and all the mags needed. She was just sad, that there was no time to load AI data from her old armour. That would be handy.

"Really glad to have you here," Lisa repeated herself. "Looks like we will have bunch of rooks in here. From what I know apart from sarge, only one other guy saw some action. So we will have to watch their arses. Try seeing if you can get your hand on AOP or chaingun. We are in Hostile, but even Hostile can carry some firepower. Try going through sarge."
As she heard them speak to her, Ylfa simply walked right past before turning around and stepping backwards into the open front of her own Hostile.

"Alright, alright, listen up guys," she started, her voice cold and almost uncaringly lazy as she eyed them all, numerous plates of armor slapping into place at her brief pause. "With how fast shit's hitting the fan, I don't know any of you - all I got are some musty old docs - " Nearly three inches of Nerimium, an alloy even harder and tougher than tungsten, interrupted her by slamming over her chest, sealing the woman in. " - and I'm not the kind of bitch who's going to waste Taxpayer DA just because me or anyone else wants all the fancy toys," the now icy blond went on, seamlessly stepping off of her armor's platform. The tip of her finger pointed at them all, moving back and forward across each of them quickly. "Prove you're worth my time, and the Corps time, and you'll start getting what you want." In her suit, helmet in hand, Ylfa paced silently up and down the row, each footstep and movement of her joints quiet save for the faint vibration rippling through the floor. The Hostile, despite being the basic suit of the Star Military, was some real heavy metal. "Until then, you're all using the same shit I am."

Before she could say another word, the only way to describe what happened next was that reality began to bend in the most unnatural way possible. Their vision distorted as what they saw warped, the sense of vertigo - the loss of balance with a heaping of dizzyness - and the urge to vomit came. And went, all in a single heartbeat. Ylfa snerked.

"It's always the same when a ship pops her fold drive's cherry." Looking at them all, their Sarge held up a fist, a finger effortlessly rising as she phonetically listed each item in turn. "HyPAR, Antimatter-Mini's, Ess-Emm-Gee and Vibro-knife. That's your loadout - I'm lugging medgear." Her gaze fell on Inez. "Keep thinking like that, and the squids'll knock you up and drag you home in no-time to show to mommy and daddy squid. But don't worry, you make that mistake, and they'll make you love every second of it." The blond's demeanor sharply changed from icy cold to a strange, playful teasing as she leaned forward in her armor towards the younger woman, but in an instant, it was back to business.

Looking at the rest, she asked, "Any questions?"
Keven couldnt believe just how suddenly this was all happening and while on the outside his face seemed passive even as he joined in the squads "Yes Sir!" and rushed to his armor he had a cool burning gaze to him. But under the service his heart was pounding in his chest. This was it! Barely out of basic and he was being shipped of to combat in record timing. Rushing to his selected Hostile he steps in to begin the process of getting armored up. It was almost intoxicating the feel of the metallic plates closing around him frame. He wasnt the buffest of marines in his squad but it didnt matter once he was in his armor. It was when the helmet closed down and that brief moment of darkness before the hud launched that his expression changed and a small tugged its way onto his face.

Sure he would prefer a different set of armor too, despite all his training he still enjoyed getting up close and personal with his marks but if his orders were to use the Hostile and the weapons it provided he was going to make the most of it. Taking a second he checks the gun, just running a basic diagnostic sweep on the gun to make sure there were no problems and had plenty of ammo. When asked for questions he stows his gun back into its storage on his back and through the mono eye observed the women who would be giving him orders. He was grateful for his armor's ability to hide his face, otherwise his somewhat over eager smile would shine through. That and the armor was doing its job to hide his small movements, some might mistaken them for the nervous squrims of a coward but in truth they were the squirming of eagerness like a child about to visit his first themepark.
Sawyer looked towards Lisa and in a direct person to person message sent back
Well, I'm going to guess that what the MSgt said would contradict my asking for upgraded weaponry.
In response to Ylfa he'd reply "Aye Master Sergeant" as he looked over his gear and set up his Money Shot, chain blade, twin launchers of BOLTs and his backup SMG. "Good to see you too. Always good to see a familiar face and at least we know we can work together fairly well. Agreed, glad to be away from that place. Half the time the orders we got made little to no sense and I tended to end up getting chunks taken out of myself" Sawyer said with a slight laugh as he gestured towards his leg that he'd had to have replaced after the incident on the failed recon op. Sawyer just stood through the brief inconvenience of the fold space jump having been through them before on a number of previous occasions for each of his previous ops. Looking over at Inez he tilted his head to the side and the cyclops eye on the top of his Hostile did the same before he said "Well, I've got a feeling that we will be unlikely to run into full on squids but we'll probably find a number of their annoying cats and armors. I just hope we don't encounter any Ravagers because with this set up we're not really prepared to deal with them. Those things are hard to take down even with an Aggressor with the AOP and antimatter rounds." In a different message he sent to Lisa he said
Well at least some of them have some decent arses to watch. Maybe some of the others would be appealing for you to watch.
Richard listened to Ylfa's speech an looked around some at the rest of the people within their armors, of course trying not to be too noticeable himself. He was starting to feel out of place with so many gun-ho marines who knew just what they wanted in terms of fire arms and power armor load outs. He just wanted gear that wouldn't fail in the middle of a fight when he needed it most. When the ship engaged it's fold drive however Richard hunched forward slightly, not having expected that at all, but he managed to keep himself from throwing up and soon straightened up afterwards. That was the last push for him though he needed that sudden shock to finally steel himself "F* it, this is going to happen whether I like it or not. Standing around isn't going to change anything." He thought to himself as Ylfa's speech came to an end, rolling his neck and shoulders to try and loosen up.

At hearing the request for questions he sarcastically spoke under his breath to himself. "When do we start?" He was just trying to psych himself up, he knew this wasn't going to be like anything he'd done before but it was too late to complain now.
After all was said and done, Aleksei was standing in the armor bay staring at the hostile with a look of frustration on his face. Lighting his cigar, he leaned out of the bay. "Oi, Sarge! Fun joke. Now where's my Aggressor?" called the marine as he broke protocol for speaking to a superior officer. Staring the Hostile frame in the monoeye, he shook his head again. Leaning back out of the bay, he called down the row "Unless you want me to sit this one out." before taking a few more puffs of his cigar. He could literally look down at the frame thanks to his height.
Inez was usually the type to continue challenging authority, but considering the circumstances and the way her teasing response caused her blood to curdle would be enough reason to hold her tongue. Talk’n asif sum us even have a family to care, stink’n wench… she scoffed as she tilted away from the sarge, keeping these thoughts to herself. Besides that ain’t the worse way to go out, swing’n. Won’t half’ta worry though bout me I plan on getting in a fair number of alien deaths before meet’n my demise. I can’t get dragged out from the ranks this early got a rep to earn back for the bro’s at home. So for now I will follow, looking up to meet her gaze she would stare right back at the senior officer, who’s playful demeanor washed over her face. The teasing manner in which it was done was a bit off putting for Inez. Not quite prepared for the old literary slur. As she address them all as a unit again Inez realized that this chain of command thing was gonna be an issue with her.

Double Timing it into the Hostile she began to test the armor for it’s fit. Slipping in she could feel that she was already gonna be a bit short for her it but nothing she couldn’t learn to work around. Prepar’d ta kick sum alien buttox! She grumbled testing just how far off of a bit she was inside of it. Now for her weapon, nothing like the rest she was equipped with the standard HPAR well rounded gun as far as she was concerned and plenty big enough for killing those she would have to reckon with. Reaching down she grabbed a hold the rifle in her left hand. Familiarizing herself with the design she smiled as she looked it over seeing that the safety was still on. Quickly fixing that she pointed it down grasped firmly with both hands now in preparation to be told where the boogey was. Unwilling to mock her superior again she waited for the order or movement of the other troops noticing that one particularly taller than herself was hoping for a larger suit.
Leaving the rest of his squads to their own devices, Thomas had his Hostile's Savtech shut down all exterior noises as he went on to calibrating and fine-tuning his armor. The action was both an exercise and meditation for the marine, and having a brand new armor to mess with was akin to have an empty canvas to draw something on. He fine-tuned from the very response of the armor in relation to his movements all the way to the monoeye to fit his quirks.

Once he was done, the marine exited the armor's maintenance mode and walked towards where the squad was assembled, the HPAR secured to him by a sling, "Rules of engagement?" He asked the sergeant.
"Sarge I will bet you a beer that we are bound to meet at least few rippers," Lisa said with a giggle, as he re-armed herself according to the instructions. As far as she cared, both rack full of bolt missiles were fine by here. More destruction the better. HPAR was something, she would use anyway. As long as she did not have to use that shitty modern version, she did not care.

When Richard asked about starting, she walked to him and slapped him over the back in friendly manner. Which looked rather funny, seeing as they both were in giant armour. "Don't rush in, sport-star. This is not football or whatever you played." Lisa said in very mentor-like manner. "Squids are not going anywhere, no rush, just leave all to sarge and we will be fine. Just don't do anything stupid mate."
The teasing smile Ylfa had on talking to Inez grew - she knew she had hit a nerve, but didn't press the issue. That wasn't her job after all.

"Ha-ha! Oi Private!" she laughed at Aleksei's remark, loud and hearty. "Fun joke. Now, get in the can big boy!" Ylfa half-parroted, half played. Walking past him, casually spinning her own helmet around a finger by the rim, her spare hand slapped the rear of his Hostile. The machine instantly grew, expanding itself to the point it was half a foot taller as metal slid over metal, ensuring that the Half-Nepleslian, Half ID-SOL could wear it. In truth, ID-SOLs were once meant to be the mainstay of Nepleslian forces. It was completely expected that the Hostile, the mainstay of the Star Military, would be able to accommodate them, as well as anyone smaller that happened to volunteer.

Before she could say anything more, a faint, faint sliding feeling washed over them. Only moments before a small shudder was felt through the ship. And then another, and another, and another. The main guns were firing.

Though there was no electronic bud in her ear, the Blond Sergeant put a finger to it as though she were listening closely - a habit. "Are Oh Eee is to shoot the enemy first and ask later! Take prisoners if they surrender, but be damn sure they're not going to stab you in the back!" she shouted to them all, a few random others gathering up to join their squad. "We're moving - on me!" the woman shouted, taking the lead through the halls "Squid raiders tried hitting this outer colony still under construction to try and toss a wrench into everything we're working for," Ylfa began to explain the situation as they strode out. Soon enough, they were in one of the main hangars, the various craft there, moved to the side enough that the numerous power armors of the ship could stand. "Sledge Mama just took the hammer to one of the raiders and beat the shit out of it - we're going into this hunk of junk to secure it and grab whatever intel we can. It's a boarding action - no room in the tight corridors for larger suits!"

Klaxons began to blare as a shudder went through the hangar. The blast doors were opening, with nothing but a thin energy film between them and space. "Shit, this fast? Ok! Loose formation, and come in hot on the enemy craft - we're trying to get the bridge and engineering!" A hurricane exploded all around them as air, and the marines, was sucked clean out. A few kilometers dead ahead of them and closing fast, fast, fast was an NMX Ship, several holes burned through its hull and into the interior, its engine baffles blown out. Several turrets were dead and blown off, but AAA fire leaped up at the incoming Hostiles, only to be quickly silenced by beams of heavy cannon fire. Even then, what felt like dozens of Battlepods were still duking it out with Nepleslian Fighters, tracer fire chasing after them as the Mama's point defense attempted to shoot them down. The main hangar of that ship was at the nose, but there were holes nearby its engineering at the rear thanks to shots to its propulsion.

"Aim for its ass - we got to storm into engineering as fast as we can!"
Lisa listened carefully to sarge as she explained the objective. The blonde tech sentry sigheed. Another boarding action, it would be her second one and she had no good experience from the first one. Even though, nothing serious happened to her, she still had nightmares from that action. It reminded her, her fear. The fear of Misshu. She remembered how she panicked and got herself separated from the rest, which in a funny way ended up with her taking the bridge. Well that and slaughtering few NMX misshu officers, out of fear. The captain of the ship still go away, but she took the bridge. Funny was that all she got for that was lousy promotion to P1C back then. Load of crap. That was a green weenie, if she ever saw one.

This mission could be better. Lisa was more experienced now, she was better at responsibility. She was NCO. Lot of things to uphold to, not to mention that she had to prove herself to sarge. Lisa wanted good relations with Ylfa, cause officers were pricks anyway, so you have to get senior NCO on your side. Besides if Lisa ever wanted to sit in a fighter again, had to do a lot better in marines. Some nice medal would help a ton for sure.

As the marines were sucked out, Lisa made sure to correct herself. Space was not trouble for her, she was ex-fighter pilot after all. Getting ahold of where was "up" and "down" was not too hard for her. She quickly re-oriented herself and aimed her armour at the buttock of NMX escort ship. She did not charge away, first she looked at her HUD, checking how the rookie handles being sucked into space suddenly. If someone would need help, Lisa would be good one to do so.

"Hokay folks, let your AI helpe you. Sledge Mama is good point for you to get you bearings and it will be logged in your HUDs. Careful about the battlepods!" Lisa voiced off to others. Even if Ylfa did not ask her or possibly even wanted her to do NCO job, Lisa could not help herself and butted in a for a bit.
Richard was caught off guard by Lisa's pat on the back, not having expected such a reply out of her, nor did he think she had heard him. He didn't need to be reminded that this wasn't going to be the same and a bit of the tension started to return to him. He began checking over his equipment to make sure everything was in order now. He was so focused on this now that he did not notice the shaking of the ship and only started paying attention again at hearing that they were moving, so he looked up and began to follow. He was walking smoothly and it wasn't taking his focus to do so, which meant one less worry for him before this battle.

At the hanger Richard did not have time to be surprised by what he was when the doors opened, revealing to them the nature of the battle at hand. He was quickly sucked out into space with everyone else in his mind shouting obscenities as he tumbled around some. On reflex he began struggling to right himself on his own, which he did actually manage amazingly, but until he heard Lisa speak up he had entirely forgotten about his AI. He tried to relax some and let some of the suits automatic systems take over and keep his orientation, which let him start thinking about things around him, like how there were so many ships about. He was not sure how much damage he could do to them, but he kept an eye on them, making sure nothing snuck up on him.
Unable to do anything but chuckle at Ylfa's response to his comment, Aleksei stepped onto the assembler as the machine gave a quick scan of his body to get the height correct. Finally he watched as the armored plates were bolted, welded, and locked to his body. When his arms were released, he squeezed his hands into fists a few times before his HPAR was lifted from the riser into his waiting hands. The final touches were added as the machine waited with the vibrosaw knife until his arms were lowered before bolting it to the standard chestplate location. The minimissile racks were fitted and filled and the SMG was attached to his armors hip hardpoint. His helmets monoeye lit up at the twin fusion generators provided it with power, bringing up his HUD and the other necessary systems.

Stepping off the platform, he double timed it behind the rest of the squad to the hangar bay.


Aleksei hated being in zero-g more than anything and this was no exception. Being blown out of a perfectly good cruiser into the black nothingness of space was something he would never come to terms with, though he bit the metaphorical bullet and allowed his suit's AI to make the necessary corrections. As he listened to the squads comm chatter, he picked up Lisa's voice giving advice for the rookies. "Deep breaths, kids. Let the AI do the work, hit the deck hard and you won't have anything to worry about." spoke the ID-SOL over the channel. He knew that the rookies would need a little bit of help on their first time in zero-g since he did himself on his first op in the black.

Locking his monoeye on the engineering section of the approaching NMX ship, he picked on of the bigger holes and set his AI to making the appropriate corrections to get him there in one piece.