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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Hey, Mark is going to react based on how I wrote his personality which is immature and stubborn with anger issues. You sort out your battles and the men with you while Mark throws a little fit over the leader bein' an ass.

Cadet is Freia upset about the whole almost shooting her while she was on Sawyer thing?
I believe some of them are rocking the 50mm. So whatever we end up doing will have to be quick, cause those 50mms will break shields if they get a good triple tap.
Actually those 50mms are probably empty too. At least that's what Cadet alluded too earlier. I don't think that the Neko's suits are designed for prolonged combat against heavier foes.
50mms are like 18 shots a magazine, and I'm pretty sure there's at least one if memory serves, possibly 2 or 3.

Either way though you make the start post I'll follow up.
I'll likely post later in the night to keep us moving. The stuff in the OOC with the planning and whatnot is something I'll take into consideration though.
Posted, def dropped the ball there. Sorry guys, at least our OOC plan appears to be working between Richard and I. Let's see how it plays out.
Hey, I'm just glad there's another person who posted! In other news, the update work I've been doing on the Aggressor is slow, but steady. If you got the time, take a look at the AOP 1B - changes are minimal, but the WHITE is updated, and the weapon does have a new firing mode too.
A bit occupied. I made the mistake of not completing my homework, so now I'm bending over backwards to finish it. Terrence is the furthest off anyways, so it's good.
If it was that close a call at your base, I'm not surprised you need a bit of time to come to terms with that. I'm just glad you're still here with us Centurion. I'll go ahead and wait a bit more for you.
If you need to, go ahead and auto me for now, I'd just be going and trying to get rounds on target. Finding out that what turned out to be a single shot from a mortar was supposed to be at least 7 is not a good day.
Post up - I decided to alternate between the two and see how that worked out narration wise. If I missed any details, do tell me.
Where is good old Kelly?

Also Richard, we should move close enough to use our PPG together, hit that Mindy with a brick wall of energy, slow her advance and then gun her down with every weapon we have. I'm talking lasers, chainguns, AOP missiles and HPAR fire. We end this with one overwhelming coordinated strike. If we stay at each other in an angle, we should be able to sandwich her with the PPGs as well as get some hits before with the crossfire. This would also prevent her from getting around us should we miss. As long as you stay in front of me, I should be able to fire over your hostile with my chain guns and still support you. If might also take some of the heat off me since you'd likely have stronger shields than me.
PPG won't probably hurt the neko much, since the hemosynth layer inside her armour which is great at mitigating force, but it should throw her off her feet and give you an edge.
Hmm we're at a bit of a disadvantage on this one. We need to send Kelly up to try to at least distract the Daisies a moment so Leo doesn't get totally torn apart. The way things look, the Mindy while trying to take us down, only need to delay us in order to 'win' because Leo will be ripped apart and then the Daisies can come in and flank, or the whole Yam team could retreat and plan another ambush. As for the plan, I don't know the state of the Mindy's shields but our best bet is trapping her at around 30m or closer with our PPG set for a constant out put instead of a burst. At that range though we're not gonna get any damage out of it, but we should be able to hold her a second or two before she figures out a way to deal with it.

If her shields are good she will still have some options after, if they're bad we've likely crippled her and she's going to run.
Yeah I'm not trying to hurt her, I'm just trying to give us a few seconds where we can annihilate her with impunity where she can't run or dodge. That's the only way we survive this and have time to go help Leo. If this goes on for more than a combat round, Leo is toast.