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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Imma keep Terrence back considering he can barely shoot with his left hand and his right is Foxtrot Uniform.
I just realized something guys. Put down your character's Birth Date on the wiki, not their age. Otherwise, you might just lose track of when they were originally so and so age and end up immortal.

Do you apes want to live forever? Or something?

And yes, the hallways to the east and west from the room are devoid of bodies - it's only the north-south facing ones that have people in them. Thinking about it, I should have put another four rooms into the layout along the southern wall besides where we started, but I hadn't. No fair for me to suddenly add more for you all to go through, so my IC excuse is that they're where the systems access for the simulation stuff is at anyways, but neat and tidy like Yamatai.

Give me a heads up if I missed something or anyone needs some more info.
Birth date or just year? Also Richard is with Ylfa's group?
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Yes. He'll find one MG-32 that still works and the other destroyed, with both carrying an ammunition backpack each.

Due to the amount of dead around, it's not so much an issue of getting another weapon and ammo, but simply just taking it. The other Nepleslians who are dead, are of course carrying with them the same ammo that we use.
I only said that the only thing in his way of having a shiny new gun is making the effort to grab it. : P

I also made note of some of the other dead.
Okay, yeah he was talking to her. I just wasn't sure you put him there cause his name didn't show up is all.
Changed things up a bit. Mark, Richard and Rachael is with Ylfa in the West Hallway. Emi is now with Wulfe and Max in the Center Hallway. Only Terrance and Mayumi are with Kelly now in the East Hallway.
Energy weapons? I feel like that's another Neko that's freaking out at every little noise.
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