Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NSS Sledge Mama [NSS Sledge Mama] Ep. 3 - Into Steel

Sawyer slammed his sensors to the absolute maximum, broadcasting in every spectrum his sensor suite could manage while also activating his 'Noisemaker' to cause as much interference to the enemy as possible before swinging his guns towards the zone he saw the flickering stealth fields and shields and began to open up with another massive concentrated bombardment from his three chainguns as well as launching a volley of BOLTs in the direction that the incoming cannon rounds had come from.
"You're late! You're late! For a very important date!" the 'Goddess's' womanly voice chimed after the man in green, his feet hitting the floor in a desperate sprint.


As drones from both sides moved up to scout out the others' owners, explosions and gunfire tore through the once lush, green forest. Despite their opponents' elusiveness, the Nepleslians were grasping the upper hand by sheer brute force, blasting away any cover and concealment to be found.

The rifle that Terrance held shook him through the heavy armor he wore and right to the bone, but the bursts he let loose rapidly lashed out at the flickering flashes of light as enemy cannons boomed. He knew they were the hard hitters and tried to gun them down, but moving after every shot they took, he had a hard time pinning one down, only managing to get glancing hits on one. Hearing the marine call out the enemy however, a cool, "Affirmative," from Ylfa followed on the heels of his words, just as she shifted attention over to Max. "We're coming up on those explosives you planted earlier," she pointed out as Rachael moved her drones from Delta to Bravo. "If we make it that far, pick them back up - you might be better just throwing them." As frustratingly harsh as it was, unless they got lucky and the enemy moved in there, there was no way they'd come to use without somehow forcing or tricking the Yamataians into stepping on them.

As Alpha moved up, trying to make up for lost time, the double barreled boom of Richard's shotgun rung through the forest as he focused on one of the enemy armors to the north-west of Delta. Unable to clearly make out his target, he simply shattered the hard cover he knew she was fleeing to, sparks and dust flying as the spread of projectiles rained down. At the same time, shields briefly flickered as stray shot struck home. The missiles he let loose chased right after this slightest sign, but the Daisy wasn't a helpless damsel - letting loose her own torrent in reply, anti-missiles struck down his first half as she made to dodge further back into the ever-shrinking concealment of the forest. Seeing his missiles streaking in to home, the Daisy quickly brought up her hard metallic shield as the blasts washed over her like a storm, vanishing in the chaos.

Near him, Max's energy barriers were wavering as cannon round after cannon round struck his Aggressor. Going hull down, he took full advantage of the massive firepower at his disposal and opened up on the contacts to Delta's north-east. The chainguns on his suit shredded the concealment around the Daisy fleeing from the flowers and rapidly chewed through her own protective field. Glowing brighter and brighter as she desperately backpedaled, it simply burst in a wash of crackling energy and light as plasma began to wash over her Zesuaium shield, but he didn't stop there. Like a bully, his heavy armor made to oppress everyone in the area as streaks shot out of his suit, the missiles chasing after the second Daisy scout as she fled for a trench. Letting out her own salvo of anti-missiles, she leaped backwards and into cover. He kept on going - seeing Terrance manage to briefly light up one the enemy, a massive missile flew through the air as the AOP thumped, an explosion blossoming in amongst the distant cannon flashes that pummeled his Aggressor.

They got a glimpse of a Daisy being tossed up into the air, just as Sawyer topped off the destruction by mulching through even more of what concealment the Yamataians could find, his own missiles streaking in to explode amongst their ranks, popping the shields of a second cannon wielding Daisy. Faced with this onslaught, their fire wavered as they scattered.

At the same time, both Alpha and Bravo were moving up to the flanks fast. Kelly was right behind Lisa and Wulf as they dashed through the brush under the cover of havoc and mayhem. But the sound of metal on metal rung through their little clearing as Wulfe collided with an invisible figure, bowling it over. Their sensors screamed a terrified warning, shrill and panicked as spatial distortions came to life; a Mindy materialized out of thin air as it was knocked into the dirt, but like a cat, slapped its hands into the ground and instantly sprung up before he could react. In one smooth motion, she dashed back into the marine, their barriers merging as the barrel of her Aether Cannon flipped forward - the Hostile fell as white light shined and liquid metal splashed across them both, a neat hole punched into the chestplate.


Both Lisa and Kelly brought their guns about and opened fire, but the Mindy flipped away like an acrobat. Their tracer fire chased after her, but she was fast - one moment, the Mindy threw her weight like a graceful ballerina and fluidly dodged to the side as a PPG pulse hit nothing but air, only to practically hug the ground like a break dancer, twisting, turning, spinning and leaping about on the floor as she backed off. Right as a second warning screamed on the two Marines' displays. Turning to face the blip on her sensors, Lisa leaped back as a pure white blade came slashing down at her, howling like a wicked torch as the unnatural energy vanquished the air it touched before its tip cleaved into armor. Back colliding into a thick tree behind her, Lisa slid down its length as the Mindy flew forward to finish the job - just as an invisible hammer smashed the Yamataian armor off course.

Two versus one, Kelly backed up fast as she kept the second armor at bay with her PPG, shoving and pulling it to keep it off balance. But even then, it fought against the force just enough to dodge the worst of her HPAR's fire, the liquid metal lances punching through energy shields and splashing across armor to harden like steel. Partially immobilizing it, she switched targets, just as the first Mindy's blade ignited and moved in to cleave her in half - a pane of energy sprang to life as Rachael's drones automatically activated, blocking the blow for the split second the Freespacer needed to dodge. Right as a gunmetal gray mass slammed into the scene, landing on its feet.

Just as the monoeye of Leonel's Hostile glowed red, the two Mindies quickly fled, their bright sensor blips heading straight towards Delta. Kelly wasn't the type to thank him though. "Get up! Get up you two!" The edges of the Freespacer woman's voice starting to digitally break up as she alternated between kicking the two. "It's just some third degree burns! Get up!"

"Alpha - we have to take out as much of that Yamataian main body before they get away. Bravo's been hit hard. Delta Actual, you got two priority targets coming right at you from your 2-o'clock, so attack them and reinforce what's left of Bravo," Ylfa calmly called out at them. With Rachael and Mark beside her, the three of them had managed to move forward far enough along the left flank that they could see glimpses of the retreating Yamataians to their right in between the trees. "Alpha, we're going to open up with a mini-missile and mortar salvo first, and th - "

A dainty looking power armor was standing in front of them.

Azure blue, and decorated in white whorls and waves of the sea, it was shorter and more lightly armored than most of the Daisies, and even the Mindies that they'd seen so far in this fight at about five feet. It was smaller to the point that it practically looked like a Nekovalkyrja had decided to put on a cosplay, the plates practically right on top of a form fitting body suit. Except, those weren't cheap plastic, and neither was the wakizashi mounted across the small of it's back.

"Not bad I think," Freia's voice smiled at them as she reached back for the blade.

The retreating Daisies were now coming right at Alpha.
"Rog" Mark replied to Ylfa, scooping up the rx33 as he ran past. "Who the hell is that?" He asked watching the Hostile fall from the sky by Bravo Team. He rapped his knuckles on the side of his head to focus himself as he pushed himself harder to catch up with the rest of Alpha, stopping when he saw the power armor in front of them.

Mark glanced at Ylfa and Rachel as he stretched out his hand and pointed his push pull rod at Freia. "Fuck you bitch." He said as calmly as possible over the speakers while trying to catch his breath as he activated the rod to knock her off balance. He quickly took a step back as he fired half of his BOLTs at the Daisies and fired his AMP at the retreating cats. "Hold onto your hats." He muttered to himself.
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Steak and eggs... The breakfast of kings. A healthy dose of protein to begin the day, then he could hit the gym and catch up with his new squad when they arrived. The dark skinned Nepleslian from Delsauria absently rubbed his burnt ear as the Yamatai mess hall adjutant passed him his tray. Collecting his cutlery, he surveyed the room for a place to sit. Every mess hall, regardless of nation or occupation, was essentially the same, the only difference on this station was that almost every table was full of the bubbly, juvenile, cat-eared abominations that they Yamatai called warriors. There was, however, one table that was mostly empty, and he moved his way towards it, carefully avoiding crashing into two naval officers who weren't looking where they were going. As he sat down he realised that perhaps there was not much difference between them and us, they also sat on these hard fucking benches with next to no leg room. Next to no leg-room for a short-ass like Leonel Phipps meant that most of the hulking Nepleslians would have even more of a problem – if there was any here. In the sea of white and purple, Private Third Class Phipps was the spot of green – naturally he drew some attention.

There was a clatter as a Nekovalkyrja in a naval uniform slid across the bench, and stopped so she was facing him. “Hey.”

Leonel scowled at the interruption to his breakfast, and the affront to his ears that such a creature should address him. Then he checked himself – that was the lifestyle he was fleeing from. Chewing through the tough mass which the Yamatai called a rare steak, Leonel mumbled a greeting. There was another clatter, this time to his right, as a woman – not a Nekovalkyrja – sat down. “You just lost me 25KS, Nep-boy.”

The Neko noticed the sidelong scowl that Leonel gave the bulky naval rating who sat next to him and giggled, “She bet that you wouldn’t speak to us.”

Leonel sat for a moment and shrugged, “She would have won if I wasn’t under orders to be nice.”
The Neko seemed a bit upset by that and pouted, “Oh.”
“Unlike some,” Leonel shrugged, “I can’t forgive wanton genocide and years of oppression as easily.”
“Ha. Your personality is as ugly as your appearance.” The rating to his right chuckled and slapped him on the back a bit harder than necessary as she got up. “Don’t ever change, Nep-boy. I’ll enjoy shooting your ship – ” From the next table there was a shout from an older looking Neko, and the rating bit down on whatever she was going to say. Leonel raised his mug and smiled in thanks, however only received bared teeth in response which just caused him to grin harder. It seemed as though the sentiments were on both sides of the track.

Just as he began to tuck into his food, there was another clatter as more people sat at his end of the table. Phipps looked up in annoyance to see him surrounded by more green-uniformed men and women – sailors from the Sisters Star, the light courier vessel which ran a regular route from Nepleslia to the Space Station. It was this vessel that brought him and forty-eight other Marines to reinforce the Sledge Mama when she finally docked. “Hey fellas, what’s been happening.”

Greetings came from all around, and finally there was a pocket of Trade in the sea of Yamatai-Go. Over the past weeks of travelling on the light ship with these ratings, Leonel had gained a healthy understanding of the sector that wasn’t Delsauria, the planet he had spent most of his life on. They chatted, bullshitted and soon Leonel pulled out a deck of cards. “Anyone got time for a game?”

One of the older ratings nodded, and indicated to deal him in, and slowly the Nepleslians shuffled around so that those who wished to play surrounded him. It was only as he started to deal, did someone deign to mention that ‘shouldn’t you be with the rest of the fellas on Sledge Mama in that simulation?

Leonel stopped mid shuffle, “I thought that wasn’t due to happen until the Mama docked.”
There were numerous quick glances between the ratings around him, “You know the Mama docked not long after us?”
Leonel felt a never ending pit develop in his stomach, “You’re joking.” The blank death stares from the ratings around him told him that they weren’t. Private Third Class Leonel Phipps, NSMC, slowly put the deck of cards back into its case and into his pocket. “Fucking AI,” he cursed, standing up and slowly heading towards the nearest interaction panel.

“Computer… Leonel Phipps, NSMC – ”
“Access Confirmed!” chimed the overly happy AI.
“—tell me, when did the Sledge Mama Dock.”
There was a momentary pause, before the computer told him: “Seven hours ago!”
Leonel stared at the small interface in disbelief until printed out directions to the simulation chambers.

"You're late! You're late! For a very important date!" the 'Goddess's' womanly voice chimed after the man in green, his feet hitting the floor in a desperate sprint.


Phipps hit the ground with a thud, at it took a moment for all his systems to come back online. Around him he heard the chatter of chainguns, explosions of much larger ordinance, the crack of HPAR fire and the distant retort of some Yamatai weapons. For thirty seconds he was blind, as this suit that the AI had thrown him went through its start-up sequence. If the Yamatai had managed to get it right, and it felt as though they did, he was in a Hostile... probably one of the older models.

There was a clang, and some kind of screeching from outside his armor, however he was useless until it set itself up properly. Eventually his ‘ears’ and ‘eyes’ kicked in, and he heard some kind of convoluted mess of words as something inside a Hostile suit yelled at him to get up, and kept kicking his armor.

“I am up, woman, now stop kicking me.”

Leonel looked around as much as he could – they were in some kind of forest. Or… they were in some kind of forest, before a herd of elephants – or a squad of Power Armored soldiers – decided to stomp through it. Glancing down Leonel noticed a suit lying against a tree, a nasty gash torn through the front of the set.

His armor pinged as the rest of the systems came online, and Leonel slowly rolled his shoulders, arms and legs through a set of movements. It was a good simulation – almost like it was real. Absently he wondered if the pain was real. Despite the chaos, he calmly stretched and surveyed the surroundings, absentmindedly listening to the radio traffic as the Nepleslians screamed bloody murder.

“So,” he intoned, turning to the crazy woman who was kicking him, “What’s the plan?”

He reached down to his chest to detach the HPAR which would normally be attached there, but instead just clawed at his chest piece. Looking down he noticed the distinct lack of any heavy armament at all. “Fucking AI bitch,” he muttered to no one in particular.
Richard pumped the next two rounds into the barrel as his mini missiles were shot down by the fleeing power armor. He moved back behind his boulder for cover before he could get shot at with retaliation as he tried to think of his next action.He looked up noticing the clustering of drones from both sides and remembered what he was told about the Yam suits. If they managed to get their drones situated, with their radar and cloaking it would just be shooting fish in a barrel, and by the sounds of the battle, Alpha team had not been discovered yet either. He rose his barrel to the sky, keeping himself behind the boulder and started taking shots at some of the Yamataian built drones, trying to knock a few out of the sky in Alpha's direction to give them a blind spot they can hopefully exploit.
The monoeye on the helmet rotated after as Hostile was shaken by the kick. Wulfe turned to regard Kelly, looking through the big bright red 'Amor Integrity Critical' display that was superimposed in front of his Hostile's HUD. The pain, while simulatred, still made it feel like there was a furnace raging on his chest. The pain was suddenly diminished once the message 'Administering Narcotics' appeared in front of his eyes, and he was instantly reminded that this was a simulation, and not a real combat. Were this the latter, his armor would have followed up with a nice dose of stimulants, making his heart race and his extremities become numb. Though, most of all, there wasn't his suits Savtech disdainful taunting about how he had been brought low so quickly and so easily.

Without a word, he grabbed at a nearby trunk and hoisted himself up, the metallic fingers of his Hostile dug deep into bark as he hauled the armor's weight upwards. Simulated nanomuscle protested and he rewarded with the sight of more liquid metal pouring out from the crater that was formed on his armor's chestplate. Neat, he realized, had they aimed a little lower into his armor's less armored midriff, he would have not gotten up at all. His left hand shot out at a nearby direction and grabbed at the HPAR's barrel once it was pulled out of the vegetation by the PPP's tractor rod, and he brought the weapon level against his chest as he looked around.

"I'm up," he said to theFreespacer, as the helmet's monoeye scanned the surroundings.

"Bloody fucking hell!" Lisa shouted as she pulled herself back on her feet. The trees here were so thick, even her heavy armour would not break through them, that was a bit unexpected. "Thank Kelly," Lisa chimmed in as she targeted the Mindy close by. Wulfe was still getting his head around from the pummeling at the start, so Lisa needed to back the Freespacer as soon as possible.

The blonde targeted the Mindy, while she send nine of her shield drones out. "Big boom incoming!" She shouted as she put one triangle shield in front of herself,second between Kelly and the neko and third in front of Wulfe before she fired her minimissiles. Great thing about missiles was that they did not have to fly straight forward. Lisa fired 10 Tracers and 10 Bolts at the Mindy, hoping to overwhelm its potential point-defens and agility with the ammount of rockets she fired. Tracers should tag the neko and Bolts should bag it. Or at least hurt it a bit. Still that much antimatter rounds in the air was reason why Lisa put out the shields in the first place.

Max was put in awe by the sheer destructive firepower of the aggressor. He had always seen it or heard of it but never dished it out. It was rather awesome. Still he would need more than brute force to deal with the adversaries that were approaching him. Those Mindies were dangerous and certainly far more agile than he was. He remembered how Hardman and his squad had manhandled some Reapers in Aggressors, but that was on an open battlefield. This jungle didn't suit him at all. Max figured the Hostiles would have a better shot in close combat than he would, he simply needed to flush them out like he had done before.

"Alright Delta, I think I got a plan, we will move towards Bravo's position to back them up. Delta Hostiles, I think you guys should engage your snakeskin and cease firing. Wait until we have positive ID on the Mindies and then light them up. I'll throw out fire to distract and draw them in. Swayer back me up and keep those gunners suppressed. We can do this!"

Max turned his turrets to his 2 o'clock position, letting lose into the jungle, he also let loose a wave of bolts and darts into the general direction he figured the Mindies would be approaching. Raising his AOP, he let loose a third red round into the area he was oppressing. With any luck he might snag a mindy, worse cause he could at least see where they were and give his buddies a fighting chance at taking them down. Hopefully Swayer could keep the Cannon gunners and spotters out of the action long enough for them to deal with the threat. It was a long shot but it was one he was ready and willing to take.

Terrence watched in appreciation and pumped his fist up in a sign of satisfaction at the show of an AOP streaking in to contact with the Yummy he was taking shots at. He liked to imagine that the AOP, if it could talk, was yelling "Nepsleslia! Fuck yeah!" With his boyhood dreams realized, the marine looked for more Cats. Hearing Max, however, he figured he would be more use listening to him. He had more experience under his belt, surely he knew what he was doing. Terrence turned on his Snakeskin before jumping out of his foxhole, concealing branch be damned. "I'm movin'." He said as he moved in the general direction of Bravo, not keen on staying out of cover for long. When Terrence heard Lisa's warning, he took cover behind a tree, crouching in a bush joined to it. "Some of Delta's comin' to you, Johnny Bravo. You guys alright?"

Air rippled as Mark's Push-Pull guard was leveled right at the Blue Sylph, but she was faster - leaping backwards, the massive force struck just as her thrusters lit off as Ylfa fired her missiles. Flying away from danger, the palm of her left hand opened, pulses of energy gunning down a good number of the projectiles before the air cracked and boomed. The dainty enemy suit became a blue blur that streaked to the squad's left in an arrow-straight line before stopping again, the remaining missiles exploding across the forest as they were shot down as well as they bled off precious speed trying to turn and keep up.

Rachael managed to deftly track the Sylph and brought her rifle to bear, pieces seeming to come of the light armor as she chased Freia with orange-white hot tracers to a boulder. However, just as the rounds bit into and shattered stone, lances of purple light rained down on the three marines from above; though her shields shrugged off their intensity, one struck Rachael square on the chest while the other hit her shoulder as she managed to dodge the follow up, small red spots showing on her armor. Mark only got as far as shooting out his BOLTs at the Daisies when he was lanced in the ribs, shields draining as he did the same to theirs. Firing her pulse lasers at a drone, she managed to throw off its shot as it dodged. "She's not letting us retreat to Delta - we fight her off!" Ylfa yelled to the two marines, her voice cold and focused.

"Go for the larger group Tenshi is after - these three are mine," Freia savored the thought of them - the Sylph's four wings were flying particle cannon drones.

As Ylfa said, it was unlikely that the Nekovalkyja was going to let them get away, yet at the same time, it was theoretically in their favor. Theoretically - Freia was startlingly confident, yet, did she overestimate herself and underestimate the marines? If they worked together, and used their suits to their full ability, they could come out on top if this was so!

The PPG worked, the mini-missiles caused her to dodge and evade, and the mortars weren't even used yet!


Lisa, her adrenaline pumping through her veins, was already up despite the damage she had taken. She managed to let loose a pair of mini-missile volleys after the two enemy armors as they headed away from Bravo. Gliding, running, weaving through the forest, the trailing Mindy leaped into a spin with unnatural reflexes, both forearm guns blazing at full auto as several of the mini-missiles were shot down. As the BOLTs closed in, the Tracers sacrificing themselves, it began to dodge, the prancing moves forcing them to evade the trees. At the same time, the second Mindy stopped dashing away to leap up and grabbed a heavy branch with both hands, swinging up and over to bring its calf mounted anti-missile launchers to bear. Despite streaks chasing down streaks and blossoming into powerful blasts, Lisa managed to hit her mark, collapsing its energy barriers before it continued away and out of sight. Even then, they both still showed up on the Nepleslians' sensors as a general direction, moving south and then west, the Aether systems bright as day in this sandbox war.

"We're fighting the cats! A pair of Mindy armors just flew past us and are after Delta - we're chasing!" the Hostile in front of Phipps shouted, tossing her HPAR to him. Already, she was reaching into her armor's skirt to unfold a submachine gun. Seeing Wulfe get back up on his feet, Kelly darted in close to him. "Nice grab, even though the F*ing cats got our armor wroN9 - 1t'5 n3rF3d!" the Freespacer swore, her voice breaking up into digital bits in fury. "AF7er 7heM!"

Despite their wounds, the enemy was obviously hell bent on hitting Delta, most likely going for the high-priority targets themselves. The Nepleslian armors were slower, but they were no slouches and were as fast as an AIR 2! On top of that, their arsenal was effective, and they still had a trick up their sleeves - Lisa's mortars. Though they could head straight west and hit the Daisies, the idea of making a Three-Way Neko-Sandwich between themselves and Delta was hard to pass up. And this time, the Mindies didn't have the element of surprise.


Racking the slide, Richard loaded the next two shells into his double-barreled cannon as he took cover. Despite the exchange of fire, Delta's fight with the bulk of the Daisies was rather one sided before they retreated, letting him freely shoot down one drone before chasing after another as it tried to flee, tracers lashing through the air above. At the same time, Terrance freely spoke over the comms towards Bravo, the reply anything other than patriotically happy as he was. "NO! WE'RE NOT OK AND THE PAIN IS HEADING TOWARDS YOU!" Kelly shouted at him. Hearing this, Max tried his best to direct the group just as the Aether signatures were rapidly closing into range from the east. Letting loose another RED, the massive missile streaked out and exploded right in the air with impressive force, leveling trees and knocking down a clearing with its sheer might unimpeded by dirt and soil.

"Daisies, they're coming in!" Opening up with his three chainguns, Sawyer quickly made to suppress the other group of enemy infantry pressing in on them from the north. Shooting across the forest-turned-crater-ridden-no-woman's-land, the weapons instantly cheesed the trees further out and seemed to stop their movement cold. Only for nearly half a dozen muzzle flashes to open up like sparklers. His Aggressor was already taking the full brunt of five different Yamataian service rifles as their owners spread out, hitting then running after his fire swept past, but on top of that, a large muzzle blast and heavy CLANG directly against his armor marked a Fifty-cal opening up. And then another and another. The gunners were still in the game, but were now pressing hard, fighting on the front line to whittle him down, shields already starting to drain to 75%. Liam quickly followed after the big muzzle flashes with his HPAR to try and ferret out the gauss cannons, but he only managed to slow them down.

Just as Max realized what Sawyer was dealing with, a pair of white hot lances leaped across the newly made no-woman's land and bore down on his face. The piercing beams struck his energy shields and pierced through with brute force, armor boiling away. Somehow he was still alive - the shields had literally bent the Aether off course just enough that they grazed the right cheek and top of his helmet, static briefly washing across his display! The energy signatures were still further away - further than he thought - but they were closing in fast! Comms fizzled as Ylfa's voice crackled over to Delta, her voice haggard and strained as energy blasts could be heard over the link, "Delta, just pick one of the two and squish them!"

It wasn't so simple though. Delta found itself pressed from the north and the east by two different but deadly enemies. If they both closed in at once and the Nepleslians' own focus remained elusive, the Nepleslians of Delta would fall under the combined fire of Mindies and Daisies.

'If.' - it was all just as the long forgotten Spartan King once said to the invaders.

Even though things looked grim, Delta was the toughest, most heavily armed fireteam in the squad! And even though it was two fireteams versus one, they could still hunker down and just dish back what they took with fifty-fifty odds. At the same time, the enemy was technically divided, and the divided were often conquered. If the Nepleslians just picked one to crush just as Ylfa said, they'd just pick up momentum after that.
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Delta - not in Kansas anymore

Seeing that he was on his own and would probably be noticed and sniped by the enemy troops if he tried to go back to the others, Terrence decided to flank around the northern side of the enemy. He stood up out of his bush, carefully scanning for enemies before moving on. "Guys, I don't think I'll be able to make it back. I'm going to see about going around the northern chicks' side. Let's hit them first." He suggested to Delta before moving on. He used the firearm discharges to pin-point everyone's positions. "This feels stupid." He thought as he advanced through the brush, rifle ready to go in case he was ambushed. The idea was that he could do some of the ambushing, but if he was sighted before then, he might get whacked before he could do anything to help the others. Terrence went from cover to cover, looking up into the branches every so often to make sure he wouldn't get jumped.
Sawyer quickly dropped his AMP while the plasma chainguns on his shoulders continued to spit out suppressing hot death at the Neko armors. He grabbed up his AOP which was loaded with a cylinder full of Green rounds. He began dropping rounds at the locations the heavy weapons fire was coming from and then he also unloaded a mass barrage of BOLTS to aid in causing as much sheer destruction on the enemy as was possible.

"Shit!" Mark muttered, instinctively taking a step back and reaching for where he was hit. He saw how she had evaded and destroyed the missiles fired at her and a plan began to form in his head. He fired four BOLTs slightly to the left and right of her in an attempt to corral her as he brought up his AMP and aimed center mass. He braced himself, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled as he squeezed the trigger.

Richard noticed the drone was moved further and further away from it's location that was good, it still made a blind spot, even if it was a small on. He didn't have time to chase after it in their current situation either so he quickly slipped behind a tree for cover, having detached himself from the Delta unit partially, but still within a good thruster dash if needed. "Alright let's handle this."

He waited a moment with his rifle trained on the general area that the Daisies were in, until he saw a few shots from them grasping a general idea of how they were spaced. He flipped his HPAR to full auto and then let out a stream of bullets, sweeping the area as best he could twice over. He wasn't hoping to take them down with his suppressive fire though, he just wanted to get their shields blinking and once they were he went right for his missiles. He readied two volleies this time in hopes of catching them off guard. The first were directed at individual targets, one DART for each Daisy he could get a lock on, and then followed up by 2 more DARTs per Daisy, but just to a general area, since they would probably move after missiles came their way. He was hoping to take down their shields fast so that they could overwhelm them with fire power.

Rachael was reeling from the damage she had taken but she was still focused, with the Sylph attacking Alpha, she didn't have much time to react involving her drones, fortunately. She jumped back and activated the drones she sent to Bravo, the three drones she has circling around Lisa who was exceptionally damaged and forming a shield to protect her from more damage as it were. As for Rachael, she decided it was a good time to kick it up a notch. She narrowed her eyes a bit watching Mark's assault on her, and decides to swing around her, and copy his targeting except she did it the opposite direction so if she dodges the other direction she'd get hit by a barrage of BOLT missiles.

"Roger!" Wulfe called out before shotting out with the leg thrusters of his suit in Delta's direction, leaving a trail of exhaust at where he had just been. The heavy boots of his Hostile pounded into the dirt as he sprinted and then flew, never once looking back. Nanomuscle groaned and protested, while his lungs and heart worked to capacity inside his heaving chest as he raced past the trees with the power of his armor. His boots crashed down on the other side without missing a stride as he vaulted over the vegetation and he saw that the speed counter on his HUD flickered between 70 and 60 kph; these figures lowered each time he was forced to skid around the terrain, or leap up and kick at an adjacent tree to maintain a sembalnce of speed. Any faster, and he would simply go straight through the bark, any slower, and going any slower was out of the question when time was of the essence.

The marine followed hot on the Mindie's trail, bringing the heavy HPAR up once he was approaching Delta's position, although he his monoeye scanned for any targets to open with with a salvo of minimissiles, hoping to unleash the brunt force of the BOLTs before he followed up with the armor's main weapon.

Max was shaken by the heavy fire he was receiving. The aggressor was tough but it wasn't that tough. If Bravo didn't give him some shield drone support soon, he'd be finished. Of course, a single cannon vs the torrent of fire Swayer was receiving was nothing. It was a mistake to take his eye of the prize. It was a mistake that he wouldn't make again. Given Max's position, he couldn't truly make out the silhouettes but he did have a good idea where they were. Taking Ylfa's advice he decided to finish off the larger group.

"Delta priority shift, hit those Daisys with everything you got!! We gotta take them out before those Mindies get here! Bravo we could use some support, keep those Mindies off our back for a couple more minutes".

And with the clearing he had made with his chainguns, it wasn't hard to send his missiles there way. Switching his bolts and darts to maximum fire(30 missiles), he let loose a volley around the area in a 360 degree blanket of where the enemy was stationed. Swilvering his chain guns, he fired into the area. He raised his AOP and fired off two Red Rounds left in his drum towards the center of the enemy position. Max wasn't taking any chances this time, a full ordinance dump by the squads Aggressors would certainly deal with the majority of the threats. Hopefully the Hostiles fire would expose them so that they could get a solid lock. Even if they didn't and sheer explosive force in the small area should do the trick. At least he hoped.

Vapor trails streaked across the Phipps’ vision, tracking east towards the retreating Mindys and he soon heard the rapid retort of the Yamatai point-defence weapons. Not enough according to the swift explosions that followed, but despite that the Mindy’s continued tracking towards the Marines which constituted Delta team.

Catching the HPAR with one hand, Phipps crouched down and did a quick visual scan of the area. It seemed that some of the marines he was with had no idea of teamwork, speeding off in the general direction of where Delta Squad sat entrenched.

Opening up his senor suite to the world, he appeared a beacon of active systems for the miliseconds it took for the suit AI to collect the data rebounding off the cat suits and his fellow marines. Delta was locked down in a fight with several cats and had taken a serious beating from some heavier weapons while the lighter suits kept them occupied. The AI then contacted the other suits around and requested their active sonar data – the transfer taking mere tens of seconds, but also in the clear – and compiled it into one, large, ghostly sonar map of the surrounds. There were lots of black spots where sonar couldn’t pierce – especially considering it was a forest - but as people moved their sonar revealed more and more of the black area.

Phipps glanced over to where the Freespacer woman stood and opened up a direct communications link with her. “So, again I ask, what’s the plan?” He indicated with an open hand towards the distant figure of the marine who just sped off – “Just run out on our own and hope to get killed?”
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"Up high too!" their Sergeant grunted.

As Ylfa fired her rifle to keep the four cannon-drones at bay, the other two made their moves against the enemy. Trying to slow down and corner the dainty power armor, Mark's barrage of missiles arced in from either side as Rachael quickly backed him up, her own coming in from above and below. But the moment they both leveled their guns, the Sylph burst forward, shooting any that got too close. Particle cannon drones locked on as the Sergeant swore, firing her lasers at one to drive it off while focusing on a second with a barrage of missiles and rifle fire, the machine unable to avoid the onslaught and turning into a fireball .

Even then, a pair of purple lances shot down from above and burst the protective bubble of Mark's shields, slagging the massive chaingun that the marine held. Both hands still gripping the remains of his AMP, Mark instinctively tried to bring his hands up, but silver flickered and flashed before the PPG could be cleared, sparks flying as metal hit metal. Blood traced red arcs through the air as his pinky and ring finger tumbled to the forest floor along with a portion of his hand, some of the armor on his wrist carved into and shaved off before it was deflected. 'I missed,' Freia's thoughts read as minuscule text on their display. Time seemed to slow as the Sylph landed right behind Mark like an assassin, blade gleaming red.

The two were just a few meters away from being back to back.

Shooting, shooting and shooting simply didn't work on her, and on top of it, her drones had a monopoly on that despite Ylfa's best efforts. Going up against this one, it was like fighting multiple opponents at once!


"I just told you! This isn't chess, moron! " Kelly yelled at Phipps over the comm. Already on the bounce, her thrusters flared with each tremendous leap after Wulfe.

Sitting back, taking his time to analyze the situation, the sensor data made it clear what was happening. Alpha, far to the west and out of Bravo's reach, was in a close-quarters-battle against a single enemy, practically at knife-fight ranges. Delta, the 'center' of the entire Nepleslian force and also the largest gathering of them, was fending off not only an attack to their 'north' from several enemies, but were being shot at from their east - a horrifying pincer. He himself was smack-dab north east, and though he could have technically flanked the large body of Daisies hitting Delta from the north, having seen the two Mindy armors himself, it was clear the two had blown through Bravo to land on Delta's eastern flank to fire on them. They needed to be stopped. Wulfe, Kelly and Lisa were already heading south fast to stop them and put them into their own pincer between themselves and Delta if possible.

Just as Kelly had said.

Right at that moment, Wulfe's made contact. His thrusters had sent his power armor roaring through the forest, dodging large redwoods and boulders that stuck out of the terrain as he doggedly chased after the two bright sensor contacts, but now that he drew close enough, a white lance of fire leaped out of the brush at him! Rachael's shield drones, still tagging along, sprang to life and took the shot. Drained from saving Lisa from the blade, the field crackled in a wash of lightning and thunder as the Aether continued on to the marine. His energy barrier glowed, but held firmly as it was only drained by a small portion.

But he was waiting for this.

Spotting her, clearly having turned around from sniping Delta to face him, he let loose a barrage of his BOLTs, the mini-missiles rapidly closing in on her! Several of them exploded as both of the Mindy's forearm weapons began to blaze as she nimbly leaped away, firing on the rest of the projectiles to take them out. With her focus divided between both dodging and shooting the missiles, she couldn't maneuver as well against his tracer fire! Shields flickered and sparks flew as the blunted blows of white liquid metal splashed across her armor - he managed to score a few hits on her, but it wasn't enough to put her down. Like an acrobat, the Mindy Wulfe faced was closing in with leaps and bounds, blades bursting to life! At the same, time Kelly was off to his left side just a half dozen meters away. The Freespacer woman had taken hits herself - a trio of glowing pits on her Hostile's chest marked where the Aether cannon had struck as her enemy stylishly danced around her shots. But she doggedly fought despite having just an SMG, firing mini-missiles at the second Mindy she faced, immediately following it up with a sudden yank of her PPG the moment her adversary made to evade and fire at once. The dance briefly tripped up, the two remaining missiles blossomed over the enemy's shields before she recovered and started zig-zagging in for the kill.

These two weren't anywhere as good as Freia herself, but they were dangerous. Using just missiles and rifle fire was marginally more effective than just one or the other, but the Push-Pull Guard gave surprising results.


With the fight under full swing, the Daisies were starting to show up more clearly. The drones deployed by both sides had to dodge and evade the occasional burst of fire, limiting how long they could actively scan, but the Aggressors lighting up the area simply didn't care as much. Though it was blocked by harder cover, the repeated glimpses they got of the enemy was starting to make it clear - their numbers were roughly even.

It wasn't going to stay that way.

Under the withering fire of the Aggressors, Terrance was able to move north and a bit to the east, closer and closer to the enemy lines. Briefly caught by a ping from one of the enemy drones, a burst of fire kicked up gouts of dirt as it walked right at him, but the sheer oppression that the heavy suits put out quickly had the enemy move again. He didn't fire back however, the action keeping him concealed. He could now tell that the enemy was spread out wide; they were difficult to pin-point, and it was an unlikely dream to hit more than one with a blast. But he was getting closer, the danger rising as each inch passed. Over the roar of gunfire, the faint, dull thump of armored footfalls could be heard as they dashed between cover. Just as he got ready to move again, a "Ha!" barely drowned out by the chaos marked the moment a muzzle flash opened up on him. From close quarters, tracers leaped up at him from a large crater just two meters off of his two o'clock, the young man's shields flickering and rapidly draining under the assault.

Richard fired his rifle at every single muzzle flash and clear sensor ping that he got, the weapon lighting up shields for others to quickly follow up on. But that wasn't the most important thing he did. The DARTs he fired at every single contact he could make weren't all even making it, some being simply shot down like any other mini-missile. However, the occasional lucky shot managed to land, marking them, but not for long. Nobody would ignore something suddenly going 'THUNK' against their armor before checking it and realized they were being tracked. But it was all that some of the others needed.

Max swept his chainguns around and suppressed the area where his eyes caught a pair of muzzle flashes. Just as he brought his AOP to bear to fire the last two rounds in his gun, he felt his Aggressor shudder as the telltale 'CLANG!' marked a gauss cannon's round piercing his shield and bounce off the armor, denting it. Spotting a pair of enemies that Richard lit up, he immediately fired the REDs at a Daisy each. The first one he targeted dodged behind a tree, the massive missile turning into a fireball as it struck wood and vanishing her from sight, but the second was tripped up as the other marine fired, sticky metal hardening over one of her knees. The round hurtled in and exploded with enough force that he saw the metallic shield she held flip end over end and bury itself, edge first, into the dirt. Right before everything the Yamataians had left shifted to him.

Realizing that they couldn't stand toe-to-toe like this any longer, they took the lead of the distant Mindy armors, and followed up on those earlier aether blasts. The three remaining cannons fired in three round bursts, utterly mulching his shields. Right as the mini-missile racks on their calves completely emptied themselves. Richard and Liam saw the broad swarm of missile trails nearly blot out their vision and immediately began opening up with their point defenses, both Aggressors trying to shoot them down, but the marine completely vanished under the red-orange blossoms that exploded across his armor. Out of the black smoke and fie, the titan fell, the joints damaged and the pilot shaken like a soda meant for a prank.

And right then and there, Sawyer loaded his GREEN rounds and fired, chasing them with his own swarm of missiles.

Bright white light drowned out the entire forest as every single power armor armor was overtaken by the blast-wave. Like stones in a river, they withstood it with ease, but the forest was another matter. Bushes, shrubs, and leaves on trees were all instantly vaporized by the massive amounts of heat let off by the antimatter reaction, those not instantly gone being blown away. From the epicenter, trees were knocked over, the single massive redwood closest to it having the entire side facing the GREEN rounds being turned into charcoal, half its mass simply eaten away or vaporized. As the initial shockwave passed, air rushed back into the blast-zone, dragging dust and smoke in amongst them all as it formed a tall, dark mushroom that loomed over them all.

And through this hellstorm of ash and fire, they continued fighting.

Mark felt sure that his plan was going to work especially with Rachel helping. That was, until the Sylph rushed him. He raised his rifle up but it was completely destroyed. In a moment of panic, he threw his hands up to protect himself and instantly wished he hadn't. He stared in horror as his fingers tumbled to the ground and felt like he was going to be violently ill.

"Fucking cat just cut off my god damn fingers!" Mark screamed, howling in pain. The suit administered enough morphine to take the edge off but it still really hurt and made it difficult to focus. He drew his pistol and activated his thrusters to away from Kitty Voorhees to come to a skidding stop behind Rachel. "I have a 10mm, half of a hand, and I'm very combat ineffective. Any suggestions?"
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