Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NSS Sledge Mama [NSS Sledge Mama] Ep. 3 - Into Steel

Mark was feeling pretty good about escaping the walking suits of death and his chances of survival were looking a lot better. The deadly spider appearing though quickly dashed that hope for him and he found himself rolling to the side in order to save his own skin.

"Oh shit," he yelled, "How the fuck do we get back to back shit storms with multi-legged things trying to kill us?" Mark activated his thrusters to quickly get him behind the terrible beastie and shoot it from that angle. He'd admit that it wasn't much of a plan but it was a helluva lot better than standing in front of it.
Rachael was once more quiet most of the time, her focus on her surroundings and her want to stay alive and ensure the others stayed alive as well. She was brought back to focus as Ylfa started saying something that sounded like orders. She turned to look at Ylfa for a moment before suddenly she heard clanking, lots of it, loudly as well. She turned and looked again as a massive spider came out of the gap. She paused a moment and quickly jumped back and raised her weapon and began firing upon it quickly moving to get behind something, anything, in the general vicinity to help her stay away from the rapid fire of the large ass spider thing.

“Cause we’re just about the unluckiest fucking squad in the god damn NSMC!” She yelled at Mark in response to his question about how they kept getting into situations like this. “But that makes us the best fucking marines in the whole god damn universe cause it ain’t got us down yet, FUCK ‘EM UP!” She turned her attention back towards the spider and began launching barrage after barrage of bullets at it. “And I swear to god Terrance if you run up and try to melee this thing I’m going to shoot you myself!”
"Unlucky doesn't even begin to describe it," Takahiro muttered as he reloaded his rifle, "First day of field duty, and already I've come up against a horde of robot zombies and now a giant robot spider that fires lasers. If there's anything remotely close to a god in this fuckin' universe, it hates me."
He circled around the spider using his superior speed and agility, keeping a stream of bullets concentrated on its metallic exterior. He desperately scanned the room for cover, something that he could throw himself behind before he got himself killed.
"Pardon the cliche... but I didn't sign up for this shit."
As the white hot lances melted their way across the floor and shredded the entrance, the entire squad dashed for cover, a strangled cry choking over the comms. His legs too slow, or the enemy too fast, Briggs' Mindy was sprayed down with aether fire. The thinner shields did little to protect him as the shots bored through armor and sent him slamming into the floor with a heavy thud.

With the entire room laid out like a giant paw-print, the four smaller crater-like science areas closest, Quentin and Tatiana managed to make it into the front-right projection pit first as white fire raked by. Low enough to entirely conceal themselves while standing at the deepest center, the two had chose to stand close to the rim several steps lower, popping their heads over cover to fire their cannons as Rachael dove in after them for protection. The white lances that Quentin shot at the over-sized mecha-spider bloomed in the air and widened out the further it went, colliding into the machine's shields with shocking cohesiveness before splashing across its defensive barriers. Rifle dry, Tatiana reloaded as her gauss cannon boomed twice; the nearly wrist-wide shells punched through its energy field and smashed themselves in between the hull lights, sparks and fire showering to the floor, denting the hull. A bounce. Rachael quickly rose to fire as well, but the air in front of the TASHA briefly wavered like heat off of a sidewalk; Rachael unloaded with her rifle, the fire briefly raking the hull before the rounds literally started curving away, with Mark's cannon skipping off its shields and burrowing into the far wall with a shower of debris.

At the very same time, Richard's thrusters carried him forward in a hurry, right into the front-left astronomy pit as the gatling fire burned by. Just as Richard peeked out, both Ylfa, Terrance and Kelly landed in with him. However, the squad leader was already moving forward, her thrusters burning just enough to push her up and across the distance into the middle-left pit, Terrance right on her heels. Max and Stenos tumbled in a hair slower; the sweeping fire battered the other marines' energy barriers and punched through with brute force, but they dodged the worst of it. Max took a pair of hits to the leg, while Stenos had a glowing spot on is bicep. Richard managed to stand up just far enough out of his fighting pit to give a good burst at the mecha while Terrance fired on the move; the first few rounds just barely passed through the shields and sparking off of its hull, Richard's aimed shots bouncing off the underslung gatling gun. However, this was when the air in front of it shimmered, the marines' following rounds bouncing off of its defenses.

"It's adjusting its shields!" Ylfa yelled out as Takahiro circled, desperate to find more ideal cover that wasn't there. At the same time, Mark tried to circle it. The giant metal spider, seeing a pair of flies buzz about, brought its smaller guns to bear on them as it started to quickly stride closer to the rest of the squad, the ground shaking under its fast steps. Two 35mm autocannons started to rumble away, several fat, massive tracers leaping up at the marines. Forced to evade, both Takahiro and Mark's defensive fields flickered as a few of the heavy shells slammed into them. The fire Takahiro spat back was inaccurate, but sprayed across its back unimpeded, the bullets embedding themselves in the hull as he emptied the gun. However, Mark's rifle clicked - he forgot to reload! Hurriedly snapping off a shot with his gauss cannon instead, the fat shell was placed less than ideally; it smashed into the thickly armored back and bounced off its curved surface, gouging off some of its hull.

"The sides are thin and the back's wide open!" Kelly yelled, the machine now in between the large back-pit and the smaller middle-right, but still managing to keep its front facing most of the marines. It suppressed the rest of the squad by sweeping its aether gatling gun back and forward across the smaller astronomy pits while its smaller autocannons hammered away, forcing Takahiro and Mark down into the colosseum-like astronomy pit in the back, hidden behind several tables and computer consoles on one of the concentric rings. The two autocannons were still on them, firing off short bursts to keep them down. Standing enough to get a line of fire, Ylfa hammered away with her own gauss cannons, but more importantly, saw what was happening; it was advancing.

"It's gonna move up and hose down the front right pit any moment!" Ylfa called out, reloading her rifle.
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"Son of a bitch!" Takahiro snarled, less out of anger than primal fear and panic, "That thing just cut Briggs down, is he still alive?! What the fuck?!"
He didn't dare poke his head out from cover, but after a moment he could hear shallow, pained breathing over the comms. Blood pounded in his temples and sweat rolled down his face. He reloaded his rifle and gritted his teeth.
"He's still alive... all right, Mark, cover me. I'm gonna see if I can run out and grab him. I'm not gonna let him die out there."
"Fuckin' piece of shit," Mark angrily muttered upon hearing his rifle click. As quick as he could he jumped into the nearest pit and reloaded his rifle.

"First, calm down newbie and second, while moving a seriously injured person without knowing how bad it is and what you're doing doesn't rank very high on the list of good ideas, you can do what you want," he responded to Takahiro. He peered over the edge of the pit to insure that he wasn't going to get instantly murderized before activating his thrusters to take him out and propel him once again around towards the back of the spider to fire a trio of missiles with some additional fire from his LASR.
Richard swore under his breath when he noticed the TSAHA's shields pop up to take the rest of his shots. He kind of expected it to come up though, and with his low ammo he decided to abandon the last 20 rounds and slide in a new magazine as he looked for an opening.

He shook his head some hearing Takahiro shouting. "Until we take this thing down there's no point in getting the guy. It's not firing on him so maybe it doesn't see him as a threat now. If you go over there it's gonna follow you with bullets. Besides it's not like you can patch him up with this thing firing on us anyway." He quickly popped himself up and set 4 missiles form each calf to fly in wide arcs and come around at the sides of the tank. Deciding the guys on the right might need some cover he pointed both his plasma projectors in their direction and let the suit do all the math as he fired on full auto trying to intercept some of the fire to give them more breathing room, even if he couldn't get it all with a lower fire rate.
Terrence leaned against the side of the pit, looking back in time to see Briggs on the deck. His face changed to reflect the sinking feeling in his chest, reminded once again that he was mortal. "Oh... F- f- fuck." He stuttered, staring at Briggs. He shook his head, pulling himself together. He hunched down when the Autocannon fire began sweeping across their position, vision becoming darker as he heard the rending sounds of high-powered projectiles slamming into the deck. "Thin on the sides... Open on the rear..." Terrence mumbled to himself, repeating it like a mantra as he kept his head down. He listened for the Autocannons, trying to discern an opening in their pattern that would allow him to flank the mechanized spider... Richard's plasma projectors discharged. "Moving!" The Colonist growled loudly as he quickly jumped out of the pit, enemy Autocannons already sweeping to the right. He activated his thrusters and milked them for all they were worth, speeding along towards the fifth pit as fast as they would allow. Terrence also happened to be, once again, firing from the hip as he went along, though it was more to divert the enemy's attention from his comrades. "Lemme help them. Come on, please. Give me this chance to do something useful, come on!" He prayed fervently, firing all he had in his rifle as he rushed to the fifth pit.
Quentin shrugged in response to Tatianna's seemingly rhetorical question, saying "I'm guessing they got tired of losing, how about-" The chatter on the comms busted into his consciousness and did a little jig as he quickly reanalyzed the situation. Somone was already down, and the spider was apraoching his and another marine's position. He boosted the power of his left forearm sheild emitter, and reminded himself that he was still using a 'barrier module'. "We move or we get light up like birggs." Despite his calm way of saying it, he had never been in such a life threatening situation before, and he used to make 'bombs' using fertillizer and fire crackers.

He gave tatianna a moment to process it as well before gesturing in the direction he was going making a rush for the small middle pit , sheilding as much of himself with his left arm as he possibly could, firing the LASR one handed at the spider during his whole trip. He hoped for both himself and Tatianna to get out of the fish barrel without just becoming skeet.
Max groaned as he was hit in the leg. He wasn't out of the fight yet. Hearing Ylfa's warning, Max straffed out of the line of fire, bringing his guass cannon and plasma rifle to bear on the large enemy mech. Squeezing the trigger he aimed for the legs hoping to immobilize or at least slow down the enemy mech. "Take this you Son of a bitch" cursed Max firing his weapons in an attempt to at least annoy the giant mech.
"You go on ahead, don't want to bunch up."

Tatianna was going to have Quentin put some distance between them before jumping out to follow him. Rather then use her shield Tatianna would keep mobile by staying low and diving for the pit. She also avoided firing her weapons to stay out of the things attention.
Rachael ignored the newbie and his stupid statement about how he didn’t sign up for this shit, she had heard enough of that. She wasn’t going to die here, she had no intention of dying here, and she had a family to help support. However, as she heard the cry from Briggs, her breathing became more erratic. She continued to fire upon the enemy, until she noticed the shield was completely negating her firing, she halted in her firing only to scan the area around them for a moment.

She watched as her squad all began trying to find weaknesses, noting the weaker side and back shields. But they could hammer away at that infinitely, but it wouldn’t be done in enough time to save the pit, nor anyone that would be in or near it. She was about to tell the entire squad about the weakened sides and back, only for Kelly to already yell it out.

"I'm moving around the side and getting the guys shoulder cannons, and ammo pack, cover me if you can."

She sighed a bit and moved out of her cover quickly moving to another cover, slowly making her way around the TASHA itself. She makes her way to the guy who was just wrecked and grabbed his shoulder cannons and the large ammo backpack putting it on. Before grabbing whatever else he had as well.
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Ylfa was paid to keep an eye on the bigger picture, and what she saw made the Master Sergeant want to clench hard and guard her rear.

The moment Takahiro started shouting over the comms, she was shouting back. "DON'T YOU DARE GO FULL RETARD ON ME GREENHORN!" the tall woman's voice boomed in his ear. Hers wasn't the only one either. Ylfa immediately popped up out of cover as triple-round bursts started booming out of her cannons, the small rifle in her hands chattering away like there was no tomorrow. There really wasn't one for Takahiro if he was going to go through with what he said and and didn't get cover. The cannon bursts punched through shields far more easily than single shots, one round after the other following behind in the wake of the very first to smash directly into the sides of its armored hull, but it was nowhere near enough to put the cat-made war machine down. As the young marine made his move, thrusters firing to bring him from the Colosseum-like depression in the back of the room all the way to the front and near where they entered at, the Mech countered.

Again, one of its mounted autocannons quickly rounded on him like a twitchy psychopath and made to swat him down as he tried to fly past the left flank, or the machine's right side, and avoid it. Fat, hot brass cases and metal links came tumbling out of the side of the gun as the tracers chased after Takahiro. Protected by only a medium-light power armor made by Neko and for Neko, the heavy shells smacked and rattled him about despite the energy barriers, but the moment he got into its frontal firing arc where Briggs was under, it hit him even harder. Stopping in its tracks, the buzz sawing hail of aether beams pinning down Quentin, Tatiana and Rachael slashed upwards and cut across him in a punishing one-two punch as its rear legs crouched. The energy barrier crackled and burst as autocannons slammed into bare armor, white lances of unnatural energy boiling through armor plate.

Suddenly battered by the storm, Takahiro lost control, spiraling over and past Briggs. The suit stiffening to protect him, the marine smashed head first into the wall over the front entrance, briefly grinding against it like a bottle rocket before falling to the floor to the right of the room. Dazed and wounded, it was amazing that the giant Spider-Bot didn't finish him off. He would eventually see that the forearm shield took the brunt of the fire. But even then, Takahiro could feel the lower most left rib broken off and floating in his flesh where an autocannon round or two hit him in the sides. His thigh armor was pock marked by a half-dozen glowing, molten craters, and his skin was painfully burned from the sheer amount of heat radiating off the damage. Nearly penetrated, it wasn't going to take much more. Yet, somehow, his shield, despite looking like it jousted with a meteor storm, was still intact enough for use. More importantly, he could feel something moist and wet at his thighs. At first, the fluid was horrifying, but it soon flowed over his burns as another wet spot formed at his ribs, the pain slowly being soothed.

Just as the machine attacked the other marine, Mark started firing from the main observatory in the back. Jets of white blue-fire lifted him out of cover, and already facing its back, hardly had to move to get a good shot. As Mark's rifle started punching neat holes into but not through its hull, small pieces of armor were chipped away with showers of sparks. Right as a trio of mini-missiles shot out of his calves. Immediately, purple-white bolts of energy streaked out at the missiles from the TASHA, blowing up one as the other two followed through the smoke and fire of the first. The warheads' shaped charge burst over its rear-hull, leaving behind a pair of non-penetrating holes and melted splash-marks around them.

At the same time, Richard's missiles came in from the front left pit. Already off-center from the Spider-Walker's front, the arcing trajectory he set it to had the first pair come turning into its front, with the others going for its sides. Again, the purple-white shots lashed out. Two small explosions harmlessly burst over its front shields as its divided point defenses only managed to shoot down one of the missiles, only to do the same. Though the marine expected some sort of counter fire to counter, he didn't expect directed energy weapons and resorted to spraying it down with both wrist guns instead, the hail of shots splashing across its shields. Max and Kelly, both, firing alongside Richard, quickly found a few chinks in its defenses. With only a half-decent angle on its sides, several of their shots were stopped dead in their tracks by the powerful frontal arc of its shields. Plasma bolts and cannon rounds, it didn't matter. Even Kelly's aether fire just splashed across the field as garbled radio-chatter kept spilling out of her mouth in rage like some sort of censored profanity. However, Max managed to land a pair of good cannon shots into the rear right leg, leaving heavy dents over one of its joints.

When Takahiro had hit the back wall and finally came to a stop, the first autocannon brought itself to bear on the three to try and suppress them. Though battering and fearsome, it couldn't effectively keep all three marines down - Kelly hid behind her wrist field, while their shields drained. Still, they but held up to the barrage with it divided between the three of them. The moment Richard opened up with both his plasma projectors moments before however, Terrance had made his own move.

Flying as fast as his suit could without losing control or vision, his rifle's constant staccato stream washed over its shielded flank. The rounds barely punched through the barrier, denting its hull until he managed to get an angle on its rear, where the spray landed more cleanly. Autocannon rounds leaped up at him from its second gun, beating at his shields, but he held course long enough to the largest depression at the back of the room. There, he managed to easily find cover.

With the TASHA rapidly striding towards them like an unstoppable steamroller, both Quentin and Tatiana had the same idea as well. The idea of 'Ladies First' was thrown right out the window the moment the Aether Gatling was brought off of them and onto Takahiro as Quentin rushed forward. Guarding himself best he could with the shield on his left forearm, the rifle held in the right hand shook with every round fired. Tatiana was right after him, not bothering to fire as she focused on the prize - cover for both of them at the middle-right observatory depression! The TASHA's second autocannon spun off of Terrance and fell on them. Booming away, the fat and heavy rounds knocking them about and draining their shields; like Richard and Max however, they weathered the barrage and powered through to cover.

With all this happening at once, the TASHA made its own move. Having stopped in its tracks to smash down one of its enemies, the legged war machine was forced to stop as it noticed the rounds boring deep into its armor. Leaping to quickly twist around to its right at the source of its injury, it came to face Ylfa. Kneeling its front legs down, the one hundred and five millimeter cannon was brought to bear and boomed before the marine could do more than duck, vanishing as a brilliantly white-blue blast of plasma melted away a large portion of the floor near her. Loosing track of its target, the TASHA stood again as its aether gatling spun up and began sawing its way over towards Richard, Max and Kelly. With their shields weakened from the autocannon barrage, they couldn't just stand and take it!

However, Terrance and Mark could both see its right side turn to them. Scarred by Ylfa's attempts to grab its attention, the shots had went deep into its thick armor plating, nearly penetrating through and deforming the protective alloy. Finishing her work wasn't going to be easy however, as the TASHA's left side autocannon took itself off of the Front-Left astrometrics pit and turned on them both at the main unit in the back. Quentin and Tatiana were in a similar situation as well; though its back was turned on them, the autocannon on its left side had turned to belch out shells over their heads in an attempt to keep them down.

Meanwhile, Rachael was finishing up.

Though previously pinned down in the same astrometrics projector as Quentin and Tatiana, the moment it had went after Takahiro and then turned for Ylfa, she was able to get moving towards him and Briggs. Focusing hard on her prize, the woman shoved the massive cannon blast out of her mind as she reached the downed Marine. Anyone could tell right then and there that the only thing holding the marine together was the suit - Rachael could already see a few punctures and the glistening red behind them, but that wasn't her concern. The weapons were. With the bulk of the fire having landed at the unfortunate marine's front, they were intact! Ejecting them off the fallen and equipping them for herself, she could barely make out moaning as Briggs slipped into complete unconsciousness.
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Quentin gave a sigh of relief as he realised neither he nor his companion had been filled with autocannon shells and made it to a relitively safe position. But he also realised this could easily become a really bad scenario once again, so he finally realeased the nodal support bits and had one floating just above cover to kep an eye on the situation. The situation did not look like a good one. Even attacking the weaker section of its sheilds seemed to have little effect on the behomoth.

"Can you make sure it doesn't sneak up and stomp on us for around, ten seconds or so?" He asked over the comms to Tatiana as he holstered the nearly empty LASR and started digging through the butt pack, bringing out the explosive materials still within and molding them with the suit's fingers. It still felt weird to shape them without actually feeling the stuff, but the only problem tha arised from that was feeling a bit hamhanded with the Yamataian explosive bricks. As he worked and put a remote detonator in it, as well as what was probably an exessive amount of the type 31 explosives, shaping it to make a rather threatening throwable charge. Exactly what he was going to use it on, was still up for debate in his own mind. As a general question to the other marines involved, he asked. "Think i should try and collapse the ceiling on it or blow through its sheilds?"
Richard didn't get the time to confirm any significant damage from his missiles, he soon had to duck down and raise his shield to try and deflect the gatling's fire and minimize the damage as he thought about what was going on. Ylfa was on the receiving end of a massive shot from the TASHA that had Richard notably worried. "Hey Sarge! Give us a reply!" His voice did show worry, things were quickly getting worse and worse and several were injured.

Deciding that he couldn't sit around and do nothing he released all three of his drones and had them float in his barrier a moment. Two of them flew off first, one heading for the Tasha and the other for the main astrometrics station. He hoped to take advantage of the systems locking onto those two objects so that he could make a dash for the front right pit, firing at one of the legs the whole way, even once he hunkered down. The third drone however moved at the same time as him, but towards Ylfa's last known location, it kept itself low and moved at top speed before ducking into the pit to examine the situation.
Rachael hesitated only a moment. She couldn't abandon this man to his fate, but she had to kill the TASHA to ensure his safety. She opens up the communicators to everyone.

"Briggs is still alive, for how much longer is a good question however, We'll need to kill this thing faster to ensure he lives. Lets fuck this TASHA up Marines!"

Was all she said before her focus returned to the fighting, She activated her boosters and took off to the side moving to get behind the monstrosity. She aimed her rockets forward and let loose a barrage at the monsters back. In the same movement she brought her rifle up and began shooting towards its rear as well.
Tatianna ducked down behind Quentin, it took her a second to get her breathing under control even with her sniper training. Once she had her herself under control she began scanning the room keeping her eyes on the very hard to miss spider mech. "Got it! Please tell me you have a fucking plan right?"

When Quentin replied she was struck dumb for a second, that was really what she had to deal with, action movie heroics would most certainly make this interesting. "What do you need me to do if you drop the ceiling on this thing?"
Mark dove to his right and then activated his thrusters to take him up close to the deformed armor plating while simultaneously attempting to avoid getting shot by the auto cannon. He quickly aimed for the general area and fired a couple cannon and missiles at the weakened spot before once again using his thrusters to get into an unobstructed pit to take cover.

"That plan is insane so I like it," Mark remarked upon hearing Quentin speak. "But if a ceiling falls on me, since I'm close to this thing, once I'm free I'll rip out your skull and beat you to death with it."
"Oh boy," Takahiro chuckled wryly as he examined his grievous injuries, "I'll admit, that wasn't my best plan."
His head slowly clearing from its daze, he realized he was slumped against the back wall, with Briggs still prone and severely injured in the middle of the raging battlefield. His side seized up with pain with every little movement, so getting up was not an option.
Good going there, idiot. What the fuck did you think you were gonna accomplish by throwing yourself into the line of fire? Even if you had reached the guy, what would you have done for him?
Yet none of these thoughts had occurred to him in that moment. All that he could think of then was that Briggs was dying and unless someone helped him soon, he was done for. At the time, even death seemed more palatable than inaction. But for all that, he still could not do anything for the poor man, and now he had left the squad another man short against a ferocious enemy. Perhaps his father was right about him...
No, he thought with defiance, I can still fight. I'm not done yet.
"Sergeant," he said hoarsely over the comms, "My armor and shields are in bad shape, but they're still intact. My weapons are still all good... Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it."
Terrence had to fight the urge to action-roll at the end of his journey, simply sliding into the pit instead. He took a moment to reload, opting for a full deck of cards against something like this. He rose up to continue firing on the TASHA before watching Ylfa disappear. He lowered his rifle to stare at the space where she was, shocked. "Oh... Oh fuck." He muttered. He saw another of Richard's drones flying through the air. He keyed his comms as he resumed firing. "Rich, your drone's looking good! I'll try to keep the heat off it!" The Colonist aimed specifically for the TASHA's forward hull, firing for one of the brighter spots that reminded him of the eyes of an animal in the darkness. He glanced to his right to watch Mark blast off towards the area that Ylfa was able to lay on the hurt for. "Fucking wreck its ass, man!" He called after him as he switched to full auto to expend the rest of his magazine. Terrence ducked down to reload, biting into his lower lip as he hoped his actions distracted the enemy armor from giving its undivided attention to the others.