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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Really? I was totally confident the entire time. The bot's attention was split between too many crazy people.

Well I was confident in Quentin's survival at least, since if the tasha decided to attack one of the crazy people trying to charge at it it was a two/three chance that it WOULDN'T be him.

Rachael would've just thrown Quentin into the line of squishag- I mean, YAY WE SURVIVED GOODJOB TEAM!
Just a heads up guys, I'll likely post and keep us moving sometime tomorrow assuming IRL doesn't keep me too occupied.
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk @Captain Vaikon

Well. You all did it now. You all survived. I hope you're happy. Hmph! Joke aside, we're now out of combat for a moment, meaning that our characters can catch a breath at last. However, it also means I'm going to accelerate the pace a bit and move us along since I'm not waiting on you guys to make a life or death decision. Next post that moves us along and isn't small-talk will likely be in three days or so guys.

And I know you guys were tense with that Spider Mech, but c'mon, no greets for the new guy?


Also, I got to ask, what do you guys think of the Status Report thing I was trying out? Do you guys like or dislike it? Counting your bullets does take effort on my side, but I don't know if you guys even enjoy suddenly finding your rifles running dry because you or your character forgot to reload.
I can imagine it's difficult to update, but it's really helpful. I actually plan on making one for the OIF Salvation since frames and vehicles will be common.
New guy? where?! Oh do you mean 'me' new guy?

In any case the status report would have been helpful had i paid attention to it and known of its existance! At the very least it would mean i wouldnt have to explain(again) that I had gotten a barrier sheild module, which may i remind you is quite a bit tougher than the average sheild?

Anywho, that was fun. Too bad half the people didn't post! I gues they were busy not following orders?
"*Blank* is coming."

Game of Thrones jokes making fun of life aside, I would like to say a few things. One, hail to the new guy, Vaikon. Two, I'm really grateful for the Status Report, it really helped me out, especially since I still consider myself new. Three, that was some straight-up Titanfall shit.
You know, i honestly didn't see Vaikon saying hi.

Sorry XD

This'll be fun, Quentin and Vaikon have 'met before' at the green ocean for those that missed it.
Reactions: Wes
No problem Syaoran. Yeah, it'll be interesting when Quentin and Vaikon meet up and then realize they've beat the heck out've each other before XD
I'd like to say that I saw him but I couldn't come up with a post and decided to play it off as an absence. Any how, hullo to you Vaikon and good luck with the messed up, crazy situations Cadet likes to throw us into.
Hey everyone I'm so sorry for disappearing I've finally finished the move in work for college it's been mass chaos but I'm back. Again sincerest apologies.
I found Rachaels theme song...

I've been looking for this song for a while and just recently refound it because I forgot the name of the game, then I heard the start of this in Ghost Recon Phantoms and I remembered pretty quickly.
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk @Captain Vaikon

Well, I'll keep the Status Report page considering the feedback then. I haven't updated it quite yet, but will do so tomorrow morning. As always guys, if you're kept busy, you're kept busy since IRL takes priority; just make sure to check in real quick and tell us, and maybe from time to time since I might even forget. XD

Right now is the time to hold a conversation, but the window of opportunity won't be very long. I'll likely post again either later tomorrow, or the day after that. The next fight we're going into is going to be an interesting one. Also, nice choice of song! Due to being a GM, I'm typically more focused on finding theme songs for the badguys and fights to set the mood. This one is one of my absolute favorites, but we haven't run across an enemy in any of my plots that's worthy of it however. But, that time is slowly, slowly drawing closer to us!

Wait for that music to just hit you!
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