Star Army

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RP: NSS Sledge Mama [NSS Sledge Mama] Into Steel (Aside): Which Tie?


Well-Known Member
Later going off to see the white haired Nekovalkyrja, Terrance found himself standing in front of one of the strangest sights he had ever seen in his life. The halls of the Sledge Mama was predominantly occupied by men, and men with either worn, dirty, tough looks, or men that were just plain mean looking. But what he was looking at? It was practically a Pink Ghetto filled with nothing but Catgirls. The young man could see them all, coming in and out of their rooms or chatting with each other in the halls as they strode about. Some were excited while others were even more excited of course. Looking at it all, this was just a hastily constructed prefab in the hangar, but the fact remained; right behind a perimeter of heavily armed marines was one Nekovalkyrja in particular.

A Hostile's deep, digitized voice suddenly questioned him. "You, what are you here for?"
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Terrence's eye twitched in confusion when he saw this... There are no words that come to someone who sees this kind of thing. "I doubt we put up the pink paint." When questioned by one of the marines who's purpose was to keep an eye on the Nekoes, Terrence managed to keep his nerves down. "I... I am private third class Terrence Faraday, I'm here to see someone, a prisoner. White hair, kinda tan, green eyes. Is it alright if I go in to see her?" He tried to look past the Hostiles, but he's typically clueless about this kind of thing so he wouldn't be able to see Emi even if she was shooting a flare into the sky.
"Miss Homura?" the Hostile cued its comms. "You have a visitor by the name of Faraday Terrence." It paused for a moment, slightly confused. "The mama's boy?" the guard questioned the voice on the other end. The red glow that the monoeye gave off was particularly menacing as it bore down on him. Standing under its scrutiny, it was difficult to shake the feeling of being scanned. "Possibly. Yes, he's taller than you by a foot or so. Yes, he's also scrawny and pale. The boy's got brown hair. The top of it is sorta swept back." Still looking at him, the armor jabbed a thumb over its shoulder. "Down the hallway, seventh door on the right," the other soldier instructed Terrance, opening the transparent durandium doorway for him to pass through. "Lucky brat. Wish I'd get pulled in there," he heard the Hostile mutter.

Once inside though, he wouldn't feel all that lucky. The impression of being the sole canary inside of a house full of cats couldn't have become any stronger with the way that many of them bore down on him. Or, he could have also been the last sardine in a can for all he cared.

"Hey cutie, where you going?"

"Wow, so big and tall!~"

"Hoping to play some 'wargames' with us too?" Several of them burst into laughter at that.

For him, the bottom line was that the looks and catcalls he was getting - serious or joking - were frighteningly oppressive in number. But still, that doorway was waiting for him up ahead.
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Oppressive was the right word for it. Terrence was walking at a quickened pace while he was biting his lower lip, eyes registering terror as his subconscious conjured up the image of his mother chasing after him with the paddle, threatening to beat him silly if he doesn't leave the presence of these women. He tried to form words, but they just came out as incoherent babbling. By the time he got to room seven, he was mumbling unintelligibly under his breath and his hands were deep in his pockets. He wasn't in the right state of mind to bother knocking and requesting permission to come in. He closed the door behind him and wiped the cold sweat off of his brow. "Oh, momma woulda killed me." Terrence said to himself. Then suddenly a thought hit him like a ton of bricks. He continued staring at the door as he spoke. "Ma'am? A-a-a-are you d-d-d-d-decent?" Oh God, the raging hormones were real.
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"Come in," Emi's voice spoke to him from behind the door.

As he stood there, deciding on whether or not to enter, the other Neko in the hallway started acting strangely. Slowly walking closer to him, they all began to mischievously smile as they hid their hands behind their backs. Crowding around Terrance, every single way out he had was soon blocked off as the young marine was cornered. They were all standing off just barely a meter away, but every single one of the Neko began to lean in as they eerily smiled. And soon enough, that circle started to shrink.

"Are you coming in?" the green haired Neko asked him again from behind the door.
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"Yes!" Terrence answered as his hands fumbled to open the door. When he finally opened the door, he entered quickly and nearly broke the door trying to close it so fast. He placed his back against the door and put a hand over his heart. "You have very... Illustrious comrades." He remarked, trying to calm himself down. His eyes darted around the room, hoping that the Sledge Mama had enough accommodations for the prisoners to have their own rooms... "Shit."
The moment the young man got the door closed and braced his back against it, Terrance found that he had little relief.

Though her back was turned to him as she looked into a roll-up mirror posted against the wall, Emi was dressed in nothing but a white button up shirt over her black underwear. Paying him no mind, it was clear that she was busily looking at herself as a tie in her reflection changed colors. Just as the silence was shattered by a cacophony of laughter outside. On top of all this, the room was practically four by four meters, the cot she was using having already been folded up and put to the side. They were quite close together. "Don't mind them. They decided to play with you and kinda winged it telepathically," she explained, running her hands through her white hair to see if the contrast was good with the color of tie she was trying on.

"So did you want something?" Emi asked, her green eyes flicking over to him as she turned slightly to look at him over the shoulder.
Terrence despaired right there as he accepted his situation as reality. He slapped a hand over his eyes, slid down the length of the door until he was sitting against it, and whimpered at what his mother would think seeing him now... And promptly looked through a gap in his fingers. "N-nothing in p-... Particular. Y-y-y-you just s-s-s-sounded like you wanted so-some... Um... Company, earlier." Eventually, his hand slid down the length of his face. He stood up and tried like Hell to look into Emi's eyes. "W-well, I d-d-did want to check on y-you and make sure you were o-okay." Terrence looked back down at the ground as he shifted from foot to foot awkwardly, inwardly cursing his verbal disorder.
It was unnecessary to say that through the gap in his fingers, he got an eyeful of scantily clad Emi.

But, that didn't mean it was cheers all around. Seeing his reaction in the mirror, the green eyed Neko sighed and walked over to the cowering young man. Standing in front of him as he sat there on the ground, her waist was roughly level with his face as she put both her hands on her hips. "I like company, but not the kind that's about whatever it is you're about to do." Looking down at him, the expression on her face was one that was a bit of worry mingled with confusion. "Why are you so wound up anyways?" she asked him, tilting her head a little to the side as she did so.

"Last time was when I was playing around with your belt and pretending to be a bully. I really don't get what's going on in your head."
"Oh, why did I do that?" Terrence thought miserably when he looked through his fingers. When Emi approached, he quickly stood back up, deciding that he might have better luck looking down on her. He looked away sheepishly at the criticism of his funky behavior. "Sorry, I al-always was different from everyone else back home." When asked about his behavior, his lower lip stiffened and his right eyebrow creased in curious thought, temporarily forgetting the half-naked catwoman in front of him. He hadn't actually thought about that before, but the answer came to him in a few moment's contemplation. "I suppose it would have to have somethin' to do with how I was raised." All too happy with the distraction, his subconscious recounted the interesting point in his adolescence.

"I suspect my mah had the biggest effect on me about that. She had some high morals ever since my granddaddy ran out on my grandmomma when she was pregnant. I was fifteen when I was messing around with this girl that was a good five years my senior. One day she got impatient and pulled me into an alley. Thankfully my mah had been tailing us from the beginning, so she back-handed that girl and threatened me with a metal plate with holes in it. It was her old paddle she used to beat me with when I was acting like a brat when I was a child. She said 'Terrance, if I find out you been fraternizing with other girls before yer married, ya get mister Steele again!'" Terrance smiled at the memory. "So I guess I developed a phobia of girls touching me after that." Then he remembered he was in a room with a half-naked girl. The glazed over look in his eyes vanished as he looked back down at Emi. "U-uh, I-I-I'm sorry aboot, I mean, about r-r-ram-ramblin' on l-like that."
Standing in front of the Stuttering Marine of The Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, the look the catgirl gave him was one that was plain faced yet a little confused, the green furred ears on her head twitching up and down in thought. "So it's one of these 'mom issues' things?" Emi bluntly asked him, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I wouldn't have any idea what that's like," she admitted. Being so close, it was more apparent than ever that he was almost a foot taller than her, and it made her seem even smaller somehow. Looking up at him a little longer in consideration, Emi crossed her arms over her waist as she wistfully looked away from him for a moment. "You know, I really don't get why that's a big deal for you." Glancing back at him briefly, she added, "I mean, for Nepleslians in general. What's wrong with being with someone before getting married? Makes no sense to me," the Neko admitted, a little melancholy at the thought.

But like the namesake of her kind, she was whimsical.

Leaning in closer, an arm reaching past his head to press against the wall, Emi's sparkling green eyes looked up at his. Playfully flirtatious, she provocatively asked him, "In the end though, your mama's not here, so what are you going to do?"
"Well, I wouldn't say it's mom issues. She just didn't want me to be an asshole. I'm thankful to her for how she raised me." Terrence responded. He looked down, well further down, in sympathy at the idea of someone who never had parents. Then his eyes shot back up after he realized what he had accidentally (or maybe not so much) glanced at. "Well uh, p-personal p-preference I reckon. I-I-I know some people back... Home who would... Ahem..." What he was trying to say was that there were some dogs back home. "Fer me, it's for that special... Special... Um..."

Everything went downhill when he tried to explain his own position, which was about to be tested. He once again placed his back against the door with wide eyes at what Emi may or may not be proposing. "Well, I-, well you s-s-s-s-see-... Uh..." Terrence shut his trap. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes now as he bit his lower lip again. Well, there could be a few reasons for that, could be lust, fear, or a readiness to defend oneself against an unholy abomination. Either way, the young marine's hands clenched tightly as one of aforementioned hands started to creep towards the handle of the door, all the while trying to quietly will himself to control his actions and thoughts. "War crime to force yourself... Treaty with Yamatai... Not right... Mamma... Special girl..." Then he made his mistake. He looked back into Emi's eyes. "I... Think I should..."
"Help me pick a tie?" Emi helpfully asked, still close.

The smile she had was faint now, with one corner of her mouth crinkled upwards more than the other. Thin and wry, it wasn't a smirk, not quite; she didn't seem satisfied or smug in the least. It was those green eyes of hers that said what it was though. Emi had kept her gaze on him the entire time, but reluctantly looked away as she turned to step back from him in the small room. She was feeling let down. Walking back to her mirror, the young woman in front of Terrance didn't immediately go for the ties though, but instead picked up a black skirt. "A preference? But why?" she asked, her white furred ears drooping at the idea. Emi wasn't smiling anymore as she stood there in her white button up shirt. She honestly looked a little hurt.

Looking away, as she slipped on the skirt, the catgirl in front of him admitted, "I don't get what you're saying about it being for someone Special either."
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"Um, sure?" Terrence replied awkwardly, glint leaving his eyes as his hands returned to his sides.

Terrence looked away, not able to bear looking at Emi with that disappointed look on her face. "I- I'm sorry. I just can't d-do that and be able to look a-at myself the same way." He explained. A feeling of shame filled him when the Neko suggested he was racially biased in his relationships. "It's not that. I just... We aren't... Um... Ahem, dating, ahem." Terrence put his hands in his pockets, trying to not look so guilty as he looked at her. He finally stepped away from the door and looked at the catwoman through her mirror. "It's not that you're not interesting or run-of-the-mill, I just... I just don't know a lot about you and we're not... Er, my..." His face showed that he knew the word he was trying to say, but due to his genetic disorder, he simply couldn't say for a few seconds, augmented with the nervousness of saying such a word. "Spouse. That's who I feel I can... Give myself to without feeling like a dog."

Terrence looked around awkwardly, scratching the back of his head before a question popped in his head. "So uh, where are you from? I'm from a desert colony myself."
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"Ugh, humans," the Neko rolled her eyes. "Look cute stuff, you're still not telling me why. Just that you do," Emi pointed out with some annoyance.

Looking at herself in the mirror, running her hands down her sides to see how smoothly the white button up shirt transitioned over to black skirt, the young woman seemed satisfied with how she looked. "Like, I think it's retarded-idiot level stupid you won't go ahead with someone you're not married with. Why? Because it's impossible to know who's going to be a good one unless you check first," the white haired young woman pointed out to Terrance. "I mean, the only real sense I ever got from you is that it's really important you don't. I'm not getting a Yui-Fucking clue why, that's for sure," she added, now making sure to neatly button up the front of her top. Finishing that up, an image of a pair of ties appeared at her chest, swapping back and forward between one and another.

"Periwinkle or Crimson?" Emi asked him.
"C-c-c-cute stuff?" Terrence gulped at that assessment, obviously not clearheaded enough to remember that women usually prefer the guys who look good.

"Oh, so-." Terrence was about to apologize for his "retarded-idiot level" of stupidity before he realized that Emi was probably getting tired of hearing apologies. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Anyways, we don't need to know anyone in that way to marry. It's all about the personality to us... I reckon... Maybe... Depends on the person." He was tempted to ask who Yui was but he decided against it. Maybe he should have, considering he was watching rather intently how Emi was straightening out her outfit. Shaking off his glare in lieu of continuing their conversation, he took a second to scan the two ties. "I can't really take anything called periwinkle seriously."

"Crimson." He answered without hesitation.
"Of course it depends on the personality," the Nekovalkyrja replied, having turned away from him to look at the mirror again.

"Even on the Mishhuvurthyar ships, we still traded contraband. Usually movies and games and stuff like that, but it always looks like your people keep each other at arm's length and never get close to each other. I mean, yeah, you get those occasional scenes, but overall the people don't get close at all. Just lots of talk," she told him. It seemed a little off topic, but Emi seemed to be working up to something. "But how can you get to know someone unless you get close to them? Become intimate?" the young woman asked, intently looking at the volumetric tie as it changed color. At that, something seemed to cross her mind - peering over the shoulder with her green eyes, she was thinking of something. Turning around and walking right up to Terrance, she asked, "How does it look?" Normally, that question wasn't too hard, but in this case, her chest was nearly pressed against his.

The expression she had however, implied that nothing was out of place. That nothing was wrong.
Terrence's eyes noticeably focused on Emi as she talked about life on Mishuvurthyar ships. From the sources he had taken his information from, it was a different picture from how it was usually depicted. "That's interesting. From what I gathered, it was... Spartan, to say the least." He scratched the back of his head as the Neko continued. "Uh, I s-suppose it's so that we don't g-get hurt if it all falls apart." The young marine had to resist the impulse to take a step back, noting the look of purpose in her eyes. "Th-that's called d-d-d-dating where I come from. Heh, um." He attempted the impossible task of ignoring the proximity of Emi's endowments as he tried to form words for how the tie looked on her. "I-I-I think you look... Dangerous. But th-that fits with you, I think. And uh, p-people find danger a-attra-attractive." A guilty look crossed Terrence's face as he remembered the awesome adrenaline high one gets from being closer to a larger "controlled" explosion or from dodging wildlife in a flimsy truck.
Almost brushing against Terrance as she looked up at him with those green eyes of hers...she unromantically asked, "Just standing this close makes Nepleslians uncomfortable, doesn't it?" breaking the moment.

The words were matter-of-fact, with the look she gave him being rather analytical and quite similar to how a scientist would look at some subject in a lab. "Relax Terrance," the Neko told him, bringing a hand up to gently pat him on the shoulder. "Nekovalkyrja like myself don't mind being close, touching each other, or even being touched so long as it's reasonable," she started to explain, her hand moving to straighten out his collar a little. "Perverted stuff still gets us pretty flustered," Emi admitted with a thin smile. "But, forgetting about that last little bit, that's not the case with you or your people - getting close I mean - and I think to myself that if that's the case, how can dating ever get the two people to really know each other if they're always at arms length, and scared of getting hurt?" Emi asked him. "I just don't understand what goes through those Nepleslian heads of yours." At that, she finally stepped back to give him room, having made her point clear to the young man.

"And yeah, life was pretty bare. But that doesn't mean we didn't try and make it less shitty." Turning to look in the mirror again, she frowned. "It still doesn't look right. The tie just doesn't go together." Looking at Emi, Terrance saw a pretty young woman with a lithe, tanned form, short white hair and green eyes. One that was wearing a white button up top with a black skirt. Along with a red tie, which while bold in itself, stuck out like a sore thumb. Looking back at him with her emerald eyes, she asked,

"Besides saying I'm pretty, do you have any ideas?" the Neko grinned at him.
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"Only when it's the ones we don't know." Terrence responded, calming at the sight of those emerald eyes, his expression softening.

Figuring out the key, he always made sure to keep eye contact in these close intervals. With Emi decently, the only distractions the marine could note at this point would be the ones he conjured up in his mind. Terrence couldn't help but smile when the Neko tidied up his collar, feeling like his father before going to work. "I could get used to that." He listened to her go on about Nepsleslian awkwardness when his eyes went down to the ground, smile leaving in favor of a bashful look. "You could... Try it out... I... Wouldn't mind showing how... Somethin' like it works." He proposed rather quietly. His gaze ascended from the ground back up to look Emi in the face. "I think... Maybe I was wrong about the light blue tie... And maybe... You could hang out with me one of these days." Terrence smiled in amusement at his own obvious efforts to avoid calling the color by its proper name and his disgraceful attempt at asking for a date.