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RP: NSS Sledge Mama [NSS Sledge Mama] Ep. 3 - Into Steel

"I kinda like it up here, it's not as cramped." He said chuckling as he tapped the trigger to fire a single shot close to the Neko behind Sawyer in an attempt to startle her. He then twisted to fire on the Militants that were hammering Richard and Terrence. "I'll see what I can do from here to help you out Stutter but you and Ball Boy need to come up with plan." He said over the com as he unleashed more Bolts to give the murder bots hell.
"Yes ma'am," Lisa simply replied and moved forward to set up the shield war. She checked her mag in the HPAR and saw that there was a bit less than half of the mag, that was still fine. As she walked by the nekovalkyrja, Lisa's helmet turned to face the cat and its monoeye set on her. "I am suprised you even dare to call yourself a soldier. Looks more like you are a schoolgirl on a school trip. No wonder you people let UOC fall only to gather scraps later. You just do not give a crap about anything other than looking good. Looks like Kelly was right about you after all."

With that she moved on and called forward several drones to make a shield, tall enough so people could fire above it, but still enough tall so they coul just bend down and take cover behind it, without having to crouch. She had experience with this sort of thing. It was also likely there would be more then militants along the way. If this was IWL, they could expect infantry armed with giant gauss rifles and gun emplacements. Those could be fairly dangerous as well.
"Fuck you!" Terrence yelled at the Militants he managed to down, halfway irritation of being shot at and exuberance of taking down many of those doing the aforementioned shooting. He ducked at the return fire of those Militants that had regained their senses. Er, I mean, regained their equilibrium. Yeah. Anyways, he looked up to see that Lisa's shields had come in to save the day. "Oh, thanks, Corporal!" He called back on the comms. He proceeded to fire at the Militants from behind the shields, trying to give anyone without one of the shield-drones some covering fire. "Richard, you got a-... Wait a sec." He ducked back down to look at Richard again. He put a finger up to his chin and thought for moment when suddenly he jumped back up, shooting at the Militants once again. "I know you! My sister loves the shit out of you!... You fuckin' asshole, if it weren't for you, my team would've won the whole damn second season!"... Don't ask me, he never told me he had a favorite team.
Richard and his shields needed to have a little talk at some point, they were never as strong as he needed them to be, granted he was not expecting twelve militants facing right at the door way. Though he was happy he did take a few out of the fight, he was hoping for more with his surprise attack and it obviously wasn't enough since they were tearing through the cover still trying to get to him. "Ain't a ball boy!" He shouted back at Mark as he finished reloading his shot gun. He was about to make a move but then Lisa's Shield came up and gave him and the others some cover.

He was taking the time to look around and gather up the situation while his shield was trying to come back on line. He was not expecting Terrance to start shouting though, but it seemed like he remembered who he was. "Is now really the time for that? And besides, someone's gotta lose." He put his AS4GS away and pullued out his short barreled HPAR getting just above the shield to start firing on the militants, keeping his form proper to keep the shoulder plating in line to protect his helm.
Lisa turned and bonked Terrence over his helmet head. "Save it!" She and raised her gun, firing a burst over the shield. "You can bicker and fight after the battle. You people don't take example off these fucking cats. In the fight it is not just your life at stake, but your mates rely on you as well. So for fuck's sake, try at least shooting and talking at the same time Drippy." She said to Terrence.
Rachael came off as extremely annoyed hearing Terrance not take this seriously, so much so she almost shot him herself. She growled almost gutterally and began firing upon the enemy infront of them, forget any possible enemy behind them. She planted her feet and shot through whatever enemy came within her sights, her eyes lighting up in pleasure as she did such.
"Holy shit Private, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET BACK TO WATCHING YOUR SECTOR!" Sawyer roared as he finally ducked behind one of the shields that Lisa had erected while still unleashing hell on the opposition. If nothing else he'd rack up enough kills to get the idiot rookies to at least pay attention the next time they went into combat and he gave them direction even if they didn't respect his rank.
"Understood, Sergeant," Wulfe said, no longer listening to the neko, it wasn't worth his time. The marine panned his HPAR left and right to look for more targets, making the monoeye on his helmet mimic the same motion as it kept scanning for the smallest hint of movement that there could be. The several "Target" runes that there were just a scant moments before were all gone, but he wasn't about to let his guard down.

The marine briefly boosted himself to enchance a jump, then fired the two calf-thrusters again to fine-tune the speed of his descent as he landed on top of what was left of a cargo container so that his armor's weight didn't make him sink into the relatively thin metal sheet. He raised the Moneyshot once again, not bothered that he didn't have any shield drones like Lisa had. He still could add his firepower to the other marines as they advanced.
Max watched the blue plasma stream jet out from his weapon and deal amazing punishment to the enemy. "That was cool. Not as effective as I had hoped, but cool none the less" Max thought to himself before being pelted with fire. Luckily his squad members easily backed him up with a missile barrage that allowed him to get to cover. Max noticed that the three stragglers were finally pushing up to assist. Max got a bit of a chuckle as the squad apparently turned on the trash talking private almost instantly. He had to admit it was rather annoying, but not as annoying as that damn cat who kept taunting them. Max had to admit maybe he was wrong, maybe the Yams were a pain in the ass when you couldn't shoot them.

Max checked his own HUD and waited for his plasma rifle to rebuild while the shield drones popped into play. "Glorious, thanks for the assist. These little guys will be helpful" Max commented to Lisa as he took his shots from behind the wall. This time he set up for a rapid fire shots, trying to engage targets in three to five round bursts of plasma. He had to say that this weapon certainly proved itself capable as an anti-armor platform.
Two Neko were busy with something else in the background. Playing with and learning about their new suits and weapons like curious children, Emi, clad in a Hostile, held up the remains of a Militant above her head as Mayumi took aim with a HPAR.

Right as Mark's AMP let loose a quick burst at the Neko squad leader riding on Sawyer's back.

The massive gun, meant for a war machine thirteen feet tall, was already oversized in comparison to the Hostile holding it. But lodged up high on the back wall, and holding it one handed, the weapon jumped in his hands as its loud "BRRRRRT!" spat out into the room. Shields flared as the rounds literally curved away from Sawyer's Aggressor. The only thing that Mark got was getting both the ranking soldiers angry at him. Whereas the Nepleslian simply yelled at all the greenhorns to get their shit together, the Nekovalkyjra gave him an utterly poisonous look. Small in stature yet arrogantly noble in her bearing, the expression she gave him was as though he had just licked his fingers and loudly belched at a formal dinner in front of dignitaries.

But that wasn't the end of her displeasure - she literally looked down on Lisa as the marine strode forward to the firing line without so much as a reply.

As the massive Aggressor went 'Hull Down' by kneeling behind the shield wall, the entire squad opened fire on the marching Militants. Now, with their fire combined, the machines stood no chance as they were obliterated. For the marines, it was just another day in the field, killing some inconsequential enemy that wouldn't even be remembered after they left Where-The-F***-Are-We-Land. Not some major war that'd make them bleed. For the Nekovalkyrja that was so high and mighty earlier, this did mean something to her. It didn't finally show itself until she realized that Kelly, simply standing behind Sawyer, was staring at her like a mad dog.

Staring right back, she finally got mad herself.

"I? You DARE ask how I call myself a soldier?!" her voice quickly rose. Standing up on top of Sawyer, the few remaining Militants stopped shooting in confusion as she accusingly cast her hand out over them all, fingers spread, "Look at yourselves! Utterly foolish, barbaric imbeciles who act like they're nothing more than savages given arms! And yet you doubt MY mettle?!?!" Narrow, golden eyes angrily leaping back and forward over the Nepleslians, the scowl this beautiful woman had made her look like a monster. Taking in a deep breath to calm herself, she flattened out the front of her skirt again, brushing away the wrinkles. "It was simply my intent to jest during this trivial affair and make it more bearable, but I see that my attempts play has only resulted in insults to my honor. I cannot let that stand - I, Nishizaki Freia, challenge you all in a fight to prove our mettle!"

"Well, what do you all say to that Marines? Want some Nepleslian on Neko action?" Ylfa asked them, her voice rising as her rifle was held up into the air in a cheer.
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"I'm down Sarge, these cat bitches really got on my nerves." He remarked, grinning beneath his helmet. Mark fired his thrusters in an attempt to get out of the wall and make a smooth landing by Sawyer.
Terrence shrugged at Richard's response. "Eh, you got a point." He replied neutrally. He cringed when he got slapped upside the head, aforementioned strike blotting out the other marines' less than appreciative remarks. (Well, except Sawyer's.) His face turned red under his helmet at Lisa talked to him, pointing out his dumb-assery. "Sorry, Corporal. You got a point." He joined the others in mowing down the rest of the Militants, sitting down and reloading when the last of them fell. He turned around in surprise when the Star Army officer started raising a ruckus. "Jest?... The fuck does that mean?" He didn't say out loud. Terrence smiled when Ylfa asked for a response. "Oorah!" He called, reveling in the fact he finally got to yell the battle cry of the NSMC.
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Richard was more than surprised the Neko CO's turn from her usual haughty arrogance to all out aggressive arrogance, it left him stunned for a moment as he processed the shift, but he soon remembered he was on the battle field and turned back to the militants firing on some of the ones that were also in awe. "Calm your tits Nekolius Caesar..." He fired a few more times. "We were going to get you your scratching post after we finished grown up business."

He heard Ylfa's question though about whether they wanted to go toe to toe with the Neko now and smirked behind his mono-eye helmet. "Well if Sarge is letting us, might as well put the little kittens in their place before they get to thinkin' they own the place."
"Go fuck yourself cat," Lisa simply replied to the neko. She looked at Ylfa. "Hey boss we are here to do a mission and not play at whims of some cat. Mayumi and Emi are fine, but this bitch is starting to get on my nerves. We should wrap this mission and go home for whiskey. It is not our job to prove ourselves to arrogant yamataian bitch." With that Lisa turned back to the doorway, aiming her rifle and making sure no more enemy was coming at them.
The look of disgust on the Nekovalkyrja failed to falter under their assault. Or at least, not until Richard spoke. "I-I am not an Elysian!" she shouted at him indignantly. Realizing he had gotten the best of her, Freia let out an annoyed huff to calm herself before speaking again. "Next time we meet, it will be to test our mettle," and at that, vanished.

"We might not be here for their whims, but we might as well make the most of it -I want to cut your teeth while we can," she pointed out to Lisa. "And remember ladies, if a Neko's giving you all a hard time and just won't budge, it's likely the little things that'll do the trick," Ylfa reminded them all. Patting Kelly on her helmet, she added, "Good girl." The sound of a toothy chomp came out of the Freespacer's speakers just as the woman pulled her fingers away however. "Heh. Anyways, before the sim changes over to whatever shit we're going through next, we gotta get a few things straight." She jabbed a finger at Mark first and foremost. "Since this is a sim, I'm fine with the blue on blue, but if you do that again when it's live-fire, I'm going to pull that stick out of Freia's ass and put it up yours instead, got it?" Looking at the rest of them she continued, "And as for addressing me, you can call me whatever as long as it's appropriate since I don't give a damn, but when we're in front of outsiders and foreigners especially, it's either 'Master Sergeant', 'Sergeant' or 'Top' if you got to keep it short. Why? Because 'Sarge' is for civvies that watch too many movies."

By now, the two Nekovalkyrja left with them had managed to stroll over, both Emi and Mayumi removing their helmets and looking absolutely silly being at least a foot or two taller than she was before. Though Emi looked as dispassionate as ever, her Star Army counterpart looked worried. "Sergeant Diadottr," she cautiously started. "You know who that is, right? She's - "

"Yes. But I don't want my squad knowing that. All I want them to know, is that they're in for a really tough fight. Got that everyone?" the red monoeye ominously swept over them all. At that moment, everything around the squad went dark, as though reality had stopped existing, only for a new one to begin. All around them was a woody forest of pine trees, game trails, moss and bushes. Several had fallen long ago and along with the natural undulations and dips in the earth, provided some degree of cover on top of concealment. And right behind them was a small concrete 'fort' with an entrance to the front and back. Looking at it, there were stairs to either side which lead to the top and the cover giving battlements there, while the front and back had entrances leading into the interior. The very center was blocked from sight at ground level, but there was a large skylight a power armor could use to leap from the interior to the roof with ease.

A green silhouette told them exactly what was in there.

"Capture the Flag huh?" Ylfa asked nobody in particular. Though they knew where their flag was at all times it seemed, they'd have to find the enemy base and flag the old fashioned way. A screen appeared in front of them all with several options to change their loadouts. And a timer in the corner ticking down. "Sawyer, grab the AOP - whatever ammo loadout, make sure you got RED," she started barking out orders. "Emi and Mayumi, I need you two to be on base defense - they grab the flag, scream. The rest of you, make sure your mini-missiles are BOLTs if you're going offensive, and DARTs aren't bad at all. Remember what we went over on Mama - I need you all ready to put eyes out there when the timer runs out, and remember to keep it quiet and out of sight. This isn't a Bug Hunt - it's worse, so don't bunch up, but make sure you're in range to give fire support. Five meters minimum, ten's not bad. And unless you're out of Line of Sight, use laser comms."

The timer was ticking down fast.
"Hell, driving trucks and blowing shit up on Desaurus was a tough fight. Can't be too different." Terrance replied. However, he took Ylfa's advice and switched to the BOLTs. "Boss, judging from those suits' mobility, I don't suppose that the Cats will be able to use the treetops and such to their advantage?" His eyes went to the trees, as if the Yamataians would jump them right then, or at least, as soon as the timer went down. Then his gaze darted to the aforementioned timer. "Eh, hopefully we can break that officer's apparent reputation. Sounds like she made a name for herself somewhere. Well, we'll be fine then, the Boss will probably get a general idea of her tactics from that reputation."
"Top, permission to load GREEN rounds as well" Sawyer requested as he slung the AMP over the back of his armor onto the hardpoint designated for additional weapons, better to have a spare weapon just in case the primary ran out of ammunition or was rendered combat ineffective. He picked up the AOP and began loading ammunition canisters onto his hip hardpoints.
Rachael paused at the sudden outburst and then actually began laughing, how odd, she laughed and laughed until her sides hurt at the womans idiocy and her lack of finesse in combat. She just held her side, as the other decided what type of combat rules they'd be playing capture the flag with, she couldn't help but laugh. Though to those who might realize how quiet she's been, and how she's said all of two words, and how she looked like some murderer 95% of the time, she might come off more than a little weird with her consistent laughing, which also might insult the poor Neko even more, as it was clearly audible.
"Top I'll go ahead and switch to an Aggressor, that level of firepower is pretty awesome" affirmed Max remembering the slaughter fest that Swayer had unleashed during the hanger scenario. "I'll also switch to the AOP with a Red load out like you suggest." He watched Swayer stow his AMP, he wasn't sure why he'd want to lug around two heavy weapons, especially when the Aggressor had a sub machine but he was a veteran, perhaps he knew something he didn't.

"Top, can I suggest a tactical formation? Perhaps we put an aggressor and a void on each flank with the Hostiles in the mixed in between them for support? Might give us our best chance to catch the Cats in a heavy crossfire should they decide to roll up on us."

Rack One: Bolts
Rack Two: Darts
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Richard looked around some and sighed as the environment changed so easily around them. "I'm never going to get used to when people just flip the controls while I'm inside these things.." Hearing that this time around it would be capture the flag though he thought for a moment. "Hmm if it's CTF I think my load out will do pretty well..I'll stick with it." He put away the HPAR for now on his back and pulled out the AS4GS.

Turning to Max he thought about what he said for a moment. "We could put a Hostile or two in sort of our midfield as well. Have them try to pick off anyone who gets past the advancing force before they get to Mayumi and Emi. or take them out if they're trying to come back with the flag."
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