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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

That post was awesome. now I gotta figure out my response. Don't know though if I should be happy the Daisy I was attacking retreated, or Afraid. Last thing that retreated on me came back to shoot a hole in my tank XD
Mark unleashed almost everything he had so he can now die with dignity. Cadet, a couple more posts like that and I can build myself a house.
Glad you guys liked it despite being huge.

And to be honest, I really don't know if they're dead. :\
Man, it has been a hectic week for me, and I just finished catching up to the latest post. @CadetNewb, is Wulfe out of the simulation, or is he still combat capable after your last post?
I looked up the "Delta Actual" phrase cause it was nagging at me for a bit. But now I'm wondering does Ylfa want all of Delta to respond to the threat at bravo, or just Sawyer?
In military speak, "Actual" means the actual officer in charge. For example, "Eucharis Actual" would be Ketsurui Hanako. If you call the gunship Eucharis, you might be talking to a communications officer on the Eucharis, but if you call Eucharis Actual, that means you only want the actual captain of the Eucharis. The purpose is to differentiate between an officer and their radioman who is handling their traffic.

So Delta Actual means the commander of Delta.
Yea that's what I was grasping from what I looked up. So I was just trying to get Cadet's verification before I posted. So I didn't ruin the plan.
First and foremost, both Wulfe and Lisa are combat capable - it's why Kelly's being a mean bitch and kicking at them to get back up. "It's just third degree burns!" she said. I'm not going to lie though - they're going to be in a lot of pain, with the energy bleed through being enough to give them a full thickness burn of the dermis. But they're alive, and the suit moves them just as much as they move it. Also, the computerized voice of the suit saying "Morphine Administered" should pretty much be music to their ears.

The highest ranking player in Delta is Centurion, however, despite saying that being in an Aggressor would mean taking on more responsibility due to its importance, you're all free to take the initiative as you see fit given the fact he's busy as hell and/or having internet problems.


The plan is to have fun
If it would please the court, I think I'll step up and take care of "leading the team" if Cent doesn't mind me making up a plan. I'm guessing that I'm on Bravo's side anyway, If I read the post correctly.
Since Ylfa wants someone to cover Bravo then since you have the other Agressor it's be most bang for the buck if you go to cover them them. Though shields becomes a bit of a concern too..
I think that'd be alright Warrior - go ahead and do so. OOC, we know we only just need to get Delta moving towards Bravo to back them up after all.
I'm starting to think I made Mark too impulsive. While using a butt load of explosives would be entertaining to see, throwing it and firing rockets while shooting a machine gun might not be the best way to defeat an enemy and I keep putting him in stupid situations.
Well, the thing about regretting that you're character is too impulsive, is that your character may or may not learn to regret that as well. It's the wonderful world of character development! Also, I'm sorry I've slowed down a fair bit Syaoran and Shadow - it's not that I'm losing interest, but I usually tie in posting in the asides with doing the same in the main thread.

Right now, I'm thinking about Autoing to keep things moving by tomorrow, but at the same time am uncertain as to whether or not you guys would rather post on your own and take the pace easy, or prefer to keep the story moving quickly. I'm guessing it's the former though. At the same time, I also know that some of you are quite busy IRL too.

I"m probably worrying and thinking about it too much though.
I hopped back, hopefully I will be able to post now. I tried to get myself oriented in the situation. I hope the post I made few days back was fine @CadetNewb .
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