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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Oh well fuck, I guess I missed that "cannons" part. I thought they were like those shitty little Geth drones from Mass Effect. That'll teach me to ignore those guys. :P

Usually in boss battles like that, I would take out the little guys before dealing with the Big Stupid, but since Sawyer was currently in the process of getting shrekt, I figured Terrence would try to help him out. You think he should've bum-rushed her with a vibrosaw?
I can't believe I didn't realize the aggressor didn't have a PPG. Of well, I like the AOP club thing. Beating a Neko to death with a 6 foot missile launcher
The entire time I was waiting, I thought that Terrance was going to do this to Sawyer. I like to think that Mark won in that situation purely because while his armor was getting destroyed he was cowering behind something like I would have been.

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Basically, the Sylph is a lighter, more sexy version of the Kshatriya. And the drones were armed with beam cannons with similar effect to those, except a sort of purple. Maybe periwinkle. Just take it all as something to learn from; even though they would have risked hitting Sawyer, the drones and the two Daisies were still targets. I forgot to give more hints and direction in my post that time, but I'll do my best to not forget doing so without being too heavy handed next time around.
Hot damn! I clearly need to watch more Gundam, if that's what that was.

Yeah, that's what simulations are for, ain't it? Something to take lessons out of without actually getting your peasant-colonist ass shot to pieces? :)
I would of put it large test tube baby ass but yeah that is the theory of simulations. The point in those situations are to create and refine strategies while getting a grasp of the abilities of your opponents. That way, you have a decent defensive and offensive strategy in case you ever have to fight them.
Well, during the long points I've had to be offline due to IRL stuffs, Liam has been moving with his team and providing fire support. But as the busy period has finally lost the last of its steam, I think posting more regularly is most doable ^.^
Hello Cadet, I sadly do not have time for this kind of fast-moving plot so I will be bowing out. Hope you guys will still have time.
No one has any armor capable of stopping railgun rounds and all we have are handguns. Would it be reasonable in anyway to take cover behind the pods and then try to take the thing's eye out?
Better paper-thin cover than no cover. You're obstructing their line of sight with so there's something. Look at the it this way, Compound, "if you aim for a button, you might miss by two inches. Aim for a shirt and you might miss by two yards." Even if you miss the eye, you'll hit the head. So go for it.
Your base. The place you've been operating from for the past who knows how long. The place where you eat and sleep and breathe at. The place you feel safest at and can relax at. The place that's being completely overrun. The place where every one of your friends is being slaughtered like sheep.

And, someone left their horrible music on over the intercoms. That's likely something along the lines of what some local Nekovalkyrja are thinking.

Well, we didn't use pods to get into the sim, but chairs. Think of a really nice version of what they used in The Matrix, courtesy of the Star Army - and with Periwinkle cushions. Seriously though, you're all in a bad spot considering it's cornered everyone, but at least your attacker is pretty badly damaged at certain points. You'll have to make use of what little you have, and come up with what you can even do in a hurry.

The chairs? Yeah, they're not going to stop the rounds you see in that belt of ammo that's dangling from that wrist-cannon. In fact, they're made to be easily taken apart in a blink since they're modular. With how nice the pieces look, you'd swear the Neko would have a pillow fight with the parts too if it weren't for the fact that they're a bit hefty.

If you think I'm going to have a sexy pillow fight with the Terminator minus the organic tissue, you've got another thing comin', pal. XD
Well I totally gunslinged the belt of ammo with Rachael awesome gunning skills... I'll probably totally miss though. XD
Well I hope my plan works. Between the fancy chair, Terrence's body, and Mark's armored jacket, he might live longer than some people. Also, from here on out we take several pounds of RX33 with us.
Using fellow soldiers as stabilizers has been a thing since at least WWII, courtesy of the Wehrmacht and placing the MG-42 on each other's shoulders. It's a time-tested theory, so we should be fine.