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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Have Terrence go on a diet. It will make throwing him next time easier unless we have Ylfa do it. I'm not sure what she is but I think she can beat up ID-SOLs and isn't human.
Don't be ashamed of any mistakes you make so long as it was fun - in the end, it's technically your character that made it, not you. Also, I hope that punch was entertaining. I don't plan on having my characters take the limelight unless they have to, like in this instance, since it's meant to be on you guys.
Are there other things in the room? Like a coolant tank or a power source thingy? Some that we could use to disable the Militant to that we can fuck it up more?
At this point actually, the thing is harmless as long as you don't let it reach out to grab you, or load its gun. Even then, it's pretty slow, but due to its nature, it'll just keep trying to kill you irregardless of how badly damaged it is. It's just a matter of finishing it off, like a T-888 stuck in a tar pit.
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It would appear that Rachel and I enjoy the same pass times; threatening very large, agressive marines with anger issues that have spent years preparing to fight and killing stuff.
You never know what'll happen! Anyways, this next part, you're all going to have to try and scout out the area for an escape route. Go too far, and you'll risk triggering another fight however, so be wary of that.

______________   E   ____________________
E ???? ______    +     _____________????? E
| ??? | ???? R   +   R ??????????  |????|
R ??? | ???? |   +   | ??????????  |????R
| ??? | ???? R   +   R ??????????  |????|
R ??? |______|   +   |_____________|????R
|_____________   S   ___________________|

We're at S, the Starting Point at the center bottom. We only got line of sight straight forward, and to the left and right. Each R is another room, which we have no idea what's inside, and E is where we need to go. We've no clue if they're accessible or not however, so we have to find out.

Also, since we're using handguns, I'm not bothering to count ammo - those go by way more quickly than PA weapons.
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There's 8 of us so I was thinkin' 4 go with Ylfa and 4 follow Wulfe. They are the highest ranking members of the squad even if Wulfe isn't a non-com.

So many characters hating on my ingenious plan to knock the thing over and make it easier to kill.
I forgot about Kelly as I was getting my information from the roster and I also forgot to add the cats in. So two groups of 4 and one group of 3?
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Actually, we may be moving too fast. I originally meant for Foxtrot to just scan the environment from the doorway. But this works out fine. Assume that Kelly is on right, and Ylfa is on left.
It gets Mark away from the vicious people that don't realize fighting between each other is a bad idea when stuff wants to kill them. Emi is dangerous. Remind me someone to keep Mark on her good side.
Question that hit me, are we on a station or a ship? And if station, is it space or land?
I suppose splitting up wouldn't be bad, but at the same time, we don't have enough firepower to kill a militant if we split up, or ways to communicate with each other if we run into trouble or do actually find something.
That's true, and that's why our character's mothers and fathers gave them legs and feet to run with! Still, given the situation, we're all looking for a way out, as well as some weapons. And on top of being hunted - the previous Militant was damaged, but that may not always be the case. If they ran into a fresh one, and without powerful enough weapons to weaken it, will handguns work? Probably not.

The entire squad would be SOL.
I like how everyone is calling Terrence and Mark dumb. Only one of them really did act stupid but he's amazing. Although thanks to Cadet his consequence or whatever seems to be manifesting itself as a flaming unicorn. So maybe he's just crazy.
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