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OOC NSS Sledge Mama


Well-Known Member
With the plot starting up, I'm using this as our OOC.


Long story short, I'm aiming to make a new plot for Nepleslia, one focusing on our bread and butter in specific - Space Marines. The way the plot will work, is that we'll be part of a new rapid reaction fleet which goes about 'solving problems'. It's focused on the marines themselves, with the fights they find themselves in varying from a Zero-G firefight through a debris field of broken ships, to fighting in heavily populated city streets.

Right now, any marines in general are appreciated. Even though there are fixed roles IRL, here, I'm toying with the idea of letting people try different things each mission we deploy on, so there will be some flexibility on that. That way, everyone gets to try out something if they want, and a person isn't stuck in a role they find isn't as fun as they thought it would be.


The plot can be found in here for the time being - just scroll down a bit.
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Ugh, frustrating - we're using this thread as OOC now, but I accidentally posted in the main. Sorry guys! We're going to wrap this scene up and move on to the main meat of the ordeal in one round or so, alright? After that, we're cutting into deployment, fast.
Mod note: Thread prefix changed to OOC.
Thanks Wes.

@ShotJon @Foxtrot 813 @Fenix Aldaris @Syaoran @KenshinTakeda

Alright guys, just as a heads up, the new thread is up - it's aimed at getting us to combat, though I'm not skipping the scenery-porn and setting for the time being. If it feels like it's taking too long with the suit up though, speak up! You can all keep going in the warm-up thread too, if that's what you'd like. It'd divide my attention a bit, but I'll do my best to keep up. My focus would be on the newer one however. For now, we're all heading out in Hostiles. People will drop, and that'll give us the later opportunity to try out the suits they were using. The armor bay itself isn't too far away, and is easy to get to.
Just wondering, the post on the new thread, there is a good deal of time between the launch at the first half the post, then the assembling of marines in the second half right? Trying to figure out how Richard would react.
Not very much time at all actually. Just enough for them to sort themselves out. The idea is that everything is happening very quickly, without enough time to catch a breath.
@ShotJon @Foxtrot 813 @Fenix Aldaris @Syaoran @KenshinTakeda

Just a heads up guys - for now, we're all heading out with Hostiles. Later on, we'll start issuing more specialized suits.

EDIT: Also, the suits both come premade, though you can also step into the assembler and have it made like in Starcraft II. The main difference is that it's a slightly raised platform with some pylons for the things to operate from, in the room itself.
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Only problem with just rolling out in Hostiles is that Aleksei won't fit in one. The Aggressor is the only frame that will support an ID-SOL. But I can use a Hostile if you need me to.
Yeah. To be honest guys? I need to update the armor articles themselves. The Hostile was meant to practically fit the troops in the Star Military, but doesn't say how, amongst other things. And the Aggressor is absurdly large for what it is and does. There's plenty more that needs fixing though, but that's just some things on my mind.
Well of course this little thing need to be updated on Hostile. But or aggressor, I think it was meant to be large and scary bastard like that.
I think the Aggressor was designed to be absurdly large to compensate for multiple fully automatic weapons firing at once for recoil absorption as well as likely for sheer psychological impact on the opposition.
Personally given the size of the aggressor frame, i think it would be fully capable of providing the most in firepower since it seems the more capable candidate to mount the VOID's morters. Just my two cents.