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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

@Syaoran , @ShotJon , @Centurion0507

The plot can pick up again at any time, but currently, 4th Fleet appears down as well. Right now, I want to make sure that the other players have some options on their table, and will hold off staring the plot until Friday this week at the very most.
Maybe we could do some finisher post for the mission we have now, so we can start new one by the time new people join? So we do not have reboot, but we have fresh thing for new folk?
Reactions: Wes
@Syaoran , @ShotJon , @Centurion0507

Don't worry - I had no intention of rebooting. Right now, where the plot has been paused, we were essentially waiting for the next enemy wave to come in. A very soft, gentle reboot to situate anyone coming in would be great, and it'd let the new players hop right into the action. My main regret though, is that you guys are left waiting - between trying to figure out what to do with Sigma's departure for IRL matters, the 4th Fleet and lack of GMs and plots, you guys haven't gotten any movement or something to shoot at.. I just ask that you guys wait a little bit longer so we have more company to follow us into the game.
Sure I do not mind waiting, it is a fact that new guys can come in as a small wave of reinforcements.
Getting a few new people would be great too. It'll make it easier to use some squad tactics, plus, more Nepleslians with guns is always good.
Posted. By full barrage, I meant all missiles that can be fired at once, not ALL of the missiles. Just making sure you understand.
*peeks into the smoke-filled bar populated with old friends*

"So this is where you have all been hiding?"

So hey there. I think I'm going to be bringing Phaedra over here.
If these are the people that I'm fighting with I think I'm going to need a meat shield. I see how their current mission is going.
Reactions: Wes
@Compouds117 - don't worry, meat shields for all! The reason why I'm having the Redshirts die is the same that Star Trek had. It's to show the danger, and more importantly in certain situations, what not to do.

On another note, I'll be getting you guys in within a day or two at the very most. Just need one more post and we'll get started.
I can't wait @CadetNewb oh, and I figured you were doing something along those lines but its a slaughterfest. You don't hold anything back when it comes to the red shirts.
Can we get a start date?
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