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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

It's a very good idea to organize OOC; it's basically your plot armor, and it only works if you actually use it. Right now though, I'll likely hold back on posting for another day or two, depending on how many more posts I get. We still got New Year's Eve coming after all.
Hope you had fun at your grandparent's then. Now all we need to do is wait for Cadet to stab Mark in the chest while our efforts are protecting Ylfa.
I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it! I was actually starting to wonder if I should have waited until New Year's Eve, but then realized that it's probably not as big a holiday as Christmas. X D
New Year's Eve is as much of a holiday as any friday or saturday night. Everyone will get drunk and then traffic will slow down the next day because people's hangovers will hurt them when they look at the bright computer screen. :p

Anyhow, I'll be waiting for the autoing in the next brick wall of text from you. At this point I'm getting close to having the outer walls for my house.
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Alright, it's confirmed - the Chinese food is giving me the itis and I'm struggling to stay awake long enough to finish the post properly. It'll be up tomorrow morning, and considering we just had a small Christmas Break, it's been too long already.
Ok, a breather to get us all caught up before the stuff hits the fan for a second time. It took far longer than I thought it would since there was a long, lengthy discussion on the IRC channel in regards to Yamatai. For any of you guys that don't hop on regularly, I highly suggest you do; besides talking about the setting and such, it's also a good place to hang out and chat. Even lurking in the channel, you never know what you'll find the others talking about on some of the days.

Also, I updated our plot's wiki page with its Character Death policy.

Finally, as I mentioned earlier, I'm thinking of tracking your characters' stats more strictly. That is, actually having a wiki page where your current shields, armor integrity and ammo are all kept track of as we RP. But what do you guys think of that? Would it be too much detail, or would you all prefer I continue to sort of wing it as I have now?
I'm fine with that personally, but I'm also used to IRC Dice RP. So having stats strictly counted is something I'm used to. It's part of why I only fire my missiles in 5s so it's easier to keep track of how many I have left. I think having strictly monitored stats might help though so that for instance when someone's 'shields are low' they'll know if it's one hit from vanishing or a couple more hits.
Stats would certainly be useful for all parties involved but that sounds like a lot of work for a GM. Don't hurt yourself.
I think that there is a certain amount of sense in keeping track of ones ammo stats. Although personal tracking of your weapons fire makes the most sense(and easier on you).

Also, guys let's use our "plot armor" this time before we start posting eh? I don't want those slippery bastards to get away again. SOOO

Looks like everyone except for New Guy is out of combat for now. I'm guessing that Max and Richard and closest to Kelly and Lisa while Wulfe would be a little farther away. I would suggest that we form up to make a new group, I suppose we can still call ourselves Bravo-Delta. Everyone forms up around Lisa and I. We have Void Aggressor in the center with Kelly, Wulfe and Richard on the flanks. We form up, make a firing line, and move in close. We don't stop advancing until we can get within visiual range of the targets. No more relying on the sensors because they keep fucking us up anyway because their stealth systems are good. This should also give us a chance to track down the Mindies, confirm kills or see which way they retreated, if they happen to be between us and Leonel. It looks like they ran away again, turning off their systems to blend in and disappear.
That appears to be their go to trick, so let's make our goto trick, OVERWHELMING FIREPOWER a reality in their world. It appears as if the Nekos can't resist an open target, so when they expose themselves, light them up. They took just as much of a beating as we did, so its not like we have the advantage on either target. It seems like the tracer missile spam thing appears to be working. So I would suggest if we can land some hits on them and slow them down, I tag them with a Red Missile and overwhelming chaingun fire. We gotta kill those bastards, kill em good!!!

Cadet correct me if I'm wrong on any of the above points.
We would have to rescue Leonel first though right? He's about to get hit with some flanking shots from the Mindy or Daisy it sees, and he's between us and the rest of the Bravo team right?
Everyone is working on something smart it seems and I'm just trying to create irrational id-sol rage over being injured. The man's pride has definitely been injured and without his pride his is nothing.
Yes, Leonel is in between Bravo and the hostiles he's picking up. He was using his sensors and fired too early as well, so they have a good idea on where he is too.

And hey, that's not a bad thing Compouds - even if a character is waiting for something to happen, RPing out what they're feeling and thinking can be fun as well. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's something I actually relish.
I think Leon is somewhere way outside the formation. He probably ended up where Bravo started originally, so he is definitely behind us and away from the group. So our best bet is to form up, and then go after him. If he we keep running around doing our own thing, this will never end.

And Id-Sol rage is fun but it won't win us this fight. Max has tried the shooting everything at them and it didn't work. He is determined not to fuck up again. I'll show in his next post that he does feel responsible for whatever happens to Leonel.The Neko's are smart, we have to be smarter. From what I've gathered in my time in both armies, the Neko's appear to think they are superior to us and that we are just brutes. Which is partially true but still.
If we form up though and then go after him he's probably doomed, I'm not sure what the state of his shields are, but it looks like everyone is about to open fire on him. Granted yeah we can't just keep doing our own thing, but it's not like he's in a situation it's not possible to fix. It would depend on how his shields are, but Richard pretty much has full shields, he could drag him back most likely.
And then instead of one trapped squad member we have two. Richard and Max are already next to each other, Kelly and Lisa are next to each other and Wulfe isn't that far off. I believe his shields should hold out long enough for us to form up and lay down some suppressive fire. Leonel will just have to hunker down and wait. If memory serves, they should only have LASRs left. I believe they used all their missiles trying to kill me. So long as Leonel doesn't stick his head up, he shouldn't get it blown off. Plus ya know, he did run all the way out there on his own, no reason for us to rush to his rescue. At least that's how my guy sees it. The rescue will be much better if we coordinate methinks than for someone to run off on their own and get chewed up. PLUS if they are busy shooting at Leonel, it should make it easier to find them later for our decisive strike.