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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

What's your laptop's make and model?
I'll be honest - I didn't include that suit in the lineup for my plot because I dislike it a lot, probably hate it, and for several reasons.

In character, it's meant to be used as a frontline, heavy assault, close quarters power armor, but it's horrible for that. In close quarters, the Hostile is actually far better at this despite having less firepower. In close quarters, it's not all about the guns and crap loaded onto the soldier. In comparison, the Hostile is more nimble and easy to move around in, and most importantly, it has the Push-Pull Guard. Close quarters fights are all completely at its discretion - so what if a Ripper suddenly bursts around the corner and wants to try and cut it up? The Hostile just gives it the middle finger and pushes it away with an invisible hammer. Or if something's running away, it just yanks it back. Like a Jedi Asshole. But the Devastator? No - even with all that firepower, once something gets too close or under its arc of fire, the suit is toast. And even if it does give chase, it's far more vulnerable to counterattack and ambushes than a Hostile ever will be, especially due to the shields that it was given to try and 'nerf' it.

Instead, what this power armor excels at...take out frontline, take out close quarters, and what you have is heavy assault. It is best at completely and utterly replacing the Aggressor. This suit is best standing behind a group of Hostiles and just shooting, non-stop to support the Hostiles duking it out. Heavily assaulting things with its guns. And to me, that's completely and utterly unacceptable, as it replaces a role that's already taken up. And it's even better at that job, just to add insult to injury. The pre-existing suit could have been modified and improved on instead, with much less money (IRL), time and effort. But wasn't.

Out of Character, the suit is plain OP in the role it is actually good at. Over Powered. Already, it has more firepower than the suit it's best off replacing - the Aggressor - while being SMALLER. And by a large margin even. Plus, it is far better armored. While being SMALLER. And it has better shields, while being SMALLER. Hell, it's shields make it even better at replacing the Aggressor, since it has a better threshold; less stuff is capable of going directly through - bypassing - the shield to hit the armor under it. So what if it's got gaps and has to be manually managed? Not like that's a big problem if it's got some Hostiles screening it. And it has a tower shield.

Actually, now that I think of it, yeah, I do hate it.

Last - and not least though - your artwork is awesome as always Foxtrot. You're just victim to bad writing on the creator's part.

I'm sorry guys - I just can't bring myself to use this suit. Even with the Raider, I don't even dare look at it. Originally, that thing was tough enough to replace the Hostile even though it was supposed to be a LIGHT power armor. These were just poorly thought out, poorly conceived, and all done with no real feedback from other GMs or long time players.

I'll still give you guys the best plot I can, but I just don't want this pushed on me.

I would urge you to reconsider. The Armor is an approved part of the setting and it seems that your players are very interested in it.
Well, first and foremost, I'm sorry for my absence for the last few days. I've been having laptop problems too, and jumped through hoops to do an "In-Place Install" to repair it, amongst other things.

@KenshinTakeda - if you haven't already, see if they charge for diagnosis of your laptop. If you can figure out what is wrong with it, you may just be able to do the repair on your own after buying the parts you need. Not the easiest thing to do - just taking a laptop apart to clean out the heatsink of dust can be hard - but it could save you money. Alternatively, you can try using any random and working USB keyboard you have lying around by plugging it in. An odd, cumbersome solution, but hey, working keyboard.

@Koenig808 - right now, I'm very frustrated with the suit. Frustrated to the point that my last post, regardless of whatever info was in it, was offensive. I know that the players want to take it and have fun with the thing, but the problem is with me. I don't like the suit at all, and I'm also very aware of this. I absolutely know that if I let the players have the suit, that I will be biased towards the suit itself, as my issues aren't just OOC, but IC - from my point of view, it is tactically flawed. I well and truly believe this, and even if I portrayed the suit as something I believe it is not - something really good - to try and best serve my players, I would be inwardly very bitter over the long term. What I'm really afraid of and frustrated at Kampfer, is the idea that the writing that I make for my players will be degraded because my heart is no longer in it if I use that. I'm stuck in the horrible position of either not giving my players something they want, and the fear that my posts will become crap as I lose interest.

Having GMs themselves liking the equipment at hand is just as important as having the players liking the stuff for that reason, and I just don't like it, nor do I want my players to go through what I described above.
Sorry for the absence this week guys, it's been rough. If we can just get out a post or two more today, I'll move us ahead. If not, I'll wait until tomorrow, Saturday.
@Syaoran - and yes, but for now just assume it's very simple, most likely a tourniquet system at the joints to stop major bleeding, and things like that. No anti-toxin injectors. Right now, your characters simply don't know if they're poisoned or not. Tentacles are super-effective against Nekovalkyrja for a reason, even though the Covergirl PA for Yamatai is the Mindy, a suit with excellent close quarters weapons.
Oh I didn't intend on using it to stop the poison. I just had no clue that the medical system on the suit existed at all.
It's best to assume that it does have some form of basics, and that it was merely overlooked when it was being written as an article. The Hostile is a good, solid suit, but it needs some updates to further flesh it out since the article is a little old.

Also, @Fenix Aldaris - are you able to post? If you're having a tough time or even writer's block, toss me a message or something.
Hey, bossman. Sorry about my lack of activity. Been on vacation for a friends wedding. I'm headed back home tonight and should be able to resume normal posting within the next day or two.

For now, feel free to auto my actions thia round.
No problem @Fenix Aldaris - join up with us at any point you'd like.

Ok everyone, here's the situation so far. Right now, @KenshinTakeda and @Angel Azrial are unable to post, and that's ok. @Foxtrot 813 is taking a break since he's got his hands full for the time being. That leaves @ShotJon , @Syaoran and @Centurion0507 for the time being. This week's been a busy one, and my teachers are promising it'll be that way to some degree for the rest of the month, though I'll be free to definitely post again this week and during the weeknend. On the bright side, I get a month off on August assuming I last long enough to make it that far in this course - I'll be doing my best to pamper you guys when that time comes.
@Fenix Aldaris , @Foxtrot 813 , @ShotJon , @Syaoran , @Centurion0507

Guys? I'm sorry that I've been slow. Though RPing with you all has been great - shortcomings and all - I don't think I'm able to keep proper pace. Right now, the full weight of the course I'm taking is bearing down on me and I'm feeling an utter burnout from it. It's been like this for the better part of the year and slowly getting worse, but it's only now that it's feeling very heavy and crushing. This plot was meant to have GM activity every 3 days at the very most, but I just haven't been able to keep up with that myself, or even ask around to see if you guys are alright, that there's enough material in the GM posts for you all to work with, and if you're able to post.

Right now, we do have a few options:
  1. Put the Plot on Hiatus
  2. Close/End the Plot
  3. Pass GMship to Another
  4. Continue With a Very Slow Pace
Number One, I know interest would quite likely wane over time - it's not like it's right that I come back later and suddenly 'summon' all of you back. Number Two is, well, it's pretty dour, and I'd rather stay away from it if possible. Three is likely ideal, since it'd be in more capable hands. Well, assuming any are around, and also happen to be interested. And Four, well, it'd honestly turn into a weeping wound for me if I kept at it like that. Even if you guys are fine with a much slower pace, it'd hurt a bit to be reminded of my failure to balance class and the plot. Though, if that's what you guys go with, I'd do it.

One of the main reasons why I opened this plot, besides wanting to have fun with you guys, is because Nepleslia is short on GMs. Very. Thanks to certain events from a few years ago - I can't believe it's been that long, and you all know what I'm talking about - we had a lot of them give up GMing. These guys are still around, but the drive to do so was more or less sucked out of them by malicious action that they couldn't stop. Looking back, I only came in at the tail end of it, but even I could tell it came uncomfortably close to ending Nepleslia by driving away its best. It still hasn't recovered.

Even if nobody is interested in picking up this particular plot - which is ok - I still implore you all to consider trying to GM. We got a rich setting full of detail, all waiting to be exploited. And besides, the setting as a whole just wouldn't be the same without Nepleslia's Dog to Yamatai's Cat.
I'm not really the kind of person that likes to change GMs mid plot, because the plot loses some of the flavor it started with when that happens. However I don't want to force you to keep GMing if it hurts you because it's not upto the standards you would like either. So in the end I'd prefer option 4 if it ends up okay with you. Otherwise I'd suppose option 3.
@ShotJon , @Syaoran , @Centurion0507

Alright guys, long story short, I'm back for a good long while - probably about a half year or so at the least. This means I have the time (and after going into Odinsleep) energy to GM this plot and give you guys the RP you all deserve. Currently, I need to know who is still interested before we get this started.