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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Semper ubi sububi, Emi you will be missed. On an unrelated note why is Mark so happy about having his weapon supported? He might just be crazier than me and how I had originally expected him to be combined. That's saying something since I haven't met someone crazier than me.
Well i don't have any inkling of why that would happen, probably something to do with spacers hating the cats but I'm not totally sure.
And there goes any semblance of sympathy for radical 'Spacers from Terrence. Well, murder time, fun time!

BTW, that's some motivating WWII shit Ylfa and Mark are pulling, I'm lovin' it.
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To sum it up, the cats committed genocide against the peaceful 'spacers who then were put under the protection of the neps but one 'spacer group wanted to fight back and it would of been them that did this. They hate the cats so they would of been the primary target while any neps that got in the way were more than likely collateral damage.

If my wish comes true, this will be the part in which Terrence dies! XD

Ok, in regards to the post, my weakest point would be making sure there's enough direction so that there's a rough idea of what you guys can do. I'll be working on that, but if there isn't enough to go off of, ASK HERE. Not only will I give a reply, but it'll also tell me that I still got some more work to do, which isn't a bad thing in my eyes. It means you'll get the posts you need.

On another topic, sorry we slowed down guys. The fault was practically a round robin, though I suspect it was mostly mine due to the above.
Eh, we killed another thing, I suppose that's good enough for more. I suppose there are a lot of dead bodies in the hallway, all with sidearms no? From what i understand, Wulfe and I are in the middle of the hallway, with Ylfa and crew in front of us at the other end? There is another group to the rear of the hallway correct?
You and Wulfe are around the middle of the hallway if my estimations are correct but everyone else has converged and is at one end. Is this the hallway with the dead greens in it?
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Compouds is right - Wulfe and Max came in from the south, while the rest came from the north of the hallway. We're currently meeting up somewhere between the center and the south end of it.
Ok so everyone is together at the end of the hallway that Wulfe and I were headed towards. I thought that there was some group behind us but I suppose I got confused. Thanks for the clarification.
I was looking at the roster trying to see if everyone had posted yet because I can't be bothered to remember how many of us there are and I noticed several names in the former crew members section I never saw here. I also noticed that Oscar disappeared. The other guys I would imagine are people that were going to join when it was proposed and backed out for one reason or another since I've read every thread about this thing. About Oscar though, I've noticed that several people have had to leave recently. Is my incredible sexiness scaring them away or is it something else entirely?
Ok guys, we're in a Kisaki station, and we're in one of its four hab modules. Though Ylfa's got an idea, if you guys can think of a better one, we'll go for that!
Does her plan involve high explosives and machine gun fire? That's the only plan Mark is very good of thinking of and someone, not naming any names, forgot to bring the explosives.
It might. And damn, it didn't go through?

Well, you told me he's standing at the north end of the hall, looking west, so he'd be looking at the closed doorway which eventually leads to other habitation areas similar to where the squad's currently at. The same goes for the one to the east. The doorway that will lead deeper into the station and therefore the main elevator shaft is the one in the north/center. Right next to it is a medkit station, but it's taken hits.
I meant the North Western path. The 'E' on the posted map that's in the top left. That's where's he's going to look down to see what's going on.
Right. He's looking at a closed door just past the west hallway. But if you mean what he'll see if he opens it? Another hallway, but with only one or two bodies on the ground. Much less damaged than the current area and quiet. It'll be the beginning of another area similar to the one they're in now. The contents and arrangement may be different however.