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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

It's alright. Missing out just once in a while is ok, and your character wasn't in the middle of something intense.

Also, F(i)anart makes a guest appearance! If any of you haven't checked it out, take the time to have some laughs!

That aside, I feel like this part sort of slowed down a bit. Because of that, I want to get us back into the action, but also realize I need to avoid making the transition too swift. When you guys start feeling that a section is dragging on or isn't particularly interesting, let me know. The same goes for NPCs - I've never controlled a supporting cast this big before, and I don't know how you all feel about their characters so far. Right now, my big concern besides their development and portrayal is if their interaction with your characters and each-other is balanced enough. I don't want things to end up like them having their own show, and you guys yours.

So again, don't be afraid to speak up, especially since it might just net you what you want!

The others are coming, and some of them are doing so from an angle that'll create a crossfire because they're coming in blind and it's all happening in just a span of a few seconds. So what are your options to keep that from happening?
Wait did Emi just throw a grenade at the Militant at near pointblank range? Also something else that has bothered me, did the former NMX Neko just join our side? Like everyone was totally ok with that?
A'ight guys let's form an L-shape with the short end being formed by Rachel, Mark, Ylfa, and Richard and everyone else on the long end. Or some other variation, I'm not too picky on the sort of thing.
@Warriorx1 - there was still a good amount of distance between you and the militant. Your character made it halfway down the hall, and the droid just rounded around the corner to the right at the far end. There's at least 10 meters between you and it. Alternatively, this puts into perspective how large and long the hallway is. And just how many are dead.

Also, don't be afraid of bringing that up - that Emi just joined in with them that is. It's something that SHOULD be a concern for your characters.
Curse you double posts!

@Shadow , I just realized something. is Terrance running north or south? Both Mayumi and Kelly were going south. If he wants to hit the Militant from behind, he'll have to go north and run the full length of the hall they hadn't cleared. By doing so, he'll also be basically joining Ylfa, Richard, Mark and Rachael - right now, the Militant is in the center hallway, but had just entered it from that point, and is no longer in the intersection.

There's also something else to keep in mind; whether or not there's something in the eastern hallway's rooms, or any other hallway's rooms, was already decided a while back. I typically won't suddenly make new enemies out of nowhere unless I feel I got to in order to keep things interesting, and keep a count on how many enemies there are behind my Iron GM Curtain. You're going to have to make a call to play it safe or press forward basically.
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North. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough. Terrence, I don't think would know they were going north with him and he's in a bit of a state now that his favorite cat-person is under fire. He's taking the risk to gain a tactical advantage.