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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

I was suggesting you rip off heavy pieces of the sim chairs and throw them at the thing to get it off balance, but whatever works.
You'll have to ask Shadow before finding out if your character passes the attack roll. : P


If you guys got the time, could you answer a few questions for me? It's that time of the year again, and I'm also genuinely interested too.

1) Are you having fun in the Sledge Mama?
2) Why? Why not?
3) Is the current pace too fast, too slow or just right?
4) What are your favorite things/moments so far?
5) What are your least liked things/moments so far?

As always, answer me in whatever way you're most comfortable; PMs are fine if there's stuff you don't want to say here. Happy Hunting!
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Since I've made it clear that I just have something against Terrence that even I don't understand I'm just going to post mine here

1. Of Course
2. I get to shoot stuff (I'm from Arkansas so can you blame me)
3. It's good
4. Terrence gettings his arm blown off
5. Terrence talking about whatever Richard's sport is in the middle of a firefight

Does this mean that I have to update Mark's wiki page 'cuz I've been putting it off for a while
This time, it seems having character bios up to date is on the player rather than the GM - thank god. I suggest you do so, but it's optional. Also, I'll delay posting for one more day before pushing us forward.
Sorry for not responding to you, Compound... Of course you can throw Terrence! Why the fuck not!? We'll just reclassify him as equipment! XD

1. Of course, I would prefer to play as a Marine in sci-fi settings and you've put me in a very marine friendly plot.
2. I have an infatuation with Marines, IRL and IC.
3. Hey, walls of text are worth the time and effort. Keep 'er goin' on her current headin', Helmsman.
4. Realistic infantry combat. I could believe the movements used during that part and I've seen many examples of the opposite on other sites.
5. Terrence haters.
Terrence has now gained the super-human ability to fly. Although based on his flight path he might just George of the Jungle it. I'm not quite sure how Ylfa will take it though.
The question is, if he has the Cape, Winged Cap or Tanuki Tail! Also for clarification, whatever equipment your soldier has, would be what they'd carry as military guests. Handguns at the most.
1) Are you having fun in the Sledge Mama?
2) Why? Why not?
Travel the sector, meet new people, then kill them.
3) Is the current pace too fast, too slow or just right?

But only because I've been very busy in the past weeks.
4) What are your favorite things/moments so far?
Killing nekos.
5) What are your least liked things/moments so far?
Finding out it was actually a simulation.
Even if Mark didn't pull off the throw the militant was distracted and doesn't have ammo in it's weapon. Terrence might be in danger and might die but hey stuff happens. I wonder what kind of punishment there would be for throwing a squad member at the enemy since this is probably the first time it's ever happened.

The only thing I've taken away from this is to find someone smaller to throw.
Um, dishonorable discharge and immediate execution for manslaughter would be my guess. But then that's just me.
Manslaughter? As long as your head isn't crushed like a grape we can have you fighting again in no time. I have a strange feeling that if Mark ever got discharged he'd go straight to Kennewes.
Hm....yeah...Terrance basically tried to shoot and then melee an up armored and upgunned Terminator. The way I'm going to do this is that I'm going to take into consideration any mistakes the enemy can make when they're killing you, anything your character can do in the heat of the moment to not get killed, and then anything your allies can do to get you not-killed. My own characters will try to save you like I'll have anyone else's try, but there are limits to what they can do too. So yes, they can fail, so keep that in mind.

Seriously though, if you're going to melee one of these things, you got to make sure you got the strength, and the tonnage to do it right.

Now that I think of it though, Ylfa does go *boing* like Leone does.
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They reminded of CIS droids, so I figured they would be as easy to knock over. Sorry, that's not me trying to make Terrence Superman, that's just my ignorance. Either way, Terrence was somewhat of an effective distraction.
CIS Droids? Those were really spindly - the Militant looks really beefy in comparison, almost like a Commando Droid! It's also 400 pounds I think.
I had thought about having Mark tackle it but I had figured that would of screwed him over. My reaction when I read Ylfa punching it in the face was priceless by the way. It was an oh shit moment if I've ever had one.
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Well, I done goofed. Sorry again for my silly ignorance. I guess you can count on Terrence being as uninformed as I am. I will learn my lesson from this however, and try not to go hand to hand or do stupid shit.
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