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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Hey, there's something to be said for RPing in a way that will causes stories to be told about it, years later.
I'm going to tug on your sleeve a bit @Wes - I find myself wanting some criticism for how I've portrayed the SAoY girls so far. Hearing the good things done is the easy part and always enjoyed, but hearing the shortcomings is what I'd appreciate the most. If you've happened to have had the time to keep up, would you be able to comment?

Also, I'll be posting today guys!
Am I the only one that keeps confusing whats going on right now as the plot of a cheesy 80s action movie with some of the strangest heroes ever?
I agree that the Starship Troopers movie was a disappointment, but only in comparison to the book. On its own, it's a very amusing movie.

As for the book however, it's one of the first ones to feature Power Armor as a major piece of equipment. They were armed with heavy weapons, had thruster systems, full life support, and even had tactical nukes - sound familiar? Anyways, I've posted. I highly suggest Delta take Ylfa's advice, however, if you're all not sure who should post first or what to do, I also suggest using the @ to shake someone and start talking. As "The Main Characters" you're free to use the OOC to coordinate with each other what to do, and basically set up the teabagging.

"On the bounce troopers!"
Yea we're gonna have to discuss our next move, otherwise we're gonna get wrecked. Also I'd like a quick summary of what we can 'see' The 2 aether shots came from Bravo's direction right? But the 50 cal are from the 'advanced force' along with some other weapons fire right?
I made the mistake of thinking we had neutralized the two cannon gunners and the scouts. Guess we didn't. Of course, if the Mindies aren't in melee range yet our best bet is to try and wipe out the cannon gunners and make it 5 on 2 instead of 7 on 5. Swayer hasn't started popping off green rounds or fully deployed his missiles yet. A simple overwhelming firepower by everyone in the squad should be enough to wipe all of them out, and we don't even have to move. I believe that the Nekos used most of their counter missiles in the initial barrage, if they are focused on shooting at Swayer, wiping them out should be easier than if they were all shooting at us.
Yes, to the north of Delta are the remaining Daisies including their Light Anti-Armor troops with cannon, and to the east of it on the flank (and therefore south west of Bravo) are the two Mindies.

As for what can be seen at this time, the Daisies are intermittent contacts that come in and out of weapons-lock; they're vulnerable when firing or having just fired, in addition to when they've just been struck. Which is why High-Ex is important.

The two Mindy armors however, are flat out different.

You can get a decent heading and location read on them at all times so long as their Aether Tap and Combined Field Systems are functioning, and a very good one when their weapons are active (firing). And of course, the weapons locks would be just as good when their shields are being hit or just been hit. Despite the easy lock however, they're just plain UFOs in the way they move - the hit that Lisa got earlier was only due to the fact that they were in a hurry to hit Delta, not Bravo. If they're on their toes, they can flat out dodge or shoot them down. On top of this however, they can 'go dark' just like the Daisy and simply run off their capacitors like they did earlier, eschewing protection, firepower and mobility for stealth. The degree to which they can do this is not a yes or no either, as the one giving Wulfe a little notice on his sensors before accidentally running into him is a clear example - her propulsion was still on, but the rest was off. And, fortunately, if they're dodging missiles, they'll have a harder time dodging shots too.

For now though, the two Mindies are decent weapons locks.

In order for the missiles to work reliably in all cases where armors are using stealth features, you'll have to 'light them up' by hitting their shields and creating a defensive reaction before firing during the short window afterwards. Otherwise, their ability to seek will be hampered. Additionally, if you can't confirm a kill, don't assume that it is. On top of that, the enemy can salvage weapons from each other too.

Do note that they're down to 5 from 7 in terms of Daisies however.

And, now that I think of it, I may just need to write down a damn combat guide for this style I'm doing it in.
Hmm I guess we start with taking out the Daisies first. If most of us keep moving around too the Mindies shouldn't be able to get too good a lock on us. Plus if we can stay up long enough we can get some back up from Bravo to handle the Mindy. Maybe get a VOIDs mobile barrier up to protect the Aggressors a bit more too. Richard is going todo some sweeping fire from his current position with his HPAR try and get shields to flicker so he can get some missile locks an have at it.
Well since I didn't get any complaints I guess I'll go with what I was doing then.
Well all you have to do is pin prick their shields long enough for the missiles to get a weapons lock. I'm likely going to eat some Aether to the face but nuking those kitties will so be worth it.
I've gotten caught flat footed, so I'm quite sorry I haven't posted yet even though you've all managed to post so well this round. I'll manage to do so tomorrow morning though.
I don't even know what to say. I'm not sure I've written posts this big before.


Ok...are you guys alright with this? Post size I mean. I don't know what to think myself.

Also, if you have questions about what's happening, ask. It's a lot, and it's all too possible I missed things.

To try and nip some of it in the bud by just a bit, Max is still alive - whether or not his Aggressor is combat ineffective though, I'm not sure either. He needs to, if he regains consciousness, try rebooting his suit, troubleshooting it, and all those things. For him, he can't see the outside world at all and has no idea what's going on outside. It's like his steel coffin right now, so I'm guessing he'd be borderline crapping himself.

Also, do you guys want me to start making companion posts in the OOC listing your suit and ammo condition? Just basic things like shield strength, armor integrity and ammo left?
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That would be helpful. What I want to know is how those Daisies are still alive after being hit by numerous high explosive and anti-matter rounds which should have impacted the area first and took out some of them before they turned and fired at me. That area was completely and totally saturated with fire, no way they should still be kicking. Especially considering I've hit them with way more firepower than they've landed on me and my suit is screwed.
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Well, prior to Sawyer firing the GREEN, they were still evading the RED rounds. My reasoning is that though the blast is powerful enough to destroy the environment and push them even further back by depriving cover, that doesn't mean the blast is harmful to the PA for the same radius. How many feet of steel would one of their 50mm cannons go through? Yards? With defenses that withstand that, I didn't think an air shock-wave would do much, but direct contact with the explosive reaction as it expands and a short distance past that will. That's what I'm thinking. Look at what the GREEN rounds did for an example of that - you guys were pretty much at the site of a tactical-nuke going off. And the PAs aren't even bothered by it. Those going off but all of us surviving is the same exact thing the Daisies went through, but on a larger scale.

I believe that our PA are absurdly powerful and it's a point I want to make clear.

Also, this is the most important bit; the Daisies were all fighting at range, meaning they had a lot of room to maneuver and get away if their barriers were pounded too hard. Without being close in, there's no way to confirm a kill. The best thing you guys could have done was to close in and smash them with Space Dwarf style. I was actually really hoping you guys would figure it out.

I'll definitely give you this though; how many rounds can a 50mm cannon hold, and just how large would the magazine need to be to hold that many shells of that size, knowing it's projectile only and not case/cartridge as well? And, what would it be like to handle a magazine like that?

Also, your suit isn't screwed. I just like drama. Slap it or reboot. : P
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